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  • Markers

    Please tell me if you have a great idea for markers. I have several new kids who have never been in a program. They are not putting lids back on the markers. I have gone down to only having a few markers out at a time to make cleanup more manageable until they can handle having more. Still, I'd like to know if you have any marvelous ideas! I like the marker stands that have holes to put the lids and then you just snap the correct colored marker in the lid.....but I've only seen large ones....that hold about 16 markers. I'd love to find on that holds 10....just how many a box of markers come in and is manageable for kids to carry around. I just can't find it. I know you can make them....but I'm not going to do that. I'd mess it up.

  • #2
    I have a set of markers for each kid. They're bagged with their name on it. It amazed me at how careful the kids were when they were their "own" markers! It has helped my crew and it's nice that they have something of their own.


    • #3
      What kind of bags do you use? This might be an idea for me.


      • #4
        If they do not put the lids back on them, mostly, then they don't get to use them. Not in a mean way, but it's that simple. Give them crayons for a week or two, no markers, and then offer them to them again. Repeat if neccessary. They will get it in time.


        • #5
          BTW....I have different types of markers, crayons, colored pencils, pens and lead pencils, and lots of paper out and accessible to the children at all times and pretty much at all times there are 1-6 children drawing/writing. When I have an issue with lids on markers - I only limit marker access to the child(ren) who are not putting the caps back on. The rest of the kids still use them.

          They do typically learn quickly to replace the caps.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MissAnn View Post
            What kind of bags do you use? This might be an idea for me.
            I just use plastic resealable sandwich bags and write their names with perm marker. You could use quart bags if you have the larger markers.

            I've been thinking about getting canvas tote bags for each child with their name on it so they can store their markers and doodle pads, and maybe adding their own box of crayons, pencils, etc, but I haven't gone forward with it yet. They have access to crayons, pencils, paper, and community markers at all times, but they like their own.


            • #7
              I use pencil boxes and each child had one of their own that contains:

              1set markers
              1box crayons
              1 glue stick
              1 safety scissors
              1 sheet of stickers replaced after used
              2 stamps
              1 ink pad
              3 paint brushes
              1 water color set

              Btw pencil boxes are on sale at walmart oght now for $.50
              I just got 3 more

              If the kids don't take care of their stuff then they don't have anything to use.


              • #8
                Originally posted by MissAnn View Post
                Please tell me if you have a great idea for markers. I have several new kids who have never been in a program. They are not putting lids back on the markers. I have gone down to only having a few markers out at a time to make cleanup more manageable until they can handle having more. Still, I'd like to know if you have any marvelous ideas! I like the marker stands that have holes to put the lids and then you just snap the correct colored marker in the lid.....but I've only seen large ones....that hold about 16 markers. I'd love to find on that holds 10....just how many a box of markers come in and is manageable for kids to carry around. I just can't find it. I know you can make them....but I'm not going to do that. I'd mess it up.
                I've tried everything too...I even taped a string to the marker and cap. I finally just used the marker holder and hotglued the caps into it. Only thing that has worked...except that they never put the right marker into the right cap...because the new Crayola markers are black and dont indicate the color on the barrel.

                I've heard an easy way to make one...just get a big ball of modeling clay and stick the markers in it and let it dry.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                  If they do not put the lids back on them, mostly, then they don't get to use them. Not in a mean way, but it's that simple. Give them crayons for a week or two, no markers, and then offer them to them again. Repeat if neccessary. They will get it in time.
                  Same here. It is the same concept Nan talked about in the picking up toys thread. Kids shouldn't have access to things they aren't developmentally able to manage.

                  Like Crystal said, repeat the cycle of testing readiness. When they can master putting lids back on then they are ready to use markers and can have access to them.


                  • #10
                    You know I love you and Nan bit I have to disagree
                    I think that early exposure at the recommended age of the product is necessary. If we don't expose them how are they to learn?

                    I think that kids are a lot more capable of doing amazing things if we just gave them the chance to try. Just like adults most of the tine they won't perfect things or grasp the concept the first time they are shown.

                    I have 2 year olds that put caps on markers and 4 year olds that don't. I don't take the markers away, I let them keep the markers in their box and they soon learn that if the caps are left off the markers don't work.

                    After a few weeks, I will throw out the bad markers of those that ruin them and only give them one marker in their box to learn to care for. If it's success then I will add another marker to the box. The child will usually learn this way thAt they must care for the things they have. If we take it away how will they learn to ever care for them or anything else? To me it's a sense of teaching appreciation and responsibility.
                    Last edited by daycare; 09-10-2011, 09:22 PM.


                    • #11
                      When I worked at a center (many years ago) we put plaster of paris in a 8 x 8 cake pan & stuck the marker lids in to create our own marker holder. But nowadays I just do as Crystal and Blackcat suggested & ask the kids who are capable to be responsible & put the lids back on when they are finished.


                      • #12
                        Sorry I'm on my phone and can't edit my changes from the previous post. Lol
                        I hope it made sense....


                        • #13
                          I wrapped different colored electrical tape around the end of each of the pens in the pkg for each child and labeled a plastic pencil box with a small 2 inch piece of this same colored tape with that child's name on it. They were able to identify their pens with the color of tape and it was great for making sure who's pens were whos. I only have 4 kids using markers, so I had one with red, one with white, one with yellow and one with blue.


                          • #14
                            I'm the keeper of the markers and they have to pass me a marker with a lid to chose a new one. Everyone has free access to the crayons, pencils and colored pencils but markers not so much.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by daycare View Post
                              You know I love you and Nan bit I have to disagree
                              I think that early exposure at the recommended age of the product is necessary. If we don't expose them how are they to learn?

                              I think that kids are a lot more capable of doing amazing things if we just gave them the chance to try. Just like adults most of the tine they won't perfect things or grasp the concept the first time they are shown.

                              I have 2 year olds that put caps on markers and 4 year olds that don't. I don't take the markers away, I let them keep the markers in their box and they soon learn that if the caps are left off the markers don't work.

                              After a few weeks, I will throw out the bad markers of those that ruin them and only give them one marker in their box to learn to care for. If it's success then I will add another marker to the box. The child will usually learn this way thAt they must care for the things they have. If we take it away how will they learn to ever care for them or anything else? To me it's a sense of teaching appreciation and responsibility.
                              I agree. The kids here are capable, but the majority are new and have been going to grandma's during the day. They are not used to doing things themselves. It's a habit they are quite capable of breaking. They are getting better each day.....with clean up and other routines.

