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How Much Less $ If I Don't Provide Meals?

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  • How Much Less $ If I Don't Provide Meals?

    A child in my daycare is going to start bringing all meals and drinks from home due to sensitivity issues. The mom has been paying $125 per week to me for daycare with all meals included. I want to drop her rates to reflect my not having to buy food for her anymore. (I realize I don't have to, but I want to since she's a super nice mom that's been with me for years.) How much do you think would be fair to drop the weekly rate for this?

  • #2
    To me that is hard to determine, I wouldn't charge less. Sorry, not much help.


    • #3
      That would be hard for me too because I wouldnt' charge less either. But I'm guessing maybe $10/week?????


      • #4
        I think it's great that you are willing to take off some money since your not buying her food. To me it's the only right thing to do.

        Maybe like $2 a day? Do you think it cost you more then that a day? So like $10 for the week?

        Will you still provide the milk and juice?


        • #5
          No I don't have to provide anything from here on out but water. Mom is bringing soy milk and since she is cutting out most sugar I don't think mom will even want her to drink juice.

          Oh, and if this makes a difference, we're doing breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack in daycare.

          Thanks for all the opinions on this. Keep em coming.


          • #6
            I think that $10 should cover what your costs were, considering you probably made one meal for all the dc kids, right? I think if she is a great mom, it's worth giving her the discount, and she'll really appreciate it.


            • #7
              I agree with the others...I think it's great that you are discounting but in order for you to still benefit from the income, I would not do more than $10-15.


              • #8
                I would not discount it for a new client, but like you if they were a family I had for a long time I would probably lower the rate by a little more than $10 a week.


                • #9
                  I agree that a discount of $10 per week is appropriate. You still have to 'buy" the food even though her child won't be eating it now. So, unless they sell hot dogs in packages of 9 where you live, YOUR food costs are still the same Since the child is not old enough to prepare her own lunch from start to finish YOU still have to heat, serve, and clean up after the child's meals.


                  • #10
                    I think a discount of $10/week is fair. As another poster said it's not like you will not be buying food anymore & you certainly aren't going to gain much "extra" food b/c this child is not eating. But if you feel strongly about it that is what I would do.


                    • #11
                      I wouldn't charge less either but that's because I offer meals as a feature and already don't include meals in my fee. I offer meals at no additional fee. I'm enrolled in the food program though and offer meals for every child regardless of whether they qualify for it or not and since I get reimbursed a good amount of my costs for food I wouldn't feel the need to charge less if a parent brought food for their own child.


                      • #12
                        I would not charge less. We do not make that much as it is.


                        • #13
                          I am totally with everyone here that wouldn't charge less. We are making $2.00 and some odd cents an hr. if we decreased this?????

