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Bad Batch Of Kids

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  • Bad Batch Of Kids

    The more I sit here and look at the kids I have enrolled the grimmer and grimmer the outlook becomes. I don't even think rate changes will fix this situation. I have so many kids that won't be coming at all besides school holidays, or school vacations. Others are cut down from 10 hours a day to 1 and a half or 3 hrs. I am also getting the feeling the baby I am holding a spot open for may end up being watched by grandma. I have turned away alot of ppl for my second under 2 spot. I have a family today call me for a one child 7:15-5, a second for 2 hours after school and a new born in a few months. I am losing out on potential kids because I am holding spots for kids I may never see. Has anyone ever had a situation like this and what did you do to fix it, do you keep the best bets for fulltime and get rid of the barely there or never there kids?

  • #2
    I will only enroll 4 sa children and the rest are pretty much full time preschoolers. I figure I don't need a ton of sa to disrupt days off from school and such. How many children are you allowed total? Figure out of that amount how many you want full-time and then leave the rest for sa.
    Each day is a fresh start
    Never look back on regrets
    Live life to the fullest
    We only get one shot at this!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by awestbrook713 View Post
      The more I sit here and look at the kids I have enrolled the grimmer and grimmer the outlook becomes. I don't even think rate changes will fix this situation. I have so many kids that won't be coming at all besides school holidays, or school vacations. Others are cut down from 10 hours a day to 1 and a half or 3 hrs. I am also getting the feeling the baby I am holding a spot open for may end up being watched by grandma. I have turned away alot of ppl for my second under 2 spot. I have a family today call me for a one child 7:15-5, a second for 2 hours after school and a new born in a few months. I am losing out on potential kids because I am holding spots for kids I may never see. Has anyone ever had a situation like this and what did you do to fix it, do you keep the best bets for fulltime and get rid of the barely there or never there kids?
      do you have a policy on holding spots with a fee attached to it?


      • #4
        I am allowed 8 total not counting my own school aged kids, and no I never thought of needing a spot holding fee.


        • #5
          What is sa?


          • #6
            School Age


            • #7
              oh ok thank you.


              • #8
                I only will hold spots for up to 3 months...more than that and you are potentially losing out on a lot of money.

                They pay me a months deposit up front to hold the spot.

                I apply half of it to the last 2 weeks of care, the other half goes to the first 2 weeks of care and the enrollment fee is due on the start date.

                No refunds on deposits.


                • #9
                  I was kind of in the same spot you are in... I had a family for 2 years and then the mom and dad split up... they were still coming full time.... but then the mom also got laid off from work shortly after... so I still took them in cause I figured as soon as the mom got a new job she would put them back in on her days... well 6 months go by and mom is still not working.... at this point they are like family so I am still trying to help out as much as I can... not wanting to move on to new kids just yet... then mom gets a temp job at least... off and on for a few months hoping it would turn into FULL time.. but it doesnt and she is out of work again....

                  Next thing you know... the DAD gets laid off... at this point I am kind of in a HARD spot.. cause now they have been with me for 3 years... my own kids growing with them... in my kids class and everything... but well I left the spot opened for 2 months but had to move on.... it has been 3 months now since... and both of them are still out of work...

                  And as much as I know I would LOVE to have them back in the daycare I just had to move on... what was best for my family and my income... so hard to say goodbye... but sometimes you have too...


                  • #10
                    I'm writing a letter and giving the parents that are telling me maybe on somedays that if that want that day they will have to pay for it whether they come or not. As far as the kids I won't be seeing I am going to look for a few kids to fill there spots with during the school year with the parents well aware it is for the school season only unless I have an opening and then I can see who will fit best. As far as only having school age its hard around here I am only allowed two under 2 and we have a program right in my town that starts taking them at age of 3 so there is a very small amount of kids that don't go to school for atleast a portion of the day.

