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Drinks at Mealtime

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  • Drinks at Mealtime

    Do any of you serve drinks at mealtime after the children are done eating? I use to do this a long, long time ago. The children I have now though start wanting their drinks the minute they sit down to eat though, drink it all then are full and don't want to eat. When I tell them one drink and to put it down it becomes whine fest 11 or they refuse to eat. I think the reason it use to work was children weren't liquid dependent back then. Now if a child doesn't have a sippy cup to cart around to receive nurishment they don't get it!

    Anyway, just wondering what everyone here does. Not wanting any debate to start just asking a simple question.
    Each day is a fresh start
    Never look back on regrets
    Live life to the fullest
    We only get one shot at this!!

  • #2
    We use 5 oz Dixie cups.

    They get 1/2 the cup when the meal is served and the other 1/2 after they are done.

    If they are still thirsty they can have as much water as they want AFTER.


    • #3
      We use 4 ounce glasses. They get a full one with their meal. Then they can have a refill after most of their food is gone. I refuse to let them walk around with sippy cups like they do at home. If they are thirsty during day or after meal I give water, in 4 ounce glasses at a time.


      • #4
        Im sorry but I think that is one reason children now are so obese. Because they spend thier whole lives carrying around juice and milk. I think what your doing is good


        • #5
          I recently began giving them a cup of water with their meals. I give them the cup before I give them their plate and leave it on the table for the duration.

          I then give them their milk after they are done eating and while I am cleaning up the floor/table.

          It is working well. They are eating well, drinking more water and seem to look forward to their milk instead of banging the cup into their food.

          I adjust a bit with each group it seems....
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


          • #6
            Food program here requires they be served their drink at the same time as their meal. I have found that if I make sure they have water to drink in between meals they don't come to the table and guzzle their drink. My kids are not allowed to walk around with cups. They each have a water bottle that is labeled with their name and stays on the table all day. They are free to walk over and take a drink whenever they want. Most of the time they don't unless we are outside. Then they will drink it. I also do not refill cups at the table until they have finished most of their food.


            • #7
              Originally posted by snbauser View Post
              Food program here requires they be served their drink at the same time as their meal. I have found that if I make sure they have water to drink in between meals they don't come to the table and guzzle their drink.

              My guys will try to pour the water out or put the cup back down, whine, and ask for "tea" or "cokey" lately (no, I have never served either ). Everyone seems to be hooked on McD's sweet tea right now....

              I am attempting to correct some dark, first morning, urine issues.

              Mine are 2 and under.... ::
              - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Catherder View Post

                My guys will try to pour the water out or put the cup back down, whine, and ask for "tea" or "cokey" lately (no, I have never served either ). Everyone seems to be hooked on McD's sweet tea right now....
                LOL!!! Mine know it is water or nothing. And if they play with it, they lose it. It is amazing how many parents will tell me that their kid won't drink water. Guess what? If it is the only thing available they will. Same as snack time. They usually get 4 oz of juice. When it is gone they can have water. When they first start here they want more juice and whine when they don't get it. Very quickly they learn and they actually drink the water.


                • #9
                  I agree, they don't need all the extra junk or sodas and sugar water the parents think acts as juice..they won't thirst to death an will drink water if they are taught tonand not given junk instead!


                  • #10
                    I started something new that may help you. I'm on food prog and all food must be served together so,... In Oder to satisfy both fp rules and accreditation guidelines, I wash their hands, sit them, put out their plates and start serving food. I begin with the least favorite thing. I get it on everyones plate, then I go to the second item and finish with the most loved thing, then I pass out cups and go around filling them. It takes about 5-6 min but gives them time to taste the things I put on plate before downing milk. I also give seconds of water not milk.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
                      I started something new that may help you. I'm on food prog and all food must be served together so,... In Oder to satisfy both fp rules and accreditation guidelines, I wash their hands, sit them, put out their plates and start serving food. I begin with the least favorite thing. I get it on everyones plate, then I go to the second item and finish with the most loved thing, then I pass out cups and go around filling them. It takes about 5-6 min but gives them time to taste the things I put on plate before downing milk. I also give seconds of water not milk.
                      Funny how different the food program rules are when it is a federal program. My food program coordinatior visited me this morning and we talked about serving rules. She said that the way they teach her to tell us providers is ALL food has to "be available" for each child but does NOT have to placed on their plates all at the same time.

                      Our discussion came up because I said if I put the fruit on the plate with the rest of the meal, most kids eat that first and do not want anything else. She said, I can give them one thing at a time if I want but if I get a visit and the coordinator asks, I have to show her the correct amount (per serving per child) of each food required and that it is available but it doesn't have to be on their plates.

                      So totally not arguing, just saying what she told me. I guess I give them all their food and 1/2 of their drink (and the other half after they are done eating) and it has all worked for me. But it is weird how each sponsor interprets the rules differently.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                        Do any of you serve drinks at mealtime after the children are done eating? I use to do this a long, long time ago. The children I have now though start wanting their drinks the minute they sit down to eat though, drink it all then are full and don't want to eat. When I tell them one drink and to put it down it becomes whine fest 11 or they refuse to eat. I think the reason it use to work was children weren't liquid dependent back then. Now if a child doesn't have a sippy cup to cart around to receive nurishment they don't get it!

                        Anyway, just wondering what everyone here does. Not wanting any debate to start just asking a simple question.
                        When eating a meal I only pour 4oz of milk at a times in the cups. If a child is sucking down the milk and not eating I ask them to save some milk for later and eat some food. Then as long as they have been eating I pour in more milk. Snack time same thing with juice. The rest of the time I only serve water. Kids don't get enough water these days so I only serve it through the day.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                          Funny how different the food program rules are when it is a federal program. My food program coordinatior visited me this morning and we talked about serving rules. She said that the way they teach her to tell us providers is ALL food has to "be available" for each child but does NOT have to placed on their plates all at the same time.

                          Our discussion came up because I said if I put the fruit on the plate with the rest of the meal, most kids eat that first and do not want anything else. She said, I can give them one thing at a time if I want but if I get a visit and the coordinator asks, I have to show her the correct amount (per serving per child) of each food required and that it is available but it doesn't have to be on their plates.

                          So totally not arguing, just saying what she told me. I guess I give them all their food and 1/2 of their drink (and the other half after they are done eating) and it has all worked for me. But it is weird how each sponsor interprets the rules differently.
                          ITA! I think it depends on who is sponsoring the Food Program too. I think they add their own rules. I know I have noticed I have srticter rules here.


                          • #14
                            I normally serve it with the meal... I mean the saying is always that if they are hungry they will EAT!!!!... I always give them smaller portions on their plates anyways and they always eat it up... and those that want more ask for it...

                            Less waste all around...


                            • #15
                              I give them 2oz of milk with their meals and top up the cups as the plates empty.

                              My crew drinks alot of water during the day by request. I keep the cups just out of reach so they ask for their cups and I avoid any mess.

