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Advice Needed Please--Adding More...

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  • Advice Needed Please--Adding More...

    I was wondering if I could get some advice. Here is my dilemma:

    I am pretty sure that I am going to be done doing daycare at the end of this school year. As much as I love these kids, my own is in school all day and I am ready to work outside the home.

    I have a family that just called me about care and I could really use the money. The problem is, do I take someone now knowing/hoping/assuming that I will be done in June? I don't want to put them in a bind, thinking they have long term care and they then don't if I do close.

    I don't really want to tell them that I may be closing because I don't want that to get back to my current families. I don't live in a huge town and everyone seems to know each other through someone else! Plus, if it is not financially feasible I won't be able to quit. I can't predict how the next months will go.

    Or... could I just tell them I can only guarantee care for the school year. But then what reason would I give? I have families that are returning for the summer. That is kind of backwards, as it would usually be kind of the opposite.

    Any advice? What would you do?

  • #2
    I can see people are reading... no advice?

    Basically--would you tell a new family that you weren't sure if you would be open past the next school year. Or would you just pretend that you weren't planning on it and say nothing.

    It's not like it is only a couple of months, it is a full school year. But then they have to find care all over again...


    • #3
      If you have the chance to take these children, I say do it.

      You have absolutely no idea what is going to happen in 9 mos. Right now you THINK you MIGHT be quitting, but you don't know for sure. Notify parents in May when you know what you are going to do.


      • #4
        I would go with saying you can only guarantee care for the school year. If you feel you need to give a reason (I don't think I would) maybe just say you aren't sure what your plans are after that? Or you have other obligations and may not have a space for them? I wouldn't fib, it could come back to bite you in the bum.


        • #5
          Thank you! I think I *may* interview them. I just don't want to be dishonest in any way. And, as you said, I do have no way of knowing if I will be able to actually close or not.


          • #6
            Being OCD about lying (ME), I don't see it as being dishonest because TODAY you are thinking of quitting, buy you may think differently tomorrow.


            • #7
              Originally posted by sharlan View Post
              Being OCD about lying (ME), I don't see it as being dishonest because TODAY you are thinking of quitting, buy you may think differently tomorrow.
              Thank you, that makes me feel better. I don't like to lie either, it is just not in my nature. (Except the white lie to spare feelings--because making people feel bad isn't my nature either. )


              • #8
                Until you make a definitely decision to close I would continue business as usual. June is a long time away. I don't know about you, but parents that only need care for a few months don't always tell me!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Growing1atime View Post
                  Until you make a definitely decision to close I would continue business as usual. June is a long time away. I don't know about you, but parents that only need care for a few months don't always tell me!
                  Good point! I haven't had it happen to me, but I'm sure it happens all the time.


                  • #10
                    June is a very far away date. Of course you should interview them and provide services if you want to.

                    We all think of closing or set dates that change because life changes. Feel free to run your business for as long as you would like and quit when you are ready.

                    If the parents ask about how long you are going to do child care then answer them honestly. They may specifically want the same provider for X number of years. If they don't ask then continue on running your business and give them proper notice should you really decide to be done in June.


                    • #11
                      Oh yes for sure I would take them in... I mean if I was closing in say 2 months I wouldnt... or even 3... but if you are still not even sure if you will be closing there is no reason to say no to 9 months of work...

                      And it is really not being dishonest to the new family... I am sure you would give them a fair amount of notice if you did decide to close... that is all they can expect...


                      • #12
                        Oh, I will definitely give plenty of notice! I was actually thinking closer to a month. I'm pretty sure they will all stay with me until as close to the end as they can. A lot of them live very nearby and I am super convenient for them.

                        Just thinking ahead to June kind of makes me sad, but I know this job isn't what I want to be doing long term and I have been home for so many years and am ready to try something outside the home.

                        Thanks, all!

