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Just Stop It!!

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  • Just Stop It!!

    So I opened this morning and one of my least favorite families come in. Mom is carrying 40-pound 3yo on her hip, who has a sippy cup filled with spit from him sucking on it empty in one hand and a HUGE toy truck under the other arm.

    I suppress my and greet them.

    We have signs on every door and wall that parents would see, saying "no food or drinks, no toys" etc because we have a big problem with that. The kids aunt reads the sign to the mom, who rolls her eyes and mumbles something under her breath. Then says to me, "Well, I guess you're going to have to take it from him after I leave."


  • #2
    Yikes I would be so angry/insulted!! I would talk to her about your guidelines and expectations- let her know not to even bring the stuff inside your house. If you do let us know what happens! Frustrating.


    • #3
      I would have politely told her, "NO, it's your job to leave these items in the car. Please, take them with you."

      If she didn't, I would take them and hand them to Mom. Let her go to work with the sounds of her kid crying. You know he'll stop as soon as Mom leaves.


      • #4
        My line is "Give xyz to Mom so she can take it with her." I don't normally have a problem with them bringing things but when do that is what I do. I don't mind being the "mean one" and taking it from them but I make sure the parents feel the pain by having to take it back out of the house with them.


        • #5
          Dont you just love that!!! You just need to be stern with your rules, and dont let the parents get away with it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Hunni Bee View Post
            So I opened this morning and one of my least favorite families come in. Mom is carrying 40-pound 3yo on her hip, who has a sippy cup filled with spit from him sucking on it empty in one hand and a HUGE toy truck under the other arm.

            I suppress my and greet them.

            We have signs on every door and wall that parents would see, saying "no food or drinks, no toys" etc because we have a big problem with that. The kids aunt reads the sign to the mom, who rolls her eyes and mumbles something under her breath. Then says to me, "Well, I guess you're going to have to take it from him after I leave."

            I would say No u can take it with u now. I would take it from the child and hand it to MOM and say here u go, have a nice day! (With a pretty smile) Then go on about your routine.


            • #7
              I actually tell the child to give his/her parent their items. Usually the children listen better than the adults! This only happens with me on the first day or two of the child being here. Typically the child obeys me and offers his parent the item. Then the parent throws a fit asking why little Johnny can't have whatever it is they want him to have. I then inform them about my policy, the reasons for the rules, etc. (which I already went over during the interview) Then I let the parent know that if this is not going to work for them, they should go ahead and take their child back home with them and find another daycare. Oddly, every parent has left their child that day and stayed permenantly. Some of them even wound up defending my rules to other new clients!


              • #8
                so rude! shes going to be all surprised when little one has no respect for rules or authority, geee, I wonder where he learned that?


                • #9
                  I would tack a penalty fee on for not obeying the rules haha. 20 bucks says they will respect your rules.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
                    so rude! shes going to be all surprised when little one has no respect for rules or authority, geee, I wonder where he learned that?
                    He doesnt...he calls her "b****" instead of Mommy in, "B****, get me some juice".

                    And usually I would have made the child give the items to her, but this woman despises me for some reason. Other teachers have come to me and said "I don't think she likes you".

                    I took the stuff as soon as the door closed.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Hunni Bee View Post
                      He doesnt...he calls her "b****" instead of Mommy in, "B****, get me some juice".

                      And usually I would have made the child give the items to her, but this woman despises me for some reason. Other teachers have come to me and said "I don't think she likes you".

                      I took the stuff as soon as the door closed.
                      You have to wonder where he gets this from. Obviously he hears Daddy or BF talk to her this way. So sad.

