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Check This Out!

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  • Check This Out!

    I am SO doing this! soon as i find a trampoline cheap on craigslist!

  • #2
    Licensing doesn't allow any kind of tramp here.


    • #3
      My neighbor who also does daycare had one. They took it out and filled it up a couple years ago though. The licensing and insurance rules were just too much to follow.


      • #4
        I wish we had nice enough weather here to warrant such a cool project in the backyard. I don't have a lot of space left so I'd probably do a smaller one for just one kid at a time but we could only use it for like 4 months out of the year. :-(


        • #5

          That is SO cool. If I ever have a million dollars and a reasonable amount of land...
          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


          • #6
            Great idea - so many kids get really hurt falling off the edge of those things!


            • #7
              They're illegal in CA, also.


              • #8
                Pretty cool!


                • #9
                  Wow thats cool! Love the idea but still fear a fall and the price tag as well so no go here. Plus its forbidden in registration. We have a mini tramp that I bought for myself to use and exersize on until I realised that my boobs didn't find it as fun and I cant find a good sports bra so it now belongs to my son.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by PitterPatter View Post
                    We have a mini tramp that I bought for myself to use and exersize on until I realised that my boobs didn't find it as fun and I cant find a good sports bra so it now belongs to my son.
                    :: Not only are the boobs a problem, wait till you're older and see how your bladder handles it! ::

                    I had an Aunt that completely wet herself when she tried a trampoline. Oops! I tried it a couple of years ago and almost lost it myself. Not for the over 45 crowd!


                    • #11
                      I love this idea. I love trampolines, but find that they are a bit of an eyesore in the yard. Having it in the ground definitely improves the appearance a TON!

                      I imagine the netting around it would still work though, which would act sort of as a gate, and prevent falls off of the trampoline.


                      • #12
                        i was thinking that maybe (for those of us who cant have trampolines) that because this was ground level, it may not be seen as the same thing. hmmmm....


                        • #13
                          This is a neat idea for your own personal use, but the fact many children actually get hurt by the bouncing itself, as in coming down on the trampoline in such a way that they injure themselves instead of just falling off would still be a huge liability for me to mess with it


                          • #14
                            No bouncing toys in my state. Well one, the ball that has handle on it that you sit on.


                            • #15
                              No tramps allowed here either. Not even the tiny ones with handles for personal use. None allowed in the home period. My oldest and youngest had one for their sensory input therapy. Licensing told me to remove it completely. Now they use a piece of memory foam.

