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Do You Ever Just Need A Break From Provider-Hood?

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  • #16
    I'm curious - is Rachel Ray's show inappropriate for kids? I've never seen it, but I thought she was a chef?


    • #17
      Originally posted by MyAngels View Post
      I'm curious - is Rachel Ray's show inappropriate for kids? I've never seen it, but I thought she was a chef?
      It depends on which 1 is being watched. She has a few. Her talk show could be inappropiate depending on what the show consists of each day. Her 30 minute meals is fine. It's just cooking nothing wrong with that. The kids watch me do the same meals at my counter but I still don't watch it until evening on the DVR. Tastey Travels I have only seen once so I don't know much but I assume it too is just about the food.


      • #18
        Originally posted by PitterPatter View Post
        It depends on which 1 is being watched. She has a few. Her talk show could be inappropiate depending on what the show consists of each day. Her 30 minute meals is fine. It's just cooking nothing wrong with that. The kids watch me do the same meals at my counter but I still don't watch it until evening on the DVR. Tastey Travels I have only seen once so I don't know much but I assume it too is just about the food.
        Ah, that explains it, thanks! I didn't realize she had a talk show, and I was trying to figure out why watching a cooking show would cause the OP to feel guilty ::.

        The only "adult" programming I watch during the day is normally on HGTV. I have one little guy who wakes up a bit before everyone else, and he oohs and ahhs over "Dear Genevieve." Maybe he will be a designer one day .


        • #19
          One morning , my dh and I were watching law and order on our dvr before kids arrived and one boy just ran in the house so I told my dh to turn it off because the dck was here and he laughed and said he watches that show with his mom.


          • #20
            Yesterday as I was sitting down to feed dcb, who is 6months old, his bottle, I turned on the TV and watched Yes, Dear. I have very laid back daycare parents so I don't worry if one of the kids says anything. Don't get me wrong though, I would NEVER watch anything inappropriate and it's a rarity for me to watch something during non-nap hours, but I really needed that time yesterday, so I took it.

            Laundry gets folded too You're not alone!


            • #21
              I actually applaud you! We all know how much of a toll this can take on us. And most of us put in a LOT of hours every week. I think it is important for us to know our own limitations. And, c'mon! Rachael Ray is a very benign show! It isn't like you are turning the tube on every day. But, knowing when you need a "breather" is essential for survival and for being a good care provider!

