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Children Going to School and Still Doing Childcare

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  • Children Going to School and Still Doing Childcare

    All my children are in school and the last one will be in middle school in a couple of years. How many of you are planning on finding a different career when your children are all in school or do you plan on continuing childcare?

    I was actually thinking if things turn around in a few years of looking at working in the schools because then I would have the same days off, summers, etc. The only thing is I will be making way less than childcare so I'm not sure if its something that can be a reality.

    One thing I don't like is being "trapped" by the money I make doing childcare. No other job is going to pay that but also no other job is going to make you work 50+ hours a week unless you are a lawyer, doctor, or something in that nature. I feel like I'm always working but not getting ahead in life!
    Each day is a fresh start
    Never look back on regrets
    Live life to the fullest
    We only get one shot at this!!

  • #2
    I started my dacare when my daughters were 5 and 7. I kept doing daycare while they were in school. When I temporarily shut down 5 yrs ago, they were 27 and 29.Although I "shut down", I still had my granddaughters, now my grandsons that I cared for. So in essence, I've never stopped providing daycare.

    At times, I took little part time jobs in the evening (office cleaning, deli counter) to get out of the house.


    • #3
      My kids are in 10th, 7th and 5th. I have thought of closing numerous times over the past few years, but as you stated, nothing will pay me what daycare does.

      I think I will probably do daycare till my youngest starts high school, then i plan to look into substitute teaching. Here subs are paid pretty well and are usually busy if you are willing to travel, though that could change over the years!

      The other thing you could look into is watching for teachers. I currently have all but one family that teaches and am looking forward to next summer as the family who doesnt teach is only part time. The loss of income in summer will stink, but it will be worth it.


      • #4
        My kids are 20 and 23. I am still doing child care. I will be doing it until the mortgage on my child care home is paid off.


        • #5
          My kids are young (6 years and 9 months) but I plan on doing childcare for a very long time. I have had other jobs before but I have always come back to childcare or have done childcare on the side as a second income until I started my DC to do it full-time. It's great... and now when things get difficult I just figure out which of my DC parent's is driving me crazy and fire them ::. Doing childcare is easier than dealing with parents.

          I plan on doing childcare until my DH retires. Who knows, maybe I'll keep doing it and he can do it with me.


          • #6
            my youngest is going into kindergarten this year - which is only half day for us - but I have thought about just doing before/after school care once he is in school full days. I'm just not sure I would like doing that age group, not sure I can compete with the schools after care program, etc. It would mean totally revamping my playroom AGAIN too. ::
            I will probably just stick with things the way they are till I can afford not to!


            • #7
              My kids are 25, 22 and 18. The 18 year old just graduated from high school and is starting college this month; she is getting her degree in Early Childhood Education so she can go into business with me.

              I guess I'm in it for the long haul


              • #8


                • #9
                  I will likely start transitioning to all teachers children in the next few years. My oldest is entering school this fall, so I would like to have summers and school breaks off with my own kids.


                  • #10
                    I'm finishing my college education and have no desire to do this long term. Its working for now and I have learned a lot over the past 4 or 5 years but I will be ready to be done doing this when my girls are school aged.


                    • #11
                      I plan to do home daycare - unless I can open a daycare center - until the day I die! The pay is better than any other job I'm qualified for, if I do lose a daycare kid, I still have income from other clients, I can sit on my butt for most of the day, go to the bathroom whenever I need to, clean my house while I'm working which allows me to have the weekends for fun, when my personal children grow up, hopefully, maybe, I will be able to watch my grandchildren!, if any friends or family take vacation and want to visit me, I can have people visit me while I am working ( I don't have to take my vacation days off work), I can HIRE SOMEONE ELSE TO DO MY JOB FOR ME AND I STILL GET SOME OF THAT INCOME!!!! Yeah, I like my job - I want to do this forever and ever!!! (unless I open a daycare center)


                      • #12
                        I officially started in this business when my youngest was 6 months old and planned on staying in it until he started school full time. He is now going into 4th grade. I love my job and plan to continue for a very long time.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by permanentvacation View Post
                          I plan to do home daycare - unless I can open a daycare center - until the day I die! The pay is better than any other job I'm qualified for, if I do lose a daycare kid, I still have income from other clients, I can sit on my butt for most of the day, go to the bathroom whenever I need to, clean my house while I'm working which allows me to have the weekends for fun, when my personal children grow up, hopefully, maybe, I will be able to watch my grandchildren!, if any friends or family take vacation and want to visit me, I can have people visit me while I am working ( I don't have to take my vacation days off work), I can HIRE SOMEONE ELSE TO DO MY JOB FOR ME AND I STILL GET SOME OF THAT INCOME!!!! Yeah, I like my job - I want to do this forever and ever!!! (unless I open a daycare center)
                          How do you do it when people want to come on vacation and visit while you are working? I'm very serious on that because that has always been a thorn in my side. I have had out of town guests come and I have to be right with the kids and of course I can't visit, talk, relax and enjoy their company. Also, they will want to go see some local sights and I can't go with them, the rest of the family can but I would have to stay back with the dcks.
                          Each day is a fresh start
                          Never look back on regrets
                          Live life to the fullest
                          We only get one shot at this!!


                          • #14
                            I plan on stopping once my kids are in full-time school. That's a long way off though. My daughter is only 9 months, and I plan on having one more in 2013. .


                            • #15
                              I actually did childcare when mine were 18m and 3y and then stopped when my oldest was 5 (we moved). I decided to stay home until my youngest started full time school (this past school year) so I started up again last sept. It's much easier this time around with them in school.

                              The summer has been hard and I can't wait until school starts again.

