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Who Has The Authority To See The Financial Records In A Church Daycare

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  • Who Has The Authority To See The Financial Records In A Church Daycare

    My church has opened a daycare last year. I am the president of the corporation of the church and elder of the session. We are haveing problems with the church and daycare. The preacher and the director has full control over the financial part of the daycare. We are having a trust issue with our preacher. He has said the financial records are not accessible to me or any other church member, except the two buddies he elected to be on the daycare commitee. He says it would be a breach of confidentiality. What are my rights to information of the daycare as a president of the corporation and elder of the church.
    Last edited by Michael; 01-30-2008, 02:49 PM.

  • #2
    Church Financial Affairs - Childcare and Daycare

    That sounds like a legal question for a lawyer. I believe churches have some protection even from the IRS but as President of the Corporation I would look at the makeup that was filed with the state to insure your options. As president you may have authority to view the financials. Are you included in board meetings and minutes? If so put on the record that you want financial disclosure.

