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So What Is The Deal With Milk?

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  • So What Is The Deal With Milk?

    Where are people getting their info on how much milk to serve and what fat percentage to serve?

    I have always served whole milk to the 'under 2' crowd and 1% to the 'over 2' crowd. My doc always quoted the AAP with my own children and recommended 16oz of whole milk/day until age 2.

    I have 2 12mo's starting in two weeks and the parents both say they are already on 1%. Is this normal? I have never heard this before for a toddler so young...usually the parents here provide formula/breastmilk or I tell them I provide whole milk. I've never had a parent tell me they were already on 1% at this age.

    What do you do?

  • #2
    The new milk reccomendations came out about a year ago and it's just now filtering down into food program regulations because the new guidelines for childcare food programs are hitting the program sponsors after much delay in Washington.

    The new reccommendation is lowfat milk at 12 months because the fats in whole milk don't aid in brain development like the fats in formula do and also all the fats in whole milk are thought to be adding to the obesity epidemic.


    • #3
      Our guidelines come from the UDSA food program.

      They are the ones saying serving size and fat percentage. In my program we are required to follow USDA guidelines for food.

      Their recent changes are ONLY for over age 2. Under age 2 they make no requirements, so I am assuming to follow the drs instructions. In our area most drs still say whole milk until age 2.


      • #4
        I'll have to go search for those.

        Where I live we have no guidelines to follow.


        • #5
          Here is what I find funny. Most of the children that are obese or have a weight issue don't drink milk! You will always see them with juice, juice boxes, soda's, slushies, smoothies, but rarely milk. So I really don't blame milk for the obese epedemic. The only way I see it maybe being an issue is if that is all they get which is rarely the case in this day and age! Last night I was watching a "reality" show. They showed a little girl, 1 or 2 years old. In the first shot she was eating an oreo and the next shot a sucker! OMGoodness, I couldn't believe it, and lets just say she was a "healthy" looking little girl. Had probably baby fat but I'm sure her diet isn't the best. I know one little girl who is 16 months and is 30lbs already!!!!! So instead of coming down on milk come down on the sugar, fast food, etc. It makes me sooo mad!
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          • #6
            Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
            Here is what I find funny. Most of the children that are obese or have a weight issue don't drink milk! You will always see them with juice, juice boxes, soda's, slushies, smoothies, but rarely milk. So I really don't blame milk for the obese epedemic. The only way I see it maybe being an issue is if that is all they get which is rarely the case in this day and age! Last night I was watching a "reality" show. They showed a little girl, 1 or 2 years old. In the first shot she was eating an oreo and the next shot a sucker! OMGoodness, I couldn't believe it, and lets just say she was a "healthy" looking little girl. Had probably baby fat but I'm sure her diet isn't the best. I know one little girl who is 16 months and is 30lbs already!!!!! So instead of coming down on milk come down on the sugar, fast food, etc. It makes me sooo mad!
            yes, let's get our kids a happy meal with milk and blame the milk for obesity. :confused:


            • #7
              Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
              Here is what I find funny. Most of the children that are obese or have a weight issue don't drink milk! You will always see them with juice, juice boxes, soda's, slushies, smoothies, but rarely milk.
              Yep, I think that switching any child under 5 to lowfat milk is just plain dumb because if they are "fat" it's deffinetely because they have a cup of milk. It's probably all of the sweet cereal with added marshmellows, the cookies, the donuts, the chips, the hamburgers, the soda's etc.

              I was surprised to see how many providers in my area serve foods and drinks like this at their daycares. That's why the new act specifies "drinks with added sugar" and why they are forbidding them in schools and childcare homes.


              • #8
                I agree with you ladies. Soda, even juice without added sugar is still empty calories, IMO. There is a provider in my neighbourhood who takes her group of 3yos to McDonalds every Wednesday. She likes the play area, is how she sells it to me. The only place I've taken DCKs for lunch is for subs on DCG4s last day of care.

                I had a big boy of my own...10lbs at birth and 30lbs by 15 months. But he's tall and lean now at 8yo and 75lbs.


                • #9
                  I don't believe that milk is the cause of kids being fat.

                  The 2 boys are heavier milk drinkers than my girl. One is very small, 45% for height and weight. He drinks 6 to 8 CUPS of milk a day and 1-2 cartons of yogurt. He would sit in the pantry and snack all day if I allowed it. His pedi is happy with his size.

                  The other one is 45% weight and 90% height. He drinks 4 cups a day.

                  My girl is not a milk drinker, prefers water over anything and drinks a lot of it. She drinks 1 cup of 2% with breakfast and 1 with dinner. She also eats mostly veggies and fruit, less on the carbs and protein. She prefers veggies w/ low fat ranch dip or apples for snack. She's 5 1/2, 50" and weighs 75 lbs. She goes on 5 mile bike rides with her dad twice a week, goes to jiu jitsu twice a week, and played soccer and softball last year. Her pedi told Mom on Fri to cut down to 1 CUP of 1% per day and no sugared drinks, which she doesn't drink. Dr wants her to lose 25 lbs. Milk is not the cause of her weight.

