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Sad Sight At Dinner Tonight

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  • #16
    Yup, the world is definitley changing....

    I grew up in a world where there were no church nurseries. I was required to sit silently in a pew with my parents and pay attention.
    I grew up in a time where going to the grocery store with my mom was the treat. I didn't get one at the store.
    I grew up in a time where if (which was rarely) we went to a restaurant, I sat in my chair and was quiet while I silently prayed that the waitress would have a kid menu so I could draw or play word search while I waited for my food.
    I grew up in a time where if the principal or teacher called my house and told my parents I was naughty, they believed them. They never even asked for my side of the story because it was irrelavent.
    I grew up in a time where if I didn't get up by 6 am on Saturday morning, I missed the cartoons and would have to watch ABC's Wide World of Sports or go outside and play.
    I grew up in a world where going outside was the best thing ever!! If I stayed inside too long, my mom would find work for me to do.
    I grew up in a world where I could tell we were nearing my grandma's house (2 hours away) because of the shape of the tree tops.
    I grew up in a world that was not centered around me but rather I was a part of.

    I am glad I grew up in the world I did.


    • #17
      My kids are 4 1/2 and almost 7, we have never allowed any games, toys etc at the table for any meals. The sames goes for going out to eat. Would it really kill the kids to just sit patiently waiting for their food to arrive? My kids know if they don't behave, then we don't go out. Period. End of discussion.
      We use the time waiting for our food talking about our day.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
        Yup, the world is definitley changing....

        I grew up in a world where there were no church nurseries. I was required to sit silently in a pew with my parents and pay attention.
        I grew up in a time where going to the grocery store with my mom was the treat. I didn't get one at the store.
        I grew up in a time where if (which was rarely) we went to a restaurant, I sat in my chair and was quiet while I silently prayed that the waitress would have a kid menu so I could draw or play word search while I waited for my food.
        I grew up in a time where if the principal or teacher called my house and told my parents I was naughty, they believed them. They never even asked for my side of the story because it was irrelavent.
        I grew up in a time where if I didn't get up by 6 am on Saturday morning, I missed the cartoons and would have to watch ABC's Wide World of Sports or go outside and play.
        I grew up in a world where going outside was the best thing ever!! If I stayed inside too long, my mom would find work for me to do.
        I grew up in a world where I could tell we were nearing my grandma's house (2 hours away) because of the shape of the tree tops.
        I grew up in a world that was not centered around me but rather I was a part of.

        I am glad I grew up in the world I did.
        so totally awesome!!!!!


        • #19
          Very sad.

          My hubs and I are pretty anti-technology. Don't get me wrong, we have a computer, a tv, a home phone, some video games... but for the most part, we live our daily lives communicating with the world FACE TO FACE. We don't watch much television, as we prefer going out to the movies. I don't really use the internet as a way of keeping in touch with people - I use it mostly for work purposes and research. We don't have cellphones and have no intention of ever having them, or giving our child one - we have a home phone, and we use that as our primary means of communication, along with paper letters and face to face communication. We both play video games from time to time.

          We also have a rule that everyone sits at the table for supper - doesn't matter what's going on, or what time of day supper is - we all sit down and enjoy some nice, quality time together... nothing but good food and good conversation.


          • #20
            I know I'm bad for admitting I using my cell phone at restaurants but one of my favorite things to do is text all my older kids ages 18-23 some of the jokes from my 8 year olds kids menu.. we have the best time because they are all in college and living all different places and I love it when they text me back right away with their answers or idk, . It's like they are at the table with us and my 8 year old loves it!
            They usually have their friends around and their friends will usually join in on the fun. It's kinda my little way of having fun with my 4 oldest kids that I don't see much.

            Also, I like to take pictures of something interesting at a restaurant (like a painting or fireplace) and send it to my dh and tell him if he wants to come eat with us he has to find us!! ::
            We have so much fun doing that! and no , I don't let him drive from place to place... he texts me his answers and he's usually right the first time.
            Kinda my version of scavenger hunt.


            • #21
              Originally posted by melissa ann View Post
              My kids are 4 1/2 and almost 7, we have never allowed any games, toys etc at the table for any meals. The sames goes for going out to eat. Would it really kill the kids to just sit patiently waiting for their food to arrive? My kids know if they don't behave, then we don't go out. Period. End of discussion.
              We use the time waiting for our food talking about our day.
              Would it really be so hard for the parents to engage in a conversation with the kids? Yes, I realize we are with kids all day and don't want to deal with them at mealtimes, but too bad, that's life.

              IMHO, it's really sad when a parent can't chit chat, color on the menus, or whatever with the kids while they're waiting for their food.

              I feel that we're becoming a generation that's going to wonder in 30 or 40 years what happened to our families. We're going to be sitting in our rockers with no family members around. Remember those kids you didn't have time to communicate with, be a part of their lives, well, guess what, they don't have time for you now? You forgot to teach them how to be an important part of your life.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Michelle View Post
                I know I'm bad for admitting I using my cell phone at restaurants but one of my favorite things to do is text all my older kids ages 18-23 some of the jokes from my 8 year olds kids menu.. we have the best time because they are all in college and living all different places and I love it when they text me back right away with their answers or idk, . It's like they are at the table with us and my 8 year old loves it!
                They usually have their friends around and their friends will usually join in on the fun. It's kinda my little way of having fun with my 4 oldest kids that I don't see much.

                Also, I like to take pictures of something interesting at a restaurant (like a painting or fireplace) and send it to my dh and tell him if he wants to come eat with us he has to find us!! ::
                We have so much fun doing that! and no , I don't let him drive from place to place... he texts me his answers and he's usually right the first time.
                Kinda my version of scavenger hunt.
                Ok, you're interacting with your child, not ignoring them so that you can check your important e-mails and chat with your friends.


                • #23
                  I see a lot of that when we go out to dinner. Its really sad. Now I have to admit that I do allow my teenage son (almost 15) to bring his phone but he is plugged in to everyone else and he puts it away when the food comes.(he is the oldest kid and gets bored dealing with his sister and cousins. I know, I know still doesnt make it ok but he is a great kid and very sweet and totally aware of everything around them. When the whole family goes out (11 of us with grma/grpa aunts , niece then they dont bring any thing cause theres enough going on with out needing a device. My kids time is very limitied with those devices b/c of school and sports etc.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                    Yup, the world is definitley changing....

                    I grew up in a world where there were no church nurseries. I was required to sit silently in a pew with my parents and pay attention.
                    I grew up in a time where going to the grocery store with my mom was the treat. I didn't get one at the store.
                    I grew up in a time where if (which was rarely) we went to a restaurant, I sat in my chair and was quiet while I silently prayed that the waitress would have a kid menu so I could draw or play word search while I waited for my food.
                    I grew up in a time where if the principal or teacher called my house and told my parents I was naughty, they believed them. They never even asked for my side of the story because it was irrelavent.
                    I grew up in a time where if I didn't get up by 6 am on Saturday morning, I missed the cartoons and would have to watch ABC's Wide World of Sports or go outside and play.
                    I grew up in a world where going outside was the best thing ever!! If I stayed inside too long, my mom would find work for me to do.
                    I grew up in a world where I could tell we were nearing my grandma's house (2 hours away) because of the shape of the tree tops.
                    I grew up in a world that was not centered around me but rather I was a part of.

                    I am glad I grew up in the world I did.

                    Hey I grew up in that world too! I'm so glad I did too! The best thing I remember was being able to ride my bike all over the place. Even by myself!!! Wish my kids had grown up in that world too.

