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Hello Fellow Providers

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  • Hello Fellow Providers

    My intent in joining is to hear what other lis. providers know about unionizing, among other things.

    First off, I am from Minnesota. We are in the process now, and I am a strong believer in unions. I have been with AFL-CIO as a stewart and a negotiator, I understand when unions are needed and when they are not. Thing is with daycare there is so many lies out there, so many unanswered questions and sooooo many people that spread untruths. I just am not convinced it will really help us. I know that it is not true..that we have to pass the dues onto parents, that you only pay if you have subsidized families, that the union wants to run our daycare....... so untrue!!! However my problem lies in the part where we will have more to say in the laws... this is out of our hands for the most part, and what isn't, we could group together and fight anyway. I just don't think I want to pay monthly to do it. Daycare is no guarantee of a pay check... it's just never has been! I have been in daycare 30 years, and I know. So what do we get? Insurance? Really? How?
    I want the union to prove something to me.

    Please let me know if you have a union in your state? Thanks~ callmemom
    Last edited by Michael; 10-26-2011, 02:28 PM.

  • #2
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    • #3

      This topic comes up often and is always interesting.
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Catherder View Post
        This topic comes up often and is always interesting.
        ...and entertaining.

        Search for the best information on daycare, and childcare for your children


        • #5
          Originally posted by Michael View Post
          :::::: Get out of my head.....
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


          • #6
            My state has been unionized for several years. I was pro-union only as a way to say to the state: here's the line in the sand, go no further. I'm disappointed at how little they've actually done for us. To do it over again? No. No way.


            • #7
              Originally posted by justcallmemom View Post
              My intent in joining is to hear what other lis. providers know about unionizing, among other things.
              First off, I am from Minnesota. We are in the process now, and I am a strong believer in unions. I have been with AFL-CIO as a stewart and a negotiator, I understand when unions are needed and when they are not. Thing is with daycare there is so many lies out there, so many unanswered questions and sooooo many people that spread untruths. I just am not convinced it will really help us. I know that it is not true..that we have to pass the dues onto parents, that you only pay if you have subsidized families, that the union wants to run our daycare....... so untrue!!! However my problem lies in the part where we will have more to say in the laws... this is out of our hands for the most part, and what isn't, we could group together and fight anyway. I just don't think I want to pay monthly to do it. Daycare is no guarantee of a pay check... it's just never has been! I have been in daycare 30 years, and I know. So what do we get? Insurance? Really? How?
              I want the union to prove something to me.
              Please let me know if you have a union in your state? Thanks~ callmemom
              I am also in MN and do NOT support the unionization of child care providers!

              I have managed just fine by myself for almost 2 decades. I quit my job at Head Start to open a child care because I didn't like the rules and regulations they had.

              If child care in the state becomes unionized and we are forced to participate, I will give some serious thought to quitting all together!!!


              • #8

                Thanks for the replies. I was wondering exactly what those that are so against the union have for reasons not to want them? I mean I have been to several meetings with the reps, they speak great sense, and yet... nothing for benefits really. I work hard for what I earn and really do not want to pay for something I can get without a union. I have respect for fighting as a large group, and know it gets action... but with daycare it is not clean-cut. I don't dislike the union, I respect them, still I am not stupid enough to pay for nothing. This puzzles them because I was a union steward for ten years... but again, I don't see this working. I have been asked to take my county... but I keep saying no, so they keep showing up at my door to get my point of view. I really need some common sense reasoning to share with them. I won't be rude, there are jobs that need unions desperately!
                Thanks again,


                • #9
                  I am against it simply for the fact that I have yet to hear any success stories. I have only heard stories about how the union promises the moon and stars and yet when push comes to shove it really does nothing. Even the brochures they send me trying to lure me in only have quotes from providers who are trying to push the union through but never include quotes from provider who HAVE unionized and how happy they are with the results.

                  I realize many providers want to unite to be a voice, but as a child care provider I knew going into this business that it required a back bone and a voice. I happen to have a pretty strong voice and I don't need anyone to speak for me. If I need something I ask, I find it, I figure out how to meet my needs. It really isn't that difficult.

                  I live in a state where I feel medical coverage is not hard to come by for self-employed people. I may not have a pension or an retirement fund that was set up by a company I work for but as a self emplyed business owner, I knew I needed to do that stuff myself. Doing things on our own shouldn't be a new concept to people who are self employed.

                  I also feel that the surveys and discussions and communications I have with my licensor, my food program rep and the child care providers I know IS a voice for what happens in my field. If you think about it, we are already doing what the unions say they will do for us....

