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Ever Changing Naptime Schedule!

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  • Ever Changing Naptime Schedule!

    It seems everyday around here the naptime schedule is different! All depending on what kids are here, who needs morning naps, who has already napped..blah, blah, blah...And now with college starting next week it's going to change AGAIN! I have one that comes pretty early so he takes a nap around 8 to 9. Another will start coming about 8 and then she will probably want to lay down about 10 (she will be picked up at 12). Then another naptime after lunch with the older kids! I don't think I'm ever going to get outside! Besides the fact that the one that leaves at 12 MAY COME BACK later in the afternoon if mom gets a job after her classes (which I'm not complaining cause it's more money for me!) but she will then be ready for an afternoon nap. eiyiyiii!
    Sometimes napping in shifts is nicer cause I only have one other room off my main room, so that way they can take turns using it and they nap better. Opposed to all sleeping in the main room together and when one wakes up they all wake up! But it seems like everyday I'm rearranging packnplays and my schedule!

  • #2
    Wow, I wouldn't be able to deal with a schedule like that. I'm glad all my kids are around the same age. They are napping as we speak, which means quiet time and lunch time for me. I would try to get them on the same schedule but I know that can be hard if they are different ages.


    • #3
      Ya, three of my kids are 1 year and younger. And trying to figure out how to do this so my older kids can get a good nap. Like I said, my basement is only one big room then a laundry room (well, storage room and bathroom also).


      • #4
        I did that for awhile and it drove me crazy. I just set the nap time and doesn't matter what the kids did at home, here they nap when I need them too. If they don't sleep, they rest in their space even if they are awake.


        • #5
          I, too, don't factor in what they do at home- parents know the schedule. Everyone naps 1-330 (ish) and under 12-18 mo or so also naps 9-1030. If they slept late and get here at 850, they still go down at 9 etc. I find when I truly run my tiny DC more like a center with regards to that type of schedule/structure it is much less stressful and no one gets confused.


          • #6
            Originally posted by rjskids View Post
            Ya, three of my kids are 1 year and younger. And trying to figure out how to do this so my older kids can get a good nap. Like I said, my basement is only one big room then a laundry room (well, storage room and bathroom also).
            Mine are 4 mo, 12 mo, and 17 mo, and 21 mos. The 12 m and 21 mo are part timers. My contract states, nap time 9-10/10:30 and 1/1:30-3:00/3:30.

            The 12 mo and 21 mo sleep in the same room. The 17 mo is a screamer and sleeps in a pak-n-play in my bedroom. The baby sleeps in the den in a pak-n-play.

            The baby (arrives at 7:30) was even on that schedule after two weeks here. Now she also sleeps from 8:00-8:30 each morning in the bouncy seat while the other eat breakfast. Gets a diaper and and bottle at 9 and goes back to sleep, usually in the swing. She gets another bottle at 12 and a diaper and then back to sleep at 1/1:30 with the big kids.

            Parents know they must be here before 9 am. And if they show up at 9 am, dck is going straight to bed. If they leave before nap, they don't come back until the next day. No pickups until after nap time unless an emergency or dr appt.

            My parents are amazed that even the baby falls into the schedule that soon. But hey, kids do what you expect them to do. I run the schedule here, not the kids, or the parents.


            • #7
              I wish I could do that schedule but my toddlers can barely make it past 12:00. Then my morning nappers are not tired yet cause they just woke up at 10. So I've been laying the babies down at 8-9 which has been working. That way they are tired again at 12. But when my 1 year old starts coming at 8 I can't put her back to bed. I don't think that is right. But I think I will have to start trying and keeping them up till 1. That way when my 1 year old gets picked up at 12 for some mommy time before mom goes to work then she will come back around nap time and it should work out fine. "sigh" Thanks for helping me put it in perspective Sometimes it takes writing the situation out for me to figure it out!


              • #8
                Originally posted by rjskids View Post
                I wish I could do that schedule but my toddlers can barely make it past 12:00. Then my morning nappers are not tired yet cause they just woke up at 10. So I've been laying the babies down at 8-9 which has been working. That way they are tired again at 12. But when my 1 year old starts coming at 8 I can't put her back to bed. I don't think that is right. But I think I will have to start trying and keeping them up till 1. That way when my 1 year old gets picked up at 12 for some mommy time before mom goes to work then she will come back around nap time and it should work out fine. "sigh" Thanks for helping me put it in perspective Sometimes it takes writing the situation out for me to figure it out!
                Work your kids slowly from 12:00 to 1:00. For a couple of days, do 12:15, then move to 12:30 for a couple of days. Then the next week go to 12:45 for 2-3 days and then 1:00pm from then on. The kids will adjust. You may have to do music time or get on the floor and play blocks for those days to keep them busy.

                My 17 mo, 13 mo and 4 mo all take morning and afternoon naps. The 17 mo old shows up twice a week just before 9 am. She goes to nap, period. She may not sleep, but she is the one in the room by herself. Oh, and her Mom knows if she lets her sleep late at home, nap time is STILL 9 am.

                The 20 mo old is the only one that only takes an afternoon nap.
                Last edited by SandeeAR; 08-17-2011, 04:17 PM. Reason: added info

