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Do You Claim Any Pre-School As An Expense?

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  • Do You Claim Any Pre-School As An Expense?

    Is it true you can claim pre-k classes as a business expense? Anybody do this?

  • #2
    What do you mean claim a preschool class?


    • #3
      I'm thinking she meant if she takes ECE classes at the college. Yes, they can be deducted.


      • #4
        I did not do a good job of wording that haha! do you claim the child care tax credit for any of your children's pre-k classes? My tax book says you can, but I wanted to see if anyone on here does it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by afmama View Post
          I did not do a good job of wording that haha! do you claim the child care tax credit for any of your children's pre-k classes? My tax book says you can, but I wanted to see if anyone on here does it.
          for my own kids going to an outside preschool?? I didn't think you could. Where did you read that? I'd love to know if its true as I just shelled out over $3k for him to go to preschool 2 mornings a week this past year.


          • #6
            I read it in the Tom Copeland, record keeping book. I'll dig it back out tomorrow and double check. It basically said if you choose to send you child to a different "care facility" then you could claim the child tax care credit.

            As long as it wasn't a "school." But then right after that it says that IRS tax laws were written before pre-k became so rigorous with their "schooling." So it said even if your preschooler is enrolled in a "school" that it basically counts as child-care until they are in kindy.

