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Sign In-Out Questions

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  • Sign In-Out Questions

    Do you have one sign in/out sheet that everyone fills in info, or separate sheets for each child?

    Do you fill them out, or have the parents fill them out?

    I'm trying to think of a away to avoid having a sign-in sheet sitting right by my front door (no real good place to put it I guess). I don't like seeing random things sit out....I like things put away.

  • #2
    I have a sign in/out sheet by my front door looks like this.

    Child's name ____ dare____ arrival time_________ departure time _________

    The I have who ever dropped off child (even me if I picked them up form school) initial next to time and who ever picks up do the same. Starting next week when I have one that will be dropped in the morning than taken to school and picked up from school I will use to lines for him.

    I do this for

    1. Taxes
    2. food program
    3. record off attendance for lic just in case they try to claim I was over numbers
    4. Record of who picked child up in case of custody disagreement issues

    Number 4 was the reason I started it as my very first DK came from a separated family and Dad was concerned that mom would try to pick up on days she was not supposed to and I explained that with out a court order on file I could not stop her from picking up any day/time she wanted to. Dad has not brought me a court order has not been an issue either so do not know if he was exaggerating or not.


    • #3
      Originally posted by MamaJ View Post
      Do you have one sign in/out sheet that everyone fills in info, or separate sheets for each child?

      Do you fill them out, or have the parents fill them out?

      I'm trying to think of a away to avoid having a sign-in sheet sitting right by my front door (no real good place to put it I guess). I don't like seeing random things sit out....I like things put away.
      My sign in/out sheets are in each parents folders right at the front door in a basket hanging on the wall. The parents come in I hand them their folder they sign each child in on their own sheets then back out at pick up.


      • #4
        I made a sheet that i use to sign each child in and out on my own. There are only 6 kids in my daycare (if i was full and i'm not yet) so i didnt think it was to hard to do on my own. if you want me to see if i can find this sheet then let me know through pm . I do a new one each month. each sheet has every childs name on it and the date. this also shows if i am closed so its kinda everything all in one. this is my second year doing DC and it seems to work well for me.


        • #5

          My parents walk their kids in, and at the end of the front hallway I have a small standing shelf/end table with toys underneath. On top, I have a clipboard and pen. My 6 kids fit on 2 pages of an Excel document that has their names and each day of the week. Parents initial in when dropping off and picking up. Sometimes I write the time and sometimes they write it...but either way it records time and parents intials.

          Mine is required my child care licensing and food program.


          • #6
            I use the sign in/out sheet from MMK. I print one for each day and they are on a clipboard by my front door. Parents are required to sign their child in and out every day. I usually will glance at it after all the kids are here and after they all leave to make sure they didn't forget. Most are pretty good about remembering.


            • #7
              Right now I have an attendance sheet that is made in Word. I have Monday-Wednesday on the front and Thursday/Friday on the back with seven spaces right now. That is the number for licensing, but if I do drop ins or half days or evenings as well as days, I will have to write in the child's name. I want to save on paper and ink, so I choose to do one sheet per week. I also decided to do all the kids in my care on one sheet because it's easier for ME to keep organized! I will preprint all the children's first and middle names (maybe just first name last initial) so it's still a little privacy but all the families in care will eventually run into each other and know their name anyways.

              Child's name is on the left box, next section is sign in time then signature and same for sign out time and signature again. I want two signatures because I've seen how many times people sign their child in at our daycare now and don't put a pickup time in because they already signed it at drop off. I also want two signatures as proof of who came and who left with the child. 52 sheets of paper for the entire year sounds pretty good to me! The day, date, and year is all preprinted on each section for M-F as well. I will just print off one week at a time until I get full then I can go ahead and print off a month at a time. I'm going to put a nail in the wall to hang up a basic clipboard since it's just one piece of paper hanging on it at a time and have it up on the wall where parents can see it when they walk in the door.

              I forgot about your other question....I will have parents sign in and out. I'm going to get one of those "fancy" atomic clocks that says the day, date, time, temperature, etc. and have it in my entryway (laundry room) right next to the attendance sheet. This way parent's can't say "Oh it looked like it was 5:32 when I glanced real quick" when it was really 5:42 and they would be responsible for late fees.


              • #8
                I have one page per week. It is in a binder by my front door - I can close it up and throw it in the drawer if I wanted to during non-daycare hours but unless I'm having company I rarely bother to put it away.

                I made it up in excel. Looks kinda like this but with boxes/lines around each one:

                Name: ________________________________
                Time In Signature Time Out Signature

                So it would have 5-6 of these on a page, one for each child.


                • #9
                  My desk is just inside the door. The clipboard sits right on the end, with a clock beside it.

                  My sheet is done in excel with the gridlines.

                  Date Child Sign In Initials Sign out Initials

                  Each childs name is typed in the "child" column. I put a gap between each day.

                  My hours are bolded and large on the bottom of the page. If I am closing early or for a day. I hand write it at the bottom also and highlight it.

                  By signing in and out, they are acknowleging that they know I am closing....


                  • #10

                    We have this sign in and sign out sheet. I type in the names of the kids and ages and top part then print out about 50 copies, (hint:its front and back so have to refeed in printer!)

                    It has spot to sign in, then sign out, then if they are school aged, or leave and come back there is a spot under it to do it. It gives me time to count, see who is here and print it weekly.

