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Looking for Suggestions re "Substitutes"

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  • Looking for Suggestions re "Substitutes"

    Hi all..I am new to this forum. I have a home daycare with 5 children, 2 of which are my own. I serve 3 other families.

    I am wondering if anyone has suggestions as far as finding a substitute for when I have personal appointments (doc/daughter's school etc)? Right now I am taking the day off (or 1/2 day whatever) but I really want to find someone who can come in, sit in my place while I run to an appt for an hour or so. I would preferably schedule things during naptime (all kids nap simultaneously) so the sub would really just have to sit here in my spot. I am almost thinking like a college kid or something, idk.

    Does anyone have any suggestions as to where to find a substitute? What do you do when you need to take personal time for appointments?

  • #2
    I understand the predicament completely. I can only relate my experience: I have a bunch of PT kids so I have 2 mornings a week free of DK's to schedule appointments. If I can't get an appointment during those hours, I have two options: take them with me (with parent permission) or have my DH come home for an hour. Thankfully he has a flexible schedule. If it is an appointment for our kids, I made DH the responsible party for getting them there. Taking all of them with me can get to be a real zoo, but most places are very tolerant; after all it would be the same as a large family. Rarely, I have had a neighbor kid come to stay with the kids for a little while, but he is known and trusted by all the families.

    I hope you find a solution! Good luck.


    • #3
      It's really hard for me to trust just anyone to come in substitute for me, even when the kids are napping. I try to make all my appointments after hours or on Sat. When it's not possible I take the day off.


      • #4
        TY for your response! The ages of my DK's are 4, 2, and 1.5, while my 2 children are 3 and 1.5. So taking everyone with me anywhere isn't possible (due to carseats and my sanity!).

        Sounds like you have a good system where you are able to schedule most things on the 2 mornings you are w/o kids. I have 2 f/t kids and 1 p/t, hoping to get one more f/t child soon. So I am here M-F.

        My daughter (3) will start her first preschool program on Monday (MWF 1/2 days) and it breaks my heart at the thought of never being able to attend any school "functions" she might have. I have also been going thru some medical testing for some stomach problems so that's why this has become such an issue for me as of late.

        I was looking on sitter, does anyone have experience w sitters from that site? I am hoping I can find a couple sitters on there, which I would gladly pay $$$ for to sit in for me while I take care of my own obligations.

        TIA for an any more responses!


        • #5
          Originally posted by morgan24 View Post
          It's really hard for me to trust just anyone to come in substitute for me, even when the kids are napping. I try to make all my appointments after hours or on Sat. When it's not possible I take the day off.
          This has been my policy as well. I agree on the trust factor, it's so tough. With my daughter starting school and further medical testing in my future, I know I have to do something otherwise I have to inconvenience so many ppl as far as days off.

          Trying to figure out the "right" thing to do. Not easy at times! :confused:


          • #6
            I'm very curious to what others say because I lost my substitute after 11 years due to health issues. I just can't bring myself to get someone else because of the trust issue. My hubby says take the day off but that can get to be alot with 4 kids-dentist, doctors, ortho (every 6 weeks), any appointments I have.

            Everything here is either closed on Friday (or open 1/2 day), closes at 5:00, and nothing is open on Saturday. We have one maybe two banks that are open Saturdays.

            I acatually get panicky when I know an appointment is coming up and I have to figure it out because I just feel trapped not being able to make an appointment and go. I have to figure out to many things to just go!
            Each day is a fresh start
            Never look back on regrets
            Live life to the fullest
            We only get one shot at this!!


            • #7
              You can have a family member do it( the only people I trust)
              Whoever you choose has to be fingerprinted and cleared and take CPR classes.
              good luck..
              sitter city is pretty good, just interview thoroughly.


              • #8
                In my area there are a few child care providers who have either quit or retired. Several of them substitute when other child cares need them. The few who have taken other jobs simply require a minimum of 14 days advance notice.

                We also have a few college students who have called our local licensing agency and registered as substitutes for family child care providers. The licensor then distributed their names and numbers to us.


                • #9
                  Thanks, guys! I contacted my licensing girl and she said it could be anyone who had a criminal records check and signed my "helper orientation" worksheet. So technically this could be my husband, since he already has had the background ck. He is off on Mondays and I could schedule appts during monday naptime. I am still going to pursue a couple college girls from sittercity as a back up. My licensing girl had no list of helpers to offer, unfortunately. I have no local family so that isn't an option either.

                  While I love that I am able to stay home with my children as well as be my own boss, I hate feeling that I am putting everyone else out to take care of my own personal/medical/family business. It's the toughest part of home daycare for me!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by lehcrh View Post

                    While I love that I am able to stay home with my children as well as be my own boss, I hate feeling that I am putting everyone else out to take care of my own personal/medical/family business. It's the toughest part of home daycare for me!
                    I feel the same way and hope your situation works out. I'm also looking for a substitute, but our requirements are much stricter here. I have friends and family close by and available, but none of them want any part of helping me out. They would have to go to a 2 hr training in addition to all the paperwork, which costs $100, in order to be my substitute. I would pay and have offered to pay the fee + for their time to go, but nope they won't. It's sad.


                    • #11
                      I'm finding it hard to find someone that isn't working full-time also and that really likes children. Also, it would be only when I have appt. and such so it isn't like I can give them any real type of schedule.
                      Each day is a fresh start
                      Never look back on regrets
                      Live life to the fullest
                      We only get one shot at this!!


                      • #12
                        It is in my contract that parents are responsible for planning for backup child care for their own child/ren.

                        With that said, I have gotten my Mom, DH or SIL to come keep the kids from time to time.

                        They all had to complete 10 hours training, be fingerprinted, have a TB/Hep form and sign a contract stating that they are familiar with all the children's files/special needs, know the emergency plans, and the emergency numbers; notarized.

                        Even temporary backup are required to have the same credentials as a full-blown assistant so it is too prohibitive for many folks.
                        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.

