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Advice On 3y Old DCG

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  • Advice On 3y Old DCG

    I have a DCG that is 3y and has started telling me 'she doesn't want to' for everything (going potty, picking up, etc). She's also started hitting others and not playing nicely with others. She's also BIG on tattling and is constantly telling me what so and so is doing.

    Wondering the best way to handle this so it's hopefully short lived. Right now I've been giving warnings for friends when she can't play nice and then removing her and having her play by herself for a while. With the saying no I just make her do it. Tattling I remind her that if noone is hurt or hurting themselves that I don't need to know about it. I also remind her to worry about herself and I'll worry about others. This has been going on for about a month but the saying 'no' and hitting started this week.

  • #2
    We must have the same kid! With my dcg I remove her from the others when she can't play nice. If she's extra cranky she has to take a morning nap. That usually works to get the "nice girl" back.

