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What Songs Do You Sing?

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  • What Songs Do You Sing? circle time, etc.?

    My guys have about 7 songs that they want to sing everyday, and I just can't sing "Baby Bumblebee" anymore...or "The Monkeys and the Alligator", "The Itsy Bitsy Spider", or "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" for that matter. I can tell my older ones and my kids that have been with me for a long time are getting tired of the same songs.

    We sing "Open and Shut Them" as the opener to Circle Time, and I'm kinda getting sick of that, too...

    What are your favorite songs?

  • #2
    Doe a deer a female deer,
    You are my sunshine
    There was a daycare had a dog and rascal was his name o
    ( bingo)

    Do you know the muffin man?

    We do our highschool fight song, .

    Happy birthday
    Hakuna matata


    • #3
      The Wheels on the Bus
      Old MacDonald had a farm
      The Alphabet Song
      Down by the Bay
      If you're happy and you know it
      The Farmer in the Dell
      Ten in the Bed (or however many I have that day)
      Days of the week (Sung to Clementine)
      Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


      • #4
        Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
        Doe a deer a female deer,
        You are my sunshine
        There was a daycare had a dog and rascal was his name o
        ( bingo)

        Do you know the muffin man?

        We do our highschool fight song, .

        Happy birthday
        Hakuna matata
        we have GOT to learn the cuppycake cute!


        • #5
          I have this

          I copied the song listing, cut them out and put them on popsicle sticks. The kids each get to pick 1 or 2 a day. This helps to not get so bored with singing the same songs over and over.


          • #6
            we always start with "the more we get together"
            then music and movement- chicken dance, shake my sillies out, freeze dance, etc.
            Goin on a bear hunt, looking for dracula, where is thumbkin, etc.


            • #7
              Originally posted by pappyny View Post
              I have this

              I copied the song listing, cut them out and put them on popsicle sticks. The kids each get to pick 1 or 2 a day. This helps to not get so bored with singing the same songs over and over.
              I am going to Lakeshore tomorrow and buying that. I keep buying CDs, but I haven't found one that I really like. I play kids' CDs in the car most of the time.


              • #8
                As a pre k teacher, I would find songs online that went along with our themes and my classes always liked: bear hunt, 5 little monkeys, the freeze, bop till u drop best! I love many of dr jeans songs if you haven't checked out her stuff before. She also has great ideas,activities and printouts on her website as well as some really fun cheers to do with kids for circle time activities and transitions.


                • #9
                  I have kids under 2, they love the normal songs but what really gets them excited is our welcome song to open up circle time. 'child's name' is here today, 'child's name' is here today, everybody clap their hands cause 'child's name' is here today! They all start clapping and no matter where they are playing they all come to sit with me I love it!


                  • #10
                    Thanks for this thread! I was wanting to ask the very same thing a few weeks ago but didn't, because I thought I would get chewed out. Don't ask me why I thought that...I get anxious about weird things sometimes!

                    We sing:
                    The alphabet
                    5 green and speckled frogs
                    the Cookie Jar song
                    twinkle twinkle
                    baa baa black sheep
                    if you're happy and you know it
                    The Rainbow Song (From Signing Time)
                    The Wheels on the bus
                    Old MacDonald
                    Row row row your boat
                    Itsy Bitsy Spider
                    and plenty of others I'm sure, but that's what's coming to mind at the moment
                    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                    • #11
                      For those of you who don't do a "circle time" when do you sing songs with them? Do you just sing at random times throughout the day?
                      This is what I am struggling with right now. I don't do a circle time for a couple of different reasons, but then have a hard time figuring out when to do things during the day. Usually I just start singing at some point. I would love to know what others do.

                      We sing the monkeys and alligator song, I sing name songs, we do a counting song, twinkle twinkle, mary had a little lamb, i'm a little tea pot, and others. A lot of our songs I just make up, but then I never end up singing the same thing twice! The kids will say "sing the such and such song" and I can't remember how I sang it!!


                      • #12
                        One of my personal favortie children musicans of all times is frank leto. He sings great songs that involve movement from the children. Listen and do.

                        We sing so many songs I could not list them all.

                        But our favorites are:

                        what can we do today , frank leto
                        you can tell how I feel, frank leto
                        shake your Craziez out, sung by us....

                        If your happy and you know it
                        days of the week
                        Months of the year
                        This land is your land

                        I also have the MGT circle time music CD and we love to do all the songs on there. It has each song twice. Once with the words and once without....


                        • #13
                          Cookie jar song???
                          I googled and it brought up a song about turning on a tv and something with a gun????
                          THAT can't be right. Lol. Help?


                          • #14
                            Arizona Cowboy.

                            Five monkeys jumping on a bed

                            Five monkeys swinging in a tree.

                            Wheels on the bus

                            Twinkle Twinkle

                            Five little Pumpkins sitting on a gate


                            • #15
                              Double post.

