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Inside Voices...

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  • Inside Voices...

    How do all of you enforce inside voices? I mean what is too loud? My group seems to always be reminded to keep it to inside voices, it's so frustrating. I don't know if I'm expecting it to be too quiet or if they are being too loud. Doesn't help that it's mostly boys. So just curious how everyone else reinforces this, I feel like I need ear plugs.

  • #2
    Originally posted by tenderhearts View Post
    How do all of you enforce inside voices? I mean what is too loud? My group seems to always be reminded to keep it to inside voices, it's so frustrating. I don't know if I'm expecting it to be too quiet or if they are being too loud. Doesn't help that it's mostly boys. So just curious how everyone else reinforces this, I feel like I need ear plugs.
    if I find that they are being excessivly loud, (usually on a day Im not feeling 100%) I get out the instruments, turn up the music and we have a real loud rip roaring time for 10 - 15 minutes,.. then we put things away, lower the lights, get out the pillows and I read them several books,.. then pass out the book bucket and go grab a cup of coffee,.. sit back and let them be quiet. If they start to get loud I remind them that we had loud time and now its quiet time, then I rotate quiet toys, blocks, legos, etc,.... that usually works with my group . This is a hard time of year because we really need a good old fashioned 3 hour outside play time.


    • #3
      How funny! I was just wondering this myself. I feel like such an ogre! I am forever telling them to use inside voices. When they have to keep being reminded I make them all sit and read a book. I have mostly boys as well. Sometimes I feel like the grumpy old man that feels children should be seen not heard! If I have to yell or raise my voice to talk across the room then I feel it's too loud. If I don't have to yell it's just plain annoying but I don't make them sit!


      • #4
        I don't know if anyone is familiar with the show Yo Gabba Gabba, but they have a song about this...I am sure you could find it online to hear it, but it's about inside voices and outside voices. The words are *whispers* "Inside voice, quiet, inside voice SHHHH." then they say, loudly, "OUTSIDE VOICE, BIG AND LOUD, OUTSIDE VOICE..." Anyway, you COULD try finding that and then practice with them. That way, when you are trying to get them quiet, maybe you could sing the inside voice part, or ask them what it sounds like. Just an idea. My daycare kids like it.


        • #5
          That's a great idea, I'm gonna find that song. I too have all boys and they are CONSTANTLY yelling and screaming and growling and generally being too loud. Hopefully that will help


          • #6
            I have older kids so they have a bit more self control than littler ones...but not much! When they're getting out of hand, I usually gather them all into one room and turn off the lights. (It's not completely dark because of the windows) and we sit without speaking for several minutes. I keep them quiet during homework time by turning on the radio VERY quietly - I tell them that if they can't hear the music then their voices are too loud. That usually works!


            • #7
              I have a whistle somewhere around here and I am going to find it. I have used it before. The kids here have been crazy for quite some time, I wonder if it is all the winter storms moving thru.


              • #8
                Thats what I do to, I give them a few warnings and if it continues I tell them that we will have quiet book time, I give all of them some books and spread them about the room for 15 min and it works at least for awhile. I feel like the ogre too some times but man when it gives you a headache they are definetly too loud. It's getting harder to keep them quiet and it must be the weather. I startled them a couple weeks ago, everyone was just wild and crazy and I kept trying to calm them down, saying inside voices, settle down, no one was hearing me so I clapped really loud and said quiet please loudly and boy everyone stopped and looked at me like what? but it worked, but I'm not a yeller or loud so it startled them.That's a great idea with that song, I will have to look that up thanks for the idea, I'm glad I'm not the only that suffers with this.


                • #9
                  I've been googling the song and just can not seem to find a link to it!! I'm sorry!! I am sure you can come up with your own tune for it, but it just seems really catchy the way they sing it. Maybe someone else will have better luck finding it. We just happen to have the DVD that has the song on it. (We have three different ones that have been donated/bought in the past year so I'm not sure which one it is, but I'll let you know when I figure it out) Good luck!


                  • #10
                    Maybe they have a cd/dvd that I could find at Target or something. I'll try looking for it, we don't watch much tv and I have never heard of them before but if they are on tv like the wiggles they must have something out. thanks again


                    • #11
                      When I worked at a center and had 13 4 year olds in a small room and they got loud we would all step outside (even when it was super cold we would put on our coats) and just scream as loud as they could! For about a min or so. Then we call came back in. I told them that they needed to get their screams out so we could be quite in the room. Worked great! Everyone always thought I was odd for doing it but they were quite then!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by tenderhearts View Post
                        How do all of you enforce inside voices? I mean what is too loud? My group seems to always be reminded to keep it to inside voices, it's so frustrating. I don't know if I'm expecting it to be too quiet or if they are being too loud. Doesn't help that it's mostly boys. So just curious how everyone else reinforces this, I feel like I need ear plugs.
                        Ok, I have to admit, I've only read this first post and look forward to reading the rest of this thread. I started giggling, so my 14 yr old asked about it. I read your post out loud laughing the whole time. This sounds exactly like my house. Of course, being couped up with cold temps outside doesn't help. My enrollment right now is my own 5 yr old (prek), a 6yr old girl (1st grade), 2 other 5 yr old boys (kinder), 4 yr old boy (prek), 3 yr old boy, a 23 month old boy and a 16 mo old boy. Quiet just doesn't exist here. Honestly though, it almost seems louder when the girl is here.
                        Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.

