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Fishing or Revenge?

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  • Fishing or Revenge?

    Do u ever get phone calls from potential clients gathering info and set up a meeting only to not show and it turns out they were just fishing for a past client? I have had 2 this week now and I am getting POed! How can I tell who is legit? I hear old DCM is still mad because I won't take her son back and she can't find a provider for him so I guess this is her way of getting back at me. How can I combat this? How do I know who is legit anymore? I can't keep taking bogus calls wasting time talking and setting up interviews and waiting....

    Oh and I found this out thru friends of friends and the latest by calling the number back when they didn't show this time. Turns out there is no such person but it may have been 1 of the girls "friends or coworkers" that used her phone as she lends it out a lot.

  • #2
    That's just immature. I'm so sorry that's happening to you! No real advice except to maybe have caller ID and document what's happening. Maybe you could use the info against her for harassment if it came to it.


    • #3
      this may be paranoid but i google every inquiry, and see what i can find out. i also look up the phone # on white

      compulsive...i know


      • #4
        Originally posted by PitterPatter View Post
        Oh and I found this out thru friends of friends and the latest by calling the number back when they didn't show this time. Turns out there is no such person but it may have been 1 of the girls "friends or coworkers" that used her phone as she lends it out a lot.
        Follow with a call the night before and yes, keep records of the numbers for future reference. Make sure you get a work number just in case and give that a ring as well the day before, asking if that person works there. It may save you some time waiting around the house for nothing.

        What kind of people would do that for her? Yeesh - sick pups!


        • #5
          I saw a Cl add for a home day care that only makes appointments for interviews if the client makes a $10 non-refundable deposit first the deposit will be applied to the first weeks payment if/when they sign up.


          • #6
            When you set up an appointment for an interview, get:
            Mom's home, cell and work phone numbers
            Dad's home, cell and work phone numbers

            I tell people that in the event that I need to cancel or reschedule the interview, I'll be able to get a hold of them. In reality, if someone is truly looking for daycare, I've found that they are more than willing to give their contact information...I've had some that even volunteer grandma's phone numbers too::
            If someone is simply fishing (or price checking), they immediately start backpedaling when I ask for the phone numbers, and I then tell them that "I'm sorry" I can't schedule an interview without that information. I'm sure that I've probably turned-off a potential client or two, but the ones that show up for an interview are genuine - and I don't waste my time preparing for interviews that never show.

            Works for me


            • #7
              Originally posted by Pammie View Post
              When you set up an appointment for an interview, get:
              Mom's home, cell and work phone numbers
              Dad's home, cell and work phone numbers

              I tell people that in the event that I need to cancel or reschedule the interview, I'll be able to get a hold of them. In reality, if someone is truly looking for daycare, I've found that they are more than willing to give their contact information...I've had some that even volunteer grandma's phone numbers too::
              If someone is simply fishing (or price checking), they immediately start backpedaling when I ask for the phone numbers, and I then tell them that "I'm sorry" I can't schedule an interview without that information. I'm sure that I've probably turned-off a potential client or two, but the ones that show up for an interview are genuine - and I don't waste my time preparing for interviews that never show.

              Works for me
              This is what I do too. I've never had anyone have a problem with giving me contact info, when I explain that I need it in case I have to reschedule. In most cases, they offer it before I even ask!


              • #8
                Thanks for the help ladies! I usually take a number but I never thought I would have to call back or ask for back up numbers. I will be doing that from now on. I just cannot believe how pathetic DCM is! She is the 1 who royally blew it with her rage. Now I know where DCB got it from all along. I haven't gotten another call since I called back investigating so maybe it got back to her. I wish she would hurry up and find a provider that will keep him so she won't be so scorned, but then again this just shows her how much I put up with for 1 1/2 yrs!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Pammie View Post
                  When you set up an appointment for an interview, get:
                  Mom's home, cell and work phone numbers
                  Dad's home, cell and work phone numbers

                  I tell people that in the event that I need to cancel or reschedule the interview, I'll be able to get a hold of them. In reality, if someone is truly looking for daycare, I've found that they are more than willing to give their contact information...I've had some that even volunteer grandma's phone numbers too::
                  If someone is simply fishing (or price checking), they immediately start backpedaling when I ask for the phone numbers, and I then tell them that "I'm sorry" I can't schedule an interview without that information. I'm sure that I've probably turned-off a potential client or two, but the ones that show up for an interview are genuine - and I don't waste my time preparing for interviews that never show.

                  Works for me
                  VERY smart Pammie. I've never thought of doing that.


                  • #10
                    I don't offer much information over the phone. I will tell them if I have any openings and I ask a lot of questions...

                    Whereabouts do you live?

                    Whereabouts do you work?

                    (If they work or live a distance from me, it's really not advantageous to set up an appointment.)

                    What hours are you looking for care?

                    Would this be Monday through Friday?

                    (If you can find out right off the bat if they are only wanting 2 days a week, drop in, or temporary care, the better prepared you will be to decide whether this is a job you want to take.)

                    If they are further interested, I tell suggest they schedule an appointment where we can discuss more. I ask them for a name, telephone number and email address. If their preferred method of contact is email, I will email them 24 hours before the appointment to confirm that we are still on. After I receive confirmation, I will disclose my address (usually 2-5 hours before the appointment time). I also tell families that failure to show up or cancel the appointment will result in disqualification from services. I always tell them it's better to cancel than not show up! I also tell them that if they are more than 10 minutes late, their appointment is cancelled and they will be disqualified.

                    My suggestion is to dig for information.

                    How many kids do you have? Names? Ages? Where do you work, live and hours you are needing care.

                    If they start studdering or stammaring, you'll know it's bogus.


                    Another suggestion would be to thank them for their interest and unfortunately they called at the busiest time of the day. Suggest getting a call back number and offer to call them back during naptime or after hours.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by momwith4 View Post
                      this may be paranoid but i google every inquiry, and see what i can find out. i also look up the phone # on white

                      compulsive...i know
                      I do the same thing! GOOGLE, GOOGLE, GOOGLE and I check their email address on Facebook to see who they are... what the child looks like, etc. I've had other daycare providers call me before and "pretend" to be looking for childcare. Its so obvious by the questions they ask. And once I called the # right back from the caller ID and she answered with a daycare name. Sheesh. People are so weird.

