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MAJOR Vent...

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  • MAJOR Vent...

    Right down the street for me is another provider who happens to be the President of our child care association. In addition she has a side business making websites for other providers. Last year I spoke to her and she mentioned that a client had made a false allegation of abuse (spanking) for which she received a correction order.

    Now this year, I learn that she has TWO additional orders and a letter of revocation that she is appealing. In this last accusation, she left bruises while removing a child from outdoor play equipment.

    She is up, running and licensed. When you look at her site, you would think she was the goddess of daycare. She has a BA in Early Child Education, she is (or was) accredited, spanish, sign, the list goes on and on...she told one of my clients she has a waiting list of over 30 people...

    Oddly enough, she has an ad on craigslist.

    I don't understand how she can continue to operate.

  • #2

    I have seen it around my area, too...

    I was not born this bitter about Local Government/Politics, I promise...
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #3
      Not to freak you out, but I am positive that I totally know who you are talking about. This may have been a good one to post unregistered in case she is on here. I have no idea if she is.

      When I heard about the website where you can look up providers and actions agains them (I don't remember the name of it offhand) I looked her up right away. She does make herself out to be the goddess of daycare, you are right. So I was surprised to see two things against her on that site. I think she is planning on being done within the next couple of years--that's what I have heard through the grapevine--so if that is the case, it sounds like it will be a good thing!


      • #4
        Originally posted by jen View Post
        Right down the street for me is another provider who happens to be the President of our child care association. In addition she has a side business making websites for other providers. Last year I spoke to her and she mentioned that a client had made a false allegation of abuse (spanking) for which she received a correction order.

        Now this year, I learn that she has TWO additional orders and a letter of revocation that she is appealing. In this last accusation, she left bruises while removing a child from outdoor play equipment.

        She is up, running and licensed. When you look at her site, you would think she was the goddess of daycare. She has a BA in Early Child Education, she is (or was) accredited, spanish, sign, the list goes on and on...she told one of my clients she has a waiting list of over 30 people...

        Oddly enough, she has an ad on craigslist.

        I don't understand how she can continue to operate.
        Jen~ If I recall, you can look up her info on the DHS website using the license look up link and on some of them, you can click on the pdf file reports that were made and they will tell you the whole story about whether she was placed on suspension, temp status or if she was found not guilty of the accusations.

        I have noticed however, that there are a few providers in my area that have correction orders and the info is mysteriously not listed on the site...Hmmm??? I think in those situations, Catherder is dead on.


        • #5
          Do you believe it's true though? I'm usually the type that doesn't always believe the accusations. I know it's possible, and I'm being gullible to think that daycare providers don't lose their temper...

          But, I have kids who get bruises all the time. I have kids who come in with bruises. I wouldn't ever assume it's abuse, but some people instantly want to think the worst.


          • #6
            I actually looked it up when I heard about it, so I've been on the DHS website and I've read the revocation letter...but I didn't see anything as to how her license is still active.

            True...I don't know. It seems to me like 3 seperate allegations over the period of a couple of years is a huge red flag.

            Hey, unregistered! You must be near me! Friday is my last day of daycare, that is why I was checking on things...but yeah, maybe I should have posted unregistered. If you google her name, details are all over the internet and someone has been posting warnings on craigslist...that wasn't me.


            • #7
              I never want to jump to conclusions either...but, last yr my son told one of my parents I spanked her son...!! Which I never did she ashually told me that if this child ever needed one to give him one... Holly Cow...NO WAY!! I told her that I would never spank your child nor any child for that matter. Time out or redirecting is all I ever need to use as a form of discipline. Thank goodness this parent wasn't upset or report me bc just one accusation can do that. Also, when I change my little ones diapers they squirm around so I hold their ankles up and I end up leaving finger bruises on there ankles from the every day grab there. You know what i mean. All of my "littles" are potty trained now except one who will be 2 in Sept. but man. Little ones bruise really easily. I don't think I every grab hard but sometimes you have to make a mad dash to get to one who's a climber to prevent them from getting up on something or making the attempt and guess what..they've got a bruise. I always tell the parents when they have had a accident or have scrapes or bruises. I am a worry wort about those things.


              • #8
                registered here typing to stay anonymous.
                The thread got me thinking about how our daycare association president also does DC and how she takes advantage of that. As members we contact her to let her know if we have openings and when she gets calls for childcare she gives the parents a list of the DC's from the association. I always assumed that they would be given the list of daycares that had openings for her needs but in passing I have suspitions that it isn't so.

                A few months ago I had an opening for a toddler and so I called her to let her know. I got calls for the opening through my CL ad but none from the association. At a meeting I was talking about my opening and was encouraged to let the president know and I told the provider that I already had but had received no calls from it only from CL. Another provider said it was strange because she had received a call refered by the association for a toddler for which she had no opening (she needed SA) and it was the same for a 3rd provider.

                At the end of the meeting I was mingling and happened to overhear the president mention to another provider that she had just recently signed a new client ... the child was a toddler. I asked 2 other providers who I knew to have openings for any age ranges and they never received calls either and another. It made me suspicious to think that the president was giving out a list of providers that could not fit the needs of the family and would then be the only option left. It dissapointed me greatly.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by youretooloud View Post
                  Do you believe it's true though? I'm usually the type that doesn't always believe the accusations. I know it's possible, and I'm being gullible to think that daycare providers don't lose their temper...

                  But, I have kids who get bruises all the time. I have kids who come in with bruises. I wouldn't ever assume it's abuse, but some people instantly want to think the worst.

                  I agree, I have had so many wacko parents over the years, and thats with really screening them......I had one that brought her son with bruises and asked me if I knew how they got there, . I said no...he didn't get them here. And I've had a few others that got stuff at home and asked me if they got them at my house, crazy. So you wonder if the mothers are making up stuff to the husbands...that it was rough play at the sitters and something else is going on??

                  What I am saying is there are many many more NUT parents out there versus sitters.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jen View Post
                    I actually looked it up when I heard about it, so I've been on the DHS website and I've read the revocation letter...but I didn't see anything as to how her license is still active.

                    True...I don't know. It seems to me like 3 seperate allegations over the period of a couple of years is a huge red flag.

                    Hey, unregistered! You must be near me! Friday is my last day of daycare, that is why I was checking on things...but yeah, maybe I should have posted unregistered. If you google her name, details are all over the internet and someone has been posting warnings on craigslist...that wasn't me.
                    Yep--We are pretty close actually! I'm registered, but logged out b/c I don't want people to know where I live.

                    I agree, one false accusation is one thing, but three--not likely. I don't really know her, I just know who she is and have only spoken to her once on the phone about the daycare association. I have not joined and don't think I will. I have just heard many mixed things about her from other providers in my area. "She's 'nice', but..." kind of things.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Yep--We are pretty close actually! I'm registered, but logged out b/c I don't want people to know where I live.

                      I agree, one false accusation is one thing, but three--not likely. I don't really know her, I just know who she is and have only spoken to her once on the phone about the daycare association. I have not joined and don't think I will. I have just heard many mixed things about her from other providers in my area. "She's 'nice', but..." kind of things.
                      Well, now I'm all curious! You haven't picked up any new kids in the last couple of weeks have you? Maybe they are one of mine!!!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jen View Post
                        Well, now I'm all curious! You haven't picked up any new kids in the last couple of weeks have you? Maybe they are one of mine!!!!
                        Nope! I'm small and I like it that way! Plus I am far enough away that we weren't competing.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          I agree, I have had so many wacko parents over the years, and thats with really screening them......I had one that brought her son with bruises and asked me if I knew how they got there, . I said no...he didn't get them here. And I've had a few others that got stuff at home and asked me if they got them at my house, crazy. So you wonder if the mothers are making up stuff to the husbands...that it was rough play at the sitters and something else is going on??

                          What I am saying is there are many many more NUT parents out there versus sitters.
                          Had that happen to a friend, except the baby's leg was broken AFTER she left daycare. DSS was at gf's door at 5 AM the next morning, shutting her down. The only thing that saved her was another parent was a police officer and he was the last to hold the baby before handing her to mom. He testified the baby was not injured prior to Mom leaving. GF was so traumatized, she shut down.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by sharlan View Post
                            Had that happen to a friend, except the baby's leg was broken AFTER she left daycare. DSS was at gf's door at 5 AM the next morning, shutting her down. The only thing that saved her was another parent was a police officer and he was the last to hold the baby before handing her to mom. He testified the baby was not injured prior to Mom leaving. GF was so traumatized, she shut down.
                            I think I would have shut down too! I had a incident where I was caring for a child of a family friend. The mom was nice and happy, but the dad always made comments. Oh, you have lots of kids today! (at the most 5 others) then Oh you dont have many kids today! He would NEVER speak to the African American mother that picked up at the same time. anyway, one day the girl, who was like 18 months at the time was in the pack and play and woke up with like 4 scratches on her cheeks. I honestly dont know where they came from so I called the mom to let her know because I know the dad would freak if he saw and didnt know and she said ok. so he picked up and didnt say much, the next day they didnt come back and I had the Child Abuse Inverstigation Unit at my door talking about she cant interview the children I watch because they are too young! I pictured her locked in the bathroom with my own children talking about does mommy hit you! Believe me when I tell you I didnt eat for a week and couldnt sleep because I thought they were going to take my kids away!!!! It all ended well after a month but it was a long month!!!!

                            I guess what I am saying is that its too bad that you cant really put much faith in people being cited when you have weird parents who report things out of anger or just being plain crazy!

