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Ever Had a Kid Walk Under a Swing (While Someone Is On It!)

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  • Ever Had a Kid Walk Under a Swing (While Someone Is On It!)

    I started a 2 year old with my group of 3-6 year olds. Today is her second day and things have been great. Until...

    Today, at the park, she RAN under one of the older kids on the swing. I was standing right there (as I tend to follow her around since she's younger) but I couldn't stop the swing fast enough. The bump/scrape/bruise right next to her eye is killing me Poor kid. She cried but I'll tell you something-I think I may have cried more. That looked so painful!! Imagine a 6 year old knocking into your bone!

  • #2
    Yeah. Kids do that. Every time. I don't think they realize that swings move sometimes! :confused:

    Don't feel too bad. There isn't much you could have done.


    • #3
      Eh... they've been doing that since playgrounds were invented. Most kids only do it once. Maybe twice.

      It's one of those life lessons we all need to learn.


      • #4
        I think some kids are automatically drawn to do this...and nothing you can do but don't be surprised if it happens again...sometimes it takes a few times to realize "gee I guess I shouldn't do that"


        • #5
          Oh my yes. One of my 2 yo dcgs just does NOT get it about the swings and has been bumped a couple times despite repeated warnings, last-second-snatches-back-from-danger, and past experience.

          The last time she actually got bumped my 3 year old DD was been swinging--she's the only one who actually knows how and gets any height. DCG walked behind DD and DD of course had no clue she was there and kicked dcg going full swing speed. DCG spent the next 10 minutes crying that DD needed to go in time out . DD spent that 10 minutes crying "It was an accident, I'm sorry dcg, it was an accident!" And, I spent that ten minutes trying to convince dcg that she didn't get to decide who gets a time out, no one needs a time out and trying to convince DD that I was not, in fact, going to put her in time out for something that totally wasn't her fault. Good times.
          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


          • #6
            Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
            Oh my yes. One of my 2 yo dcgs just does NOT get it about the swings and has been bumped a couple times despite repeated warnings, last-second-snatches-back-from-danger, and past experience.

            The last time she actually got bumped my 3 year old DD was been swinging--she's the only one who actually knows how and gets any height. DCG walked behind DD and DD of course had no clue she was there and kicked dcg going full swing speed. DCG spent the next 10 minutes crying that DD needed to go in time out . DD spent that 10 minutes crying "It was an accident, I'm sorry dcg, it was an accident!" And, I spent that ten minutes trying to convince dcg that she didn't get to decide who gets a time out, no one needs a time out and trying to convince DD that I was not, in fact, going to put her in time out for something that totally wasn't her fault. Good times.
            Lol, thanks. That makes me feel better. My kid actually got hit with the bottom of the swing because I was trying to stop it. The foot would have hurt worse probably


            • #7
              some children still do not understand the swing space concept in kindergarten, I think getting hurt a few times is the only thing that will speed the process up.


              • #8
                My son did that last year. I swear, the girl on the swing cried harder and for longer than he did. He had just turned 2. This year I follow him around like a HAWK because I'm afraid he'll do it again! Man, it was like slow motion trying to get to the swing to stop him (I was very close anyways, like I always am at the park) when all of a sudden I hear THUNK and see my son plop onto his butt.


                • #9
                  This is why I haven't got a swing set in my backyard yet. My group is very young, with the oldest being 3.5. The rest are all 2 and one infant. Our outdoor toys consist of ride on cars, bikes, balls, toy shovels, watering cans, ect.


                  • #10
                    When I started dc, I had a swingset from when my kids were small. It left the yard pretty fast. Nothing but a disaster waiting to happen. We have a climber, castle, balls, and lots of yard to run in.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by youretooloud View Post
                      Eh... they've been doing that since playgrounds were invented. Most kids only do it once. Maybe twice.

                      It's one of those life lessons we all need to learn.
             deer in the headlights!!!


                      • #12
                        OMG yes!!! Poor DCB 2 walked right infront of my son on our swingset and my son couldn't stop mid air but he did bend his feet back in a hurry trying to avoid contact. He knee connected with DCBs face and sent him airborn!! DCB flew back like a ragdoll and was bleeding fron the lip and his gums were swelling and bruised. DCM said he would be fine til she got there. She wasn't mad just said poor baby and hugged him and took him home. His gums were badly bruised the next day and still swollen. I worried something was wrong that we didnt see but DCM blew it off and said no he's fine he doesn't need checked. Overprotective me would have my son at the ER pronto!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by familyschoolcare View Post
                          some children still do not understand the swing space concept in kindergarten, I think getting hurt a few times is the only thing that will speed the process up.
                          Exactly. It also takes a time or two before they understand why they need to stay down until someone has the chance to stop the swing. Can't count how many times I've had a kid walk in front of a swing, get thrown to the ground and then get clocked by the swing again as they try to stand up. I've removed one swing set because I was so afraid someone was going to really get hurt. Before I did, though, I used to train them to lie flat until I could get over to stop the swing so they wouldn't get hit again. Some got the concept faster than others.

                          I hope your dcg is feeling better soon. How did the parent react at pick up time? Hopefully, the parent understood that accidents happen.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by e.j. View Post
                            Exactly. It also takes a time or two before they understand why they need to stay down until someone has the chance to stop the swing. Can't count how many times I've had a kid walk in front of a swing, get thrown to the ground and then get clocked by the swing again as they try to stand up. I've removed one swing set because I was so afraid someone was going to really get hurt. Before I did, though, I used to train them to lie flat until I could get over to stop the swing so they wouldn't get hit again. Some got the concept faster than others.

                            I hope your dcg is feeling better soon. How did the parent react at pick up time? Hopefully, the parent understood that accidents happen.
                            I called DCM after it happened, just to make her aware. She is a great mom and told me it was bound to happen (just like you guys said). Phew! At least it didn't happen with some of my other moms.

                            p.s. I also don't have swings in the yard. This is at the park


                            • #15
                              Glad DCM took it well.

                              We don't have swings here either. When we go to the park I only let them on the swings when everyone can be on one at the same time. We spend 5 mins on them then let everyone else have them. Big kids get off first, then the littles out of the baby seats. DS is a swing magnet! We took a trip to the ER after his 5th or 6th run in with a swinger's foot.

