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Signing In and Out

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  • Signing In and Out

    I am unlicensed and currently have my parents sign in and out, but I was wondering how necessary it is. I am also not on the food program. Does it help with taxes or is it good to do for liability? My parents all prefer to do drop offs and pick ups at the door and it would be nice to not force them to come in twice a day when they are in a hurry.

  • #2
    I've never had parents sign in and out...except for the ones on subsidized daycare where attendance sheets are required for reimbursement.

    I have been on a food program for many years and I think it's great. Helps with my grocery bill and the parents like that my meals are monitored.


    • #3
      I have them sign in and out as per my CPA's request. She said it would be a good record of the time and amount of kids I had, should I ever get audited.


      • #4
        Originally posted by SandeeAR View Post
        I have them sign in and out as per my CPA's request. She said it would be a good record of the time and amount of kids I had, should I ever get audited.
        this is the main reason I do it too. My hours are technically from the time the first child arrives till the time the last one leaves. Also, I like the record of knowing a child came and went with the person they were supposed to.


        • #5
          Originally posted by SandeeAR View Post
          I have them sign in and out as per my CPA's request. She said it would be a good record of the time and amount of kids I had, should I ever get audited.
          Originally posted by LittleDiamonds View Post
          this is the main reason I do it too. My hours are technically from the time the first child arrives till the time the last one leaves. Also, I like the record of knowing a child came and went with the person they were supposed to.
          And the best part, if the IRS audits you, don't have to look up the info. All you are required to do is "supply" the paperwork. THEY have to look up all the info they want. THEY have to do the totals, etc. If your receipts are in a shoebox and not in order, you hand them the shoebox. Nothing more.....


          • #6
            I have them sign in and out for several reasons.
            1. food program
            2. taxes
            3. could be used as a legal doc. ( I will explain)
            4. Helps me keeps track of who was here when
            5. The signature releases me of libality of their child. once they sign out, they are 100% responsible for them.

            #3. I once had a family that was going through a divorce and the mom was the one paying for the DC fees at the time, however, both were participating in drop off and pick up. the dad was always picking up late causing late fees, as well as not following the custody order. My sign logs were called into courts as evidence that the dad was not picking up on time and also was not following the court order.

            I also heard at one of my classes that it's also good for insurance reasons, as a family once tried to sue the DCP for an accident that had occured and the child was not even there that day.....


            • #7
              I have my parents sign in and out. They all like that I do it. I think it's just good practice. In case I ever need to know, etc.


              • #8
                I have all parents sign in and out. Usually I have subs. clients anyway but even when I have a private pay it is a great help when payday comes and they say they wasn't late on Monday etc... Here's your log out time u wrote and signed. ::

                Plus all kids are on food prog. and they want to see sign in and out sheets from time to time.

                I started being strict with the actual log time when I heard a horror story about a child that got hit by a car after pick up. He was signed out and DCM wasn't watching as he ran in the street. She tried to go after the provider for neglect but the provider had proof he was out of her care at that time by showing the sign out time and signature. So now no more vague 5:00 I make them write the exact time 5:02 or 4:56 etc.

                I had a DCD who was always late trying to shave off an hour and write 5:00 instead of the 6:00 then say the kid wasn't picked up late. So I would correct him when he tried it and he would say "oh my bad I read my watch wrong" uh huh u will be paying the fine Mr Liar!


                • #9
                  I have them sign every two weeks. I put doen the time in and out then they sign saying it is correct. Tho my watch and thiers may be wrong, I have never had anyone correct me. But previos post really bring about good reasons why the should do it themsleves. Reallt, what does it cost them, 30 secs of thier life!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by daycare View Post
                    I have them sign in and out for several reasons.
                    1. food program
                    2. taxes
                    3. could be used as a legal doc. ( I will explain)
                    4. Helps me keeps track of who was here when
                    5. The signature releases me of libality of their child. once they sign out, they are 100% responsible for them.
                    In my state, it's mandated that we keep attendance sheets but I would do it for the reasons stated above even if I didn't have to. I had a dc mom who complained to me that one of the other dc kids in my care kicked her dd. (her dd was older and a bit of a trouble maker. She liked to try to get the younger kids in trouble.) She told me when it happened and when I looked it up, the child her dd accused of kicking her wasn't even in that day. I was very relieved to have proof that it never happened.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SandeeAR View Post
                      I have them sign in and out as per my CPA's request. She said it would be a good record of the time and amount of kids I had, should I ever get audited.
                      This is why I do it also. It takes no more than 1 minute for them to come in sign in/out and go back out. I do it so that I can have proof of my children-in-care hours.

