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A Few Extra Hours For Two Weeks

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  • A Few Extra Hours For Two Weeks

    I have a DCF that has asked me to stay open up to an hour longer for about two weeks. I did not say anything about $ yet and have already agreed to doing it. Am I too late to say I am attaching fees, if not what would you charge extra. BTW I already have the child about 11 hours per day as it is....

  • #2
    Nope, nope, nope...wouldn't do it! 10 hour max here!


    • #3
      Lol I know what you mean, but it is because the mom is having surgery and won't be able to do pick up for two weeks max. Because I don't take infants they have their infant at another DC on the other side of town. The dad will have to pick up both of the kids and works far away. Trust me I would never do it on a permanent basis.....I am only doing this to help out for the two weeks.


      • #4
        Do you want to charge extra to make it really worth your while, or do you want to charge just enough that they know your time is worth it and they can't keep it up but you're doing it for now to be helpful?

        If it's the former, $10/hr/day. If it's the latter, maybe tack on an extra $20/week for the two weeks.
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • #5
          I would probably have them ask if a family member might be able to do it before I would agree. Make sure they have exhausted all other avenues and aren't just taking the easy route by asking you.


          • #6
            I would probably charge an additional $20.00 per week, if anything at all.


            • #7
              Ok so i missunderstood.... I guess one of the moms co wokers is having surgery NOT her and will need to stay later at work to cover the other womans shift....
              I want to attach a fee to it, as I don't want the family to think that I don't have anything else better to do with my time and will continue to keep asking me to do it.. I have already agreed to do it, but have not mentioned $$ yet..


              • #8
                I feel a co-worker surgery is totally different than moms surgery. I feel you should definitly charge for it.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                  Do you want to charge extra to make it really worth your while, or do you want to charge just enough that they know your time is worth it and they can't keep it up but you're doing it for now to be helpful?

                  If it's the former, $10/hr/day. If it's the latter, maybe tack on an extra $20/week for the two weeks.
                  yes silver exactly this:
                  My time is worth it and they can't keep it up but you're doing it for now to be helpful?

                  I think I like the $10.00 per hour. My husband said regardless of what time they come, that i should charge $10.00 extra per day. He said even if it's only 30 min. he said over time is over time.... I think that is a little much.... But my husband has to deal with the kid too becuase my husband will be here 3 days out of the week when the child is here after closing.....


                  • #10
                    I have a family that stays 30-60 min later a few times a year because of meetings out of town. I charge $5 per 30 min per child. They pay it at the beginning of the week and if they say they need 60 min I charge the $10. If they pick up after only 25 min they have already paid for the 60 min. They understand and are grateful for it (beats the speeding ticket they would get to make it back)


                    • #11
                      since you verbally agreed already I would quickly type up a little something about the rates/charges for the extra hours and send it home ASAP.


                      • #12
                        Thanks I will make sure that something is emailed or sent home with the family today.
                        Lol jut not sure what to type up. Lol
                        If it's not one ting its another

                        Thanks for your help

