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I've Had Kids With Rough 1st Days......

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  • I've Had Kids With Rough 1st Days......

    ....But this one was ROUGH! 18 months....cannot play. Cannot. Dump, throw, run, scream. Threw all food, threw all drinks, snacks. Nap was holy terrible. A expect a rough nap, that's normal. This lack of ability to PLAY is troublesome. I know its all "new" to this child, but c'mon. Run, dump, throw, scream, repeat. Awful, never had one this bad. Wild animal sydrome. Not really needing advise, just sympathy! Exhausted!

  • #2
    Relax. Breathe. It can only get better from here, right?

    Hug the little guy before he goes home and tell him that you can't wait to see him again tomorrow. Maybe spend time tomorrow down on the floor engaging with him one-on-one. It sounds like he is CRAVING the limits to be set on him and he should get better with time. If you're right there on the floor engaging with him, you should be able to stop the dumping in it's tracks and the throwing--grab him by the hands as he's starting to dump or starting to throw and say seriously, "NO DUMP." "NO THROW." with a frowny face. For the dumping, show him how to set the toy down, sit down, and play with it. Tell him, "This is how we play with Legos!" and start building. "CAn you help me?" hand him one. Guide his hands to show him how to put them together, or whatever for whatever toy it is. For the throwing, when you go outside, make sure to show him the balls that he CAN throw, and play some throwing games with him.

    Eventually, you will be able to pull back a bit and stop playing WITH him, but for now, that's probably the kind of one-on-one he needs. He probably needs taught how to play nice with other kids and play gently with toys and books.
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


    • #3
      Thats really hard I know. Some kids just need the structure. I draw the line when they are aggressive towards other kids or me so I have termed one child within two days. Hopefully time is all you need.


      • #4
        I tried some one-on-one Silversabre, child wasn't having it. Yes, routine, yes structure. Patience.... But in the meantime, the path of destruction is far and wide! Lol! Funny, not a BIT of seperation anxiety, could care less mom is gone. Just wild running, wild dump and throw. Arg!
        Thanks for your symapthies Cheerful!


        • #5
          Sorry, here's some good vibes for a better day tomorrow ~*~*~*~*~*


          • #6
            Originally posted by MG&Lsmom View Post
            Sorry, here's some good vibes for a better day tomorrow ~*~*~*~*~*
            Gladly accepting those vibes......((Hugs)) Totally exhausted!


            • #7
              Did my 3 yo sneak to FL when I wasn't looking?

              Cyber hugs going your way.


              • #8
                :: :: Sharlan!!! Pretty sneaky to get all the way to FL from CA! Yep, seems like there's a LOT of throwing threads today! Its contagious!

                Funny side note: My 7 year old son is obsessed with Geography and is watching me type! "The capital of California is Sacramento and its motto is the golden state." My 16 year old is staring at him blankly. ::

