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1st Nice Day- Go To Park- Whine Whine Whine

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  • 1st Nice Day- Go To Park- Whine Whine Whine

    Today is the first day since about June that it's not over 100 or 95% humidity. Myself and the neighbor daycare plan a walk to the park around 9:30. By a few min after 10 we are both looking at ourselves like we are insane. ALL the kids are whining about something, "i need a drink." "I want to go back home". " "I need to rest" The ones too young to whine are crying/screaming.... :confused:

    Eventually we go back home- laughing about the GREAT time we had at the park. The kids were all fussing the whole way back, Im sure the neighbors were delighted to hear us out. Not sure what happened but the train derailed the station early today.... guess it can only get better.....

  • #2
    I'm sorry your trip didn't work out.

    The kids have probably gotten used to being inside and less active because of the heat.


    • #3
      I would just drag them all out and go anyway. The only one that gets an exception is my youngest and she is not even 3 months yet. Everyone else goes outside whether they like it or not. I'm nicer during the winter just because I dont like the cold either but my daycare provider friend makes every child bundle up and go outside no matter what (she has all preschool age though)


      • #4
        Originally posted by sharlan View Post
        I'm sorry your trip didn't work out.

        The kids have probably gotten used to being inside and less active because of the heat.
        That's for sure!
        Same thing here Jojosmommy~I had to pull the picnic table in front of the door to stop them from sneaking back in the house this morning. Then they all just sat on the picnic table and stared in the window!

        I can't believe they don't want to be outside ~ the only ones who want anything to do with it are my two 2yo boys. Go figure


        • #5
          I see this pattern every year, even in the neighbor kids. Springtime the kids can't get enough of the outdoors! They run and ride bikes and whine when it's time to go inside. But it seems by end of July the kids are standing at the door crying to go back inside and it's like pulling teeth to get them active outside. And around the neighborhood you just don't see the kids anymore.


          • #6
            whoops! Didn't mean to enter twice!
            Last edited by rjskids; 08-03-2011, 11:17 AM. Reason: thought was entering a new topic...whoops!


            • #7
              Originally posted by jojosmommy View Post
              Today is the first day since about June that it's not over 100 or 95% humidity. Myself and the neighbor daycare plan a walk to the park around 9:30. By a few min after 10 we are both looking at ourselves like we are insane. ALL the kids are whining about something, "i need a drink." "I want to go back home". " "I need to rest" The ones too young to whine are crying/screaming.... :confused:

              Eventually we go back home- laughing about the GREAT time we had at the park. The kids were all fussing the whole way back, Im sure the neighbors were delighted to hear us out. Not sure what happened but the train derailed the station early today.... guess it can only get better.....
              its 101 here today booooo. I do not take the kids out if its above 90 or below 40 extreme heat or cold can be dangerous.


              • #8
                Kids just don't have the stamina that we used to have growing up. We'll go for walks and they start huffing & puffing after a short distance. I always joke around with them....."Geesh guys, I'm 12 times your can't be tired!!!" They GUFFAW and then put one little foot in front of the other in a dismal attempt to prove Miss T wrong, LOL!!! ::

