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If You "Adopted" A Solider What Do You Send?

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  • If You "Adopted" A Solider What Do You Send?

    What are some of the things you send your solider?

    We just did this through and just received their name and address.

    I'm so excited for the kids to start working on a few pictures for him but what sort of things do you add to care packages and how often do you send things?

    Any info would be great! Thanks so much!

  • #2
    Thank you!

    This is a great project!

    I would send snacks for them...beef jerky, mints, sunflower seeds, etc.

    Maybe even some homemade treats or crafts.


    • #3
      .... sorry my husband answered this one...

      he said dirty magazines..............

      I did this last year with a few friends and we sent:

      fitness magazines, socks, toothbrushes, decks of cards, tons of jerky (home made by my friend) bug spray and several other items that I cant recall.

      Very sweet of you to help our men in uniform...


      • #4
        My husband is a Vet. and as a daycare provider, my daycare has adopted a Marine in the past, We have sent phone cards, cards, baby wipes, snacks, writing supplies, local newspapers, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss.
        Now if your asking my husband he will tell you to take a bos of baby wipes. take out the middle section and hide a bottle of liquior in it. Buy a bottle of scope and pour it out and replace it with liquior.
        But more than anything, let the kids color pic. and make cards. Anything they receive will be greatly appriciated. Any mail from home is what they need. Knowing they still have our support. And that we have not forgotten them.
        As a wife of a Vet. I thank you so very much for doing everything you can.


        • #5
          Originally posted by B Lou View Post
          My husband is a Vet. and as a daycare provider, my daycare has adopted a Marine in the past, We have sent phone cards, cards, baby wipes, snacks, writing supplies, local newspapers, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss.
          Now if your asking my husband he will tell you to take a box of baby wipes. take out the middle section and hide a bottle of liquor in it. Buy a bottle of scope and pour it out and replace it with liquior.
          But more than anything, let the kids color pic. and make cards. Anything they receive will be greatly appriciated. Any mail from home is what they need. Knowing they still have our support. And that we have not forgotten them.
          As a wife of a Vet. I thank you so very much for doing everything you can.
          Nice suggestions B Lou!! I bet the soldiers love getting care packages.

          LOL!! about the liquor part!! :: Seems like the use for baby wipes are never ending!


          • #6
            Ask him what he needs! Candy and treats are by far the most popular. So are baby wipes! We also sent my friend in the Army and his group 152 movies. They do like hand written letters and postcards. Thank you so much for doing this!


            • #7
              My husband is active military (Navy EOD) and when he deploys I send him things like this:

              Beef Jerky or Slim Jims
              Granola Bars
              Fruit Snack Bars
              Copenhagen (I know... bad habit - but he loves it)
              Easy Rider magazines & other biker magazines
              Crystal Light powder mixes for drinks
              Cookies that wont melt (packaged kind from the store)
              Cans of tuna
              Baby wipes

              Dont send anything that is homemade!! My husband said that when they get things that are homemade baked (cookies, etc), they usually get tossed because there is about a 2 week turn over from when they receive it. Plus they not knowing who cooked it - would just be wasted.

              It takes about 10 days to receive things when my husband was in remote areas of Iraq and a little longer in Afghanistan. Make sure that when you fill out the Customs Form when shipping the package - DONT put on the Custom form that you are shipping any type of magazine or movie. They are SUPER strict about anything like that there in customs so that might block your shipment. Just write down a generic list... like "1 Cracker snacks: $2.00" or "3 cans tuna: $4", etc.

              I hope that helps!! I have to start doing this again soon later this year when my hubby leaves again. THANK YOU for supporting our troops!!!!!


              • #8
                Cigars, they love cigars!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Michael View Post
                  Cigars, they love cigars!
                  you have expensive taste!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by daycare View Post
                    you have expensive taste!!
                    I didn't say Cuban. You can get good ones for $2 a stick.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Michael View Post
                      I didn't say Cuban. You can get good ones for $2 a stick.
                      ..... wow see... thats a lot!! hahahha

                      but if you look at it from your stand point, I have no problem spending that much if not more on a starbucks.... both bad for your health


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Michael View Post
                        I didn't say Cuban. You can get good ones for $2 a stick.
                        Choking on my water!! How much does Cuban cost? Do they smoke the whole cigar in 1 sitting like a cigarette?

                        Never watched anyone smoke a cigar so I don't know about these things.

                        I guess $2 isn't bad considering it's for a man (or woman) protecting our freedom. Next, where do you get these? Are they allowed to be shipped with the rest of the basic items? TIA!


                        • #13
                          So my 2 cents along with my husbands opinion he is in the reserves. All the ideas posted so far are good. depending on where the soldier is and his/her job it get relay cold in the winter so travel coffee mugs, and wool hats (must be wool not a synthetic material) also think boys and their toys, (not dirty magazines) glow in the dark spiders, little Nerf guns anything a 10 year old boy would play with is something that the male soldiers will find entertaining.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by PitterPatter View Post
                            Choking on my water!! How much does Cuban cost? Do they smoke the whole cigar in 1 sitting like a cigarette?

                            Never watched anyone smoke a cigar so I don't know about these things.

                            I guess $2 isn't bad considering it's for a man (or woman) protecting our freedom. Next, where do you get these? Are they allowed to be shipped with the rest of the basic items? TIA!
                            Depends on the smoker. A power smoker will clear one in about a half hour. Usually it lasts a couple hours over conversation and Scotch/Port/Rum.

                            Some might think this is crazy but I usually spent between $25 and $60 for a great cigar. Lately I've given up the habit.

                            There are a lot of good ones on the market now for moderate prices. I am sure the soldiers would love the smoke with their usual poker game. Trust me they would appreciate it.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Michael View Post
                              Depends on the smoker. A power smoker will clear one in about a half hour. Usually it lasts a couple hours over conversation and Scotch/Port/Rum.

                              Some might think this is crazy but I usually spent between $25 and $60 for a great cigar. Lately I've given up the habit.

                              There are a lot of good ones on the market now for moderate prices. I am sure the soldiers would love the smoke with their usual poker game. Trust me they would appreciate it.
                              Well ok if you say so but I must admit I will be sending the cheap $2 ones. I can't afford $25. Well if my clients would pay me I could ::

                              So how many do I send? When we sent packages in the past we sent a dozen or so of each item so the soldier can share if he wanted to. Should I send a dozen cigars or would they be wasted? I don't know anyone in the military anymore so I don't know what they can and can't do. I would love to have my kids all involved with this project tho. It would help teach them a lot. It would be even better if they got replies! That's a great idea I never thought of sending those, it's definatley different! TY

                              Thanks everyone for the extra ideas!

