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Hello, Need Advice Quickly, Parent Filed Complaint

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  • Hello, Need Advice Quickly, Parent Filed Complaint

    i am new to this forum, an i have a problem. i have been a licensed daycare provider for 13 years. i had a visit from my agent stating that a claim had been filed against me by a parent that left my in home daycare.
    she claimed that her two children contracted a staff infection on their bottoms, that one of her children were biten by another child, that i left the daycare in the care of a 10 year old, and that i spanked her 3 year old.

    i have explaintions for all of these claims, her child did get bit, but that is the only claim that is true. the state is asking me to respond to these claims and i need some advice.

    i only had this family for 5 weeks, she comes from an abusive realationship and is totally full of drama. she is on the voucher program and isnt following their policies, but does exactly as little as she has to so that she can keep getting the help.

    she was referred to me by her cousin who's child i have kept for over a year. the cousin has been completly upset by her behavior and feels like its her fault for even giving the girl my name.
    can someone tell me how to handle this and how to respond to these claims in a manner thats professional.

  • #2
    Welcome to the Forum! I've upgraded your status. You can post freely now.

    Some threads that may help:


    • #3
      Tell the truth with as little emotion as possible, just the facts. Provide any and all documentation you have (boo-boo reports, attendance records, etc.)

      Try not to say anything negative about the Mother/Children other than why the contract was terminated. Be professional.

      Cooperate fully and give them contact information of your other clients as references.

      They are VERY familiar with the absurdly high number of terminated clients making false accusations out of spite, so you can feel pretty confident they will give you a fair assessment/investigation.

      Chin up.
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Catherder View Post
        Tell the truth with as little emotion as possible, just the facts. Provide any and all documentaion you have (boo-boo reports, attendance records, etc.)

        Try not to say anything negative about the Mother/Children other than why the contract was terminated. Be professional.

        Cooperate fully and give them contact information of your other clients as references.

        They are VERY familiar with the absurdly high number of terminated clients making false accusations out of spite, so you can feel pretty confident they will give you a fair assessment/investigation.

        Chin up.
        Thumbs up and good luck.

        You didn't do anything wrong and they'll see that.


        • #5
          what the other's said was right. Chin up!

          I don't know how it is in your area, but my licensers have always encouraged me to call with a "heads up" whenever there is a situation with a parent. I have done this a handful of times over the years.


          • #6
            I agree as little emotion as possible... it only makes you sound guilty the faster and more detailed you can get
            "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
            Acts 13:22


            • #7
              written records

              If you have been in daycare that long, you have a history with other parents.
              Written records of incidents in daycare are always good. You should also know your licensor well by now, and she you. This should help you. Staff infections take time to develope, and if you didn't have them long, started before you had them in your care. Leaving children with a ten year old would be reported to all the families by their children.... kids like to share news of their day to mom and dad. I would say stand your ground, and with everything they also need proof. Be polite, and yourself.
              Good luck!!!


