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First Full Day Not Going Well At All

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  • First Full Day Not Going Well At All

    I have never had a little cry this much. He is 18 months old and has been in child care previously. He arrived a little after 7 am and didn't cry as mom left. Unfortunately about 5 minutes later when he noticed she was gone he started crying and hasn't stopped. He would eat his breakfast, paused his crying for about 5 minutes at lunch and then remembered he was upset and started again. I put him down for a nap and it lasted a whole 15 minutes. His screeches are waking all my other nappers and nothing is consoling the little man. Out of the 5 hours he has been here so far he has cried 95% of them.

    I have never had a little one this upset that wouldn't settle down by being held or played with. Any tips. I don't want him to be scared to be here and I don't want his mom thinking we just let him scream all day either.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    I have never had a little cry this much. He is 18 months old and has been in child care previously. He arrived a little after 7 am and didn't cry as mom left. Unfortunately about 5 minutes later when he noticed she was gone he started crying and hasn't stopped. He would eat his breakfast, paused his crying for about 5 minutes at lunch and then remembered he was upset and started again. I put him down for a nap and it lasted a whole 15 minutes. His screeches are waking all my other nappers and nothing is consoling the little man. Out of the 5 hours he has been here so far he has cried 95% of them.

    I have never had a little one this upset that wouldn't settle down by being held or played with. Any tips. I don't want him to be scared to be here and I don't want his mom thinking we just let him scream all day either.
    Don't beat yourself up about his screaming. 18 months is at the peak of stranger awareness. You are a stranger to him, and there is nothing familiar about his day with you. Not the toys, the routine, the faces, nothing! I think I would give mom a call to let him know he is missing her and having a rough first day. Perhaps she will cut the day short. Perhaps not. But at least she is aware he is having a tough time.

    You are trying everything to console him, so don't feel as if you are just "letting him cry all day". Though it probably seems so far away right now, he will get used to you and his new surroundings soon enough. Hope it's sooner rather than later!


    • #3
      Yes, unfortunately, in my experience, this can go on for a week or two. Every now and then more, depending on the child. It's TOUGH, but day by day it should decrease until the child adjusts.


      • #4
        18 months is a hard age I would say it will take up to three weeks before it gets better I know how hard that can be just know it gets better


        • #5
          Originally posted by boysx5 View Post
          18 months is a hard age I would say it will take up to three weeks before it gets better I know how hard that can be just know it gets better
          Agree! Sometimes at 18 months old, they are cooked already and takes them longer to adjust to a daycare environment. Sounds like your doing all the right things though. This is why trial periods are sooooo needed


          • #6
            You gotta look at the situation from his point of view: "WILL MY MOMMY EVER COME BACK?!?! I DONT KNOW!" First days are rough. Peace and Hugs and you'll make it!


            • #7
              honestly, I haven't had much luck getting a cryer to stop crying and I have let the situation go on as far as 12 months with no real progress. Are you sure that is not why he is not still at his old daycare?


              • #8
                Does this child have anything familiar that can be brought from home temporarily until adjustment is better? A blanket, lovey, or stuffed animal?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Abigail View Post
                  Does this child have anything familiar that can be brought from home temporarily until adjustment is better? A blanket, lovey, or stuffed animal?
                  Yes, and pictures of parents/family CAN help. I've had it help in the past. But, with older children. That COULD backfire and upset the child more.

