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Internet Searching....

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  • Internet Searching....

    I was just playing around on the computer tonight, and started doing some searching of "myself". I don't like what I found. I come here to get suggestions, vent, discuss dc issues, etc. I personally don't want my "families" knowing this is "me". If you put my name in a search engine, this site comes up, along with a couple other dc sites I go to.

    So, now I am thinking I am going to take time over the next few days to delete post that I have made that are "venting", etc, because I definately don't want anyone to find me here. This is my outlet of working a secluded job.

  • #2
    Yeppers...I think of the internet as like a diary. If you don't want people to read or know something don't post it on the internet ::


    • #3
      This is why I don't like to use my real name!! Or my assistants!


      • #4
        Originally posted by mac60 View Post
        I was just playing around on the computer tonight, and started doing some searching of "myself". I don't like what I found. I come here to get suggestions, vent, discuss dc issues, etc. I personally don't want my "families" knowing this is "me". If you put my name in a search engine, this site comes up, along with a couple other dc sites I go to.

        So, now I am thinking I am going to take time over the next few days to delete post that I have made that are "venting", etc, because I definately don't want anyone to find me here. This is my outlet of working a secluded job.

        How can they find you from searching? Do your clients know you as mac60? Do you use the name of your facility in your posts?


        • #5
          no, i put in my name and this site comes up......maybe from my name being mentioned about the mats????


          • #6
            I just did the same thing. None of the forums that I go to came up but a site called 123people did. That site is scary cuz it has email, phone & address on it.
            Last edited by Michael; 02-24-2010, 03:15 PM.


            • #7
              Very Interesting ... or scary.

              I read this post and thought to search myself too and my facebook page popped up, definetely thankfull for the privacy settings. My Daycare myspace that I've been working on also popped up but that was it. Both of mine popped up on the first page so that's good news for me. Free advertising? I won't complain about that.


              • #8
                Curious mac60....does my forum pop up when you search?


                • #9
                  i googled my name and my things aren't popping up, unless I am doing it wrong.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Iowa daycare View Post
                    i googled my name and my things aren't popping up, unless I am doing it wrong.
                    I don't think you're doing it wrong you just havn't been picked up by the internet yet or way down the list. Myspace and facebook for example are used by alot of people so my name came up (my real first and last name) because I used it when I signed up for those accounts. If you have a middle name or used a different name to sign up for things online type those names in to check.

