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Bug Spray

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  • Bug Spray

    Do you have a preference? How long does a bug spray container/bottle last? Target has double packs on clearance for the price of one single bottle. Assuming they did this because our outdoors season will be coming to and end before someone will use two bottles of bug spray, .

    Do you prefer the push nozzle so you get one spray each time or do you prefer the continuous spray can?

  • #2
    I prefer the continuous spray - cutter works well. Thankfully we don't have a bug problem where I work but at home the mosquitos will carry you away if you don't have some sort of protection on.


    • #3
      I was always told by our pediatrician to throw away any sunscreen and insect repellent that was left over at the end of the season - that it loses it's effectiveness after open and sitting on a shelf. I know from personal experience that this is true with some sunscreens from getting a horrible sunburn in May after using an open bottle of sunscreen left over from the previous summer.

      You might want to check the bottles for expiration dates - or call the manufacturer and find out.

      I too like the continuous sprays - much easier to apply when you have 6 children to coat

      Note that many pediatricians recommend NOT using an insect repellent containing DEET on young children - so check with your own doctor on that - and read the labels closely


      • #4
        Using bug repellant with 15% deet would I need a parent's signature to okay that deet is in the product? Also, I never remember wearing bug spray as a child, yet everyday at daycare our kids wear it and smell of it. Shouldn't we wash off their arms and legs instead of just their hands after we're back inside? Also, do you spray over their clothes too? When I had to work outside recently I never sprayed it on my pants because it says online not to spray bug spray on synthetics and I was wearing workout pants.

