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DCB Leaving

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  • DCB Leaving

    Friday will be the last day for dcb and the parents still haven't told him that he wont be coming back. I'm sure they just don't want to deal with his tantrums, he is a handful! But I don't think it is fair for the other kids or him to not have a chance to say goodbye. Would it be wrong for me to tell them or should I just wait and deal with it on Monday morning?

  • #2
    Deal on Monday. It's not worth the strife.


    • #3
      Deal with it on Monday. Maybe have them all draw pictures/make cards that you could send to him? (Or just have them do the activity for closure for themselves)

      I had a similar situation here just a few weeks ago - broke my heart because the little girl had no idea that her last day with me and all of her friends was her last day - same reasoning by the parent - they didn't want to deal with the tantrums.

      Kids are resilient though - they'll all be fine. (((hugs to you though)))


      • #4
        I would tell them all on Friday. Have good bye party.


        • #5
          ditto this.

          Parents do things for their own reasons and I try to not get bothered by it. I have had clients leave on good terms, but tell their kids that they are leaving my house for a much better place and they put me and my DC down in the process. It hurts my feelings, but I understand that they are going to do what they want, how they want for the sake of making things eaiser on their child.

          I agree with sunshine44. good-bye party on friday. I would have all of the kids sign a homemade card and then tell him good bye. I would also tell the parents that you will be doing this tomorrow when they drop or pick up.

          Don't fret over it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by GrannyJ View Post
            Friday will be the last day for dcb and the parents still haven't told him that he wont be coming back. I'm sure they just don't want to deal with his tantrums, he is a handful! But I don't think it is fair for the other kids or him to not have a chance to say goodbye. Would it be wrong for me to tell them or should I just wait and deal with it on Monday morning?
            You said you assume they don't want to tell him because they don't want to deal with his tantrums....

            Why don't you just ask them (the parents)? Tell them you and the other kids, as well as their child, needs to have closure and the chance to say goodbye. Don't assume why they are doing what they are...tell them how you feel about this situation and see if there is anything that can be done to fix it. We cannot expect parents to be upfront and have open communication if we don't lead...kwim?

