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Preparing for COLD Winter Weather...

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  • Preparing for COLD Winter Weather...

    Do you keep a supply of anything to use in the winter months for the kids? I remember last winter when we dressed kids up to go outside and half the kids would never have gloves so we couldn't be out for long.

    I've picked up a few pairs of toddler gloves for a quarter each. What else and what sizes of things should I stock up on? I have plenty of space to store things but not sure how far to go in stocking up on winter weather items for kids ages 0-5

  • #2
    Originally posted by Abigail View Post
    Do you keep a supply of anything to use in the winter months for the kids? I remember last winter when we dressed kids up to go outside and half the kids would never have gloves so we couldn't be out for long.

    I've picked up a few pairs of toddler gloves for a quarter each. What else and what sizes of things should I stock up on? I have plenty of space to store things but not sure how far to go in stocking up on winter weather items for kids ages 0-5
    I used to, but then the parent's came to EXPECT it so I said no more! If they aren`t dressed properly when they arrive, the parents are sent back home (WITH CHILD) to get the items required to be dressed properly for outdoor winter play! It is a parent`s job to dress their child appropriately, not mine.


    • #3
      I have a 2 little ones of my own (2&4), so i always stock up on hats, gloves, and scarves.

      What I do is I have a cute box set up by the door - it's a banker box that I gift wrapped and it's labeled MITTENS & HATS. I ask the parents to donate any mismatched gloves that they might have or any hats that they have that no longer fit and that is what we use when we go outdoors.

      I haven't had the experience where the parents have expected it (I've been lucky!). Plus I have a big family so I always get tons of mismatched stuff for our box. When we are ready to go out, the box comes out and the kids pick what they want to wear. We usually look super colorful and totally mismatched, but they like it so it doesn't bother me at all!

      I would recommend just doing gloves, mittens, and hats.


      • #4
        I provide everything for outdoor wear for every season. We go out for walks every possible day.

        I don't do mittens and gloves. I make long sleeved mitted sweatshirts and just pop them on the kid for fall and spring and over their coats for winter.

        It takes too long to put on mittens/gloves.

        I don't like the time it takes to deal with the outdoor gear available for todays kids. I don't like the way the stuff fits, the hardware, velcro, etc. I prefer to have everything here for the kids so we can get them dressed quickly and the stuff they have on protects them from the elements.

        Having identical gear that is easy on cuts down the time it takes to get kids ready in the dead of winter by nearly half. We don't have to search for anything or try to manage the gear as the winter goes on and the clasp/velcro/zippers start to fail and the kid outgrows the stuff. If they get bigger we have the next size up coat. We also have about twenty or so mitted sweatshirts so we can either use them as THE sweatshirt for the fall/spring or as the over the coat sweatshirt/mittens in the dead of winter.

        This albumn shows the gap warmest coats I got for the kids a few years back. I have enough of every size to cover whatever aged group kids I have at any time.

        When the kids come in after the walk we just put everything they have on back together into a bundle and get it ready for the next day. We put one shoe in each sleeve, hat in one sleeve, and the sweatshirt in the middle. The next day that kids pack is together so all we have to do is grab the kid, their coat bundle, and get them dressed. Usually about half way thru the winter we may have to try on the next size coat.

        We don't use anything the parents send on them so I don't have to worry about parent conferencing about hats, mittens, coats, shoes, boots etc. Just bring me the kid and I'll take it from there. It's SO much easier for me to provide everything. Takes a lot of real estate in the house but it's WORTH it. The savings in staff time paid off the cost of coats, hats, shoes, sweatshirts, etc... in a couple of winters. WELL worth it to me.


        • #5
          I do not keep a supply of anything for the kids. They come dressed for the weather. I have never had a child come in without a hat and gloves on a winter day. I usually send out a reminder in a winter newsletter but it has never been an issue.
          I have a thing about clothing/shoes/hats, etc.... I wouldn't use a daycare where they used their own and not what I provide for my own child.


          • #6
            I've decided I'm going to keep a small stash of mittens in a basket and some hats in a basket. Walmart sells 2 packs of toddler sized mittens for only $1.27!


            • #7
              We play in the snow, a lot. Like for an hour or two at a time. I require decent quality outerwear from head to toe...waterproof boots THAT FIT WELL & waterproof mittens (not gloves), a decent hat that covers the ears. Tights for everyone to go on under the clothes (socks get bunched up in the boots, what a pain!).

              I do have extras from my kids that work very nicely for the daycare kids. I ONLY buy Lands End or better for our outerwear. My daycare parents occasionally get hung up on me not liking wal-mart 'fun' boots or $1 streachy gloves....but really, we are outside in the cold for 5-6 months out of the year. It isn't going to bust you to spend $25-30 on boots that they will wear every day, that are comfy, warm, and most importantly WATERPROOF. i put mitten clips on all the kids decent mittens (i don't bother with the stretchy gloves, those are only good for spring and fall).

              All my kids love playing outside WHEN THEY HAVE PROPER OUTERWEAR! I have had parents be surprised, b/c their child always hated playing in the snow. Well, I would hate playing in the snow, too, if my cheapo boots were pinchy and cold, my finger freezing and damp, and my ear lobes like ice cube. Jeez!

              Yes, I am picky about it. And honestly if my daycare parents couldn't afford the nicer winter wear, then they cannot afford my daycare. Because I am not keeping kids inside because someone doesn't want to buy decent boots for their child. I cant keep boots in all sizes, b/c it takes up way too much space. Not to mention parents get all entitled and start asking to "borrow" my good boots on weekend sledding trips & such. Umm, no.


              • #8
                What do you say if the ask to borrow them? I mean, how do you say no if they ask why not?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by LittleD View Post
                  What do you say if the ask to borrow them? I mean, how do you say no if they ask why not?
                  I just say that my stuff is for my house only, so that I always have them to use here and not forgotten/lost/damaged elsewhere. OR that I never know who exactly will be here last minute over the weekend, and I would HATE to tell my niece she couldn't go snowboarding b/c Susie has the good snowpants.

                  There is no way am I letting a $50+ set of snowpants leave my house never be seen again. I don't lend out anything I am unwilling to replace. OF COURSE everyone wants to borrow my stuff, there is a huge difference between snowpants from Kohls or walmart and the ones from LandsEnd.

