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What Would You Do???

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  • What Would You Do???

    Here's the situation:

    DCM said she was taking DCG to doctor on Monday. Refused to provide a doctors note and kept DCG at home.

    Tuesday, no call, no show.

    I text DCD (DCM & DCD aren't together) and ask if he is aware DCG isn't in daycare and if he knows if she'll be attending since my calls and text go unanswered to DCM.

    I get a response stating that DCM said it's not a "good fit" (after 6 months?! haha), DCG will not be returning and that DCM will be by on Friday to pay. Payment is due today.

    Do I wait and see if she comes by to pay out the contract ($575) on Friday, start charging late fees if she doesn't come today.

    Send a certified letter demanding payment in full plus a copy of her signed contract giving her 10 business days (or less) to pay?


    Do I just go down and file small claims charges?

    Mind policy states that cancellations are only accepted on Fridays and in writing. I have yet to get anything from DCM and she is who signed the contract. It also states that a 4 weeks notice is required or in lieu of, I will accept 4 weeks worth of wages.

    What do I do?

  • #2
    Stand by your contract. Send her a text reminding her of the contract and that you expect to be paid $*** on Friday. If she does not pay on Friday, send her a registered letter requesting payment within 5 days. If you're not paid by the following Monday, take it to small claims court.

    I understand things not being a "good fit", but since she didn't have the respect to tell you, take it all the way.


    • #3
      Just curious why payment is due on a Wednesday? I would give them till Friday because that is when they said they'd be by but I wouldn't be holding my breath for that amount of money either. I find 4 weeks payment a little extreme - I think 2 weeks is the norm - but they are the ones who signed the contract.

      I would put the certified letter in the mail on Saturday.


      • #4
        Originally posted by LittleDiamonds View Post
        Just curious why payment is due on a Wednesday? I would give them till Friday because that is when they said they'd be by but I wouldn't be holding my breath for that amount of money either. I find 4 weeks payment a little extreme - I think 2 weeks is the norm - but they are the ones who signed the contract.

        I would put the certified letter in the mail on Saturday.
        Payment is due how DCM gets paid...the 15th and the last day of the month (28th, 30th or 31st.)

        And, here's why I chose to do 4 weeks notice:

        If a family pays you on Friday for the upcoming week and provide you notice, you basically get one more check and you are without income until you find someone to fill the spot. Let's face it, most of us can't fill a spot in a week and if we do, we really don't know what we are getting into.

        This also encourages parents not to flake. Although you'll have the occasional one that can't manage to follow the rules AND flakes.


        • #5
          Originally posted by wdmmom View Post
          Payment is due how DCM gets paid...the 15th and the last day of the month (28th, 30th or 31st.)

          And, here's why I chose to do 4 weeks notice:

          If a family pays you on Friday for the upcoming week and provide you notice, you basically get one more check and you are without income until you find someone to fill the spot. Let's face it, most of us can't fill a spot in a week and if we do, we really don't know what we are getting into.

          This also encourages parents not to flake. Although you'll have the occasional one that can't manage to follow the rules AND flakes.
          Today was suppose to be payday. No call, no show. I've send text messages and left a voicemail only to hear NOTHING back. Not even DCM canceling the contract! I heard it from DCD and I do not have the contract with him.

          I'm really not sure what to do here....


          • #6
            Send her a certified letter in the she has to sign for, so you have proof it was delivered to her. In the letter I would tell her that payment was due and is now subject to a late fee. I would ask her to confirm that her child will no longer be attending. I would also include a photocopy of the contract she signed agreeing to the termination notice/fee. I would tell her that payment is due, with full late fees, within 5 business days or you will be filing in small claims court.

            That's brutal. She's hoping that you'll just forget about her.


            • #7
              Originally posted by AnneCordelia View Post
              Send her a certified letter in the she has to sign for, so you have proof it was delivered to her. In the letter I would tell her that payment was due and is now subject to a late fee. I would ask her to confirm that her child will no longer be attending. I would also include a photocopy of the contract she signed agreeing to the termination notice/fee. I would tell her that payment is due, with full late fees, within 5 business days or you will be filing in small claims court.

              That's brutal. She's hoping that you'll just forget about her.
              Ditto this. Sounds perfect to me. What a tool for doing that to you! I am not one for confrontation, but come on! Not even a phone call/email/text to let you know!? Wow.


              • #8
                Thanks ladies!

                I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and wait until tomorrow to see if she'll actually show up although I'm not holding my breath.

                Come Tuesday, I'll send a certified letter and a regular letter...just in case she doesn't sign for the certified one. That will at least show she received the 2nd one if it's not returned to sender.

                Mailing on the 6th will mean she should receive on the 7th and I'll specifically give her until 5pm on Thursday, September 15th to pay. If she don't, I'll be going down at 3pm Friday to file small claims.

