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Need New Employee...

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  • Need New Employee...

    Part time, if possible. I was just wondering how everyone else finds people who are dependable and do the work they are supposed to do. I have thought about putting an ad in the local newspaper, but I really don't want just anyone applying. Everyone has to be fingerprinted to be able to work anyway, but I still would rather not have some random person coming into my place of business...Anyway, any advice would be great. I have asked a few parents if they have any ideas and one has given me one, but she already has a job and would have to be full time. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas, that'd be great!! Thanks

  • #2
    I don't know how to go about finding someone without an ad in the paper, but once you do have someone interested in the position, I'd want to check their experience, hopefully they've worked at a daycare somewhere before. Also, I'd want to check all their references and their previous employment to see how long they remained at each place to get a rough idea of how dependable they'd be. Could you have them volunteer before actually hiring them, to see how they interact with the kids, and how the kids interact with them? This person would be coming into YOUR home, so if they (their personality etc) doesn't seem to fit well for what you need and what you envision for your daycare children, I would not want to hire them, no matter how dependable they seem, or what hard workers they are. If you hire a friend, you know you can trust them, probably, but then you have a whole new host of problems (see some of the other posts on here for assistants). And if they have kids, they'd be taking up one of the spots another (paying) child could fill, plus you'd have to talk to your employee anytime you have problems with their child, which can strain the employee/employer relationship, etc... So don't get desperate and just immediatly hire the first person who comes along. It'd be better to have a hard time trying to do everything by yourself than it would be to have help from someone who just isn't working out. Take your time to be picky Good luck, and keep us updated on your search


    • #3
      I have been looking for someone since September. I get along well with people and am very open so it's not that I am picky. Just two examples. I had one girl show up with dyed black hair and piercings all over her face. I know my families around here as we are country and middle class, they would not like this at all. I didn't know the laws regarding it but she had no experience either way. Another women showed up who was in her 50's and she was holding her back as she walked. She would not be able to pick up the babies or an injured child. This just screamed disability scam to me! I have had several people not even show up for the interview.


      • #4
        Do you have a local community college that has a early childhood program? Maybe contact the program about posting an ad. One resource that has been good for me is the churches in the area. They sometimes know of a retiree or young person that is looking for part time care. If the church refers them they usually are pretty dependable and trustworthy. Just an idea, works for me.
        I see little people.


        • #5
          Originally posted by gbcc View Post
          I have been looking for someone since September. I get along well with people and am very open so it's not that I am picky. Just two examples. I had one girl show up with dyed black hair and piercings all over her face. I know my families around here as we are country and middle class, they would not like this at all. I didn't know the laws regarding it but she had no experience either way. Another women showed up who was in her 50's and she was holding her back as she walked. She would not be able to pick up the babies or an injured child. This just screamed disability scam to me! I have had several people not even show up for the interview.
          See that's what I'm afraid of..I have always had people work that I knew or that my grandmother knew. I've never had anyone who was a close friend of mine, as I can only imagine the problems that would arise from that. I don't blame you for not hiring either of those two. I wouldn't either, and like the families you have, mine wouldn't like it either. I wish you luck on your search!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Preschool/daycare teacher View Post
            I don't know how to go about finding someone without an ad in the paper, but once you do have someone interested in the position, I'd want to check their experience, hopefully they've worked at a daycare somewhere before. Also, I'd want to check all their references and their previous employment to see how long they remained at each place to get a rough idea of how dependable they'd be. Could you have them volunteer before actually hiring them, to see how they interact with the kids, and how the kids interact with them? This person would be coming into YOUR home, so if they (their personality etc) doesn't seem to fit well for what you need and what you envision for your daycare children, I would not want to hire them, no matter how dependable they seem, or what hard workers they are. If you hire a friend, you know you can trust them, probably, but then you have a whole new host of problems (see some of the other posts on here for assistants). And if they have kids, they'd be taking up one of the spots another (paying) child could fill, plus you'd have to talk to your employee anytime you have problems with their child, which can strain the employee/employer relationship, etc... So don't get desperate and just immediatly hire the first person who comes along. It'd be better to have a hard time trying to do everything by yourself than it would be to have help from someone who just isn't working out. Take your time to be picky Good luck, and keep us updated on your search
            The laws we have say that no one can work until they are fingerprinted and the background results are in. I don't know about volunteer work though. I will have to check into that. I unfortunately hired someone this past fall that changes jobs, as one person said, "more than she changes underwear." I was desperate for help at the time, and had an early childhood class with her in college so I assumed she'd be good. (She was also working in a Pre-K program at the time.) I got three references on her, and they all said she was great. AFTER I hired her, I found out from a couple of these references that she complained a lot and that she wouldn't be here long term because she never stays anywhere long term. I will definitely be picky this time!! Thank you for your advice. I will make sure I do ALL of that that I possibly can!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Childminder View Post
              Do you have a local community college that has a early childhood program? Maybe contact the program about posting an ad. One resource that has been good for me is the churches in the area. They sometimes know of a retiree or young person that is looking for part time care. If the church refers them they usually are pretty dependable and trustworthy. Just an idea, works for me.
              I am actually in the early childhood program at my community college. Everyone in class either has a job or lives too far away from where I am located. I may tell my teachers to keep their ears open though. I think the teahers may have a better opinion on who would be dependable because they know who comes to class and tries. That's actually a really good idea. Also, I have asked my own church if any of them need/know of someone who needs a job and so far, nothing. I just assumed since people were getting laid off that SOMEONE somewhere would be more than willing to jump on this opportunity. Guess I that's what I get for assuming. Thank you for the advice. I will keep looking!!


              • #8
                Problem with being laid off is, if you earn over a certain amount of $$ they start deducting it from your unemployment, so many times it isn't worth finding a pt job, or if you are looking for ft person, the pay would have to be better than what they are collecting on unemployment. It does seem there should be a college student out there looking for work.

