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Rates and Sibling Discounts??

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  • Rates and Sibling Discounts??

    I thought it would be interesting on here if we would share rates for daycare, on what you charge, going rate where you live, parttime, fulltime, before and after school, if you are a center or in home, etc......
    This is what I do- I live in Iowa- pretty much the going rate here is $100-215.00 per week, per child. THe centers are the $170-$215.00 for all children /week. My rates are $130.00 for all- Before and after school- $50.00(this ranges normally from $35-$75.00/wk.) My parttime rate is $30.00 per day. Although I think I have finally decided to limit my parttime children from now on!! I do still give sibling discounts for the time being of $10.00 per week. Many daycares do not offer any sibling discounts whatsoever!!
    Everyone have a great weekend!!!!!!

  • #2
    I only accept full-time enrollments. I live in Kansas and charge $125 per week. If a current parent wants to go to part time I offer a reduced rate of $100 per week for up to 3 days of care. It comes out to $25/day for full-time and $33 for part time. Centers charge more in the $135-$160 range (Preschool age group) Most homes charge between $95-$125 per week so I am on the high end. I do not offer sibling discounts.


    • #3
      Originally posted by originalkat View Post
      I only accept full-time enrollments. I live in Kansas and charge $125 per week. If a current parent wants to go to part time I offer a reduced rate of $100 per week for up to 3 days of care. It comes out to $25/day for full-time and $33 for part time. Centers charge more in the $135-$160 range (Preschool age group) Most homes charge between $95-$125 per week so I am on the high end. I do not offer sibling discounts.
      I was thinking on going up to $100.00/3 days as well, and only have a min. of 3 days starting next yrs. contract.


      • #4
        Ya, I like how it works. Because it isnt a huge discount it doesnt encourage part time enrollment (which was my goal); but it offers parents at least an option to go part time and save about $100 per month if they really want to.


        • #5
          I accept full time only. I live in Texas, and my rates are 6 weeks to 18 months old $150, 18 months old to 2 years old $135, and 3-4 years old $125 per week. Home daycare charge between $100-$220 and Daycare Center charge $165-$250 per child. Most of Daycare centers do offer sibling discounts. I am offering 15% sibling discounts. What I have seen many don't have licensed do offer $50 to $100 per child from Craigslist.


          • #6
            I like in one of the lowest areas of the country for dc rates. For any new ones coming in, these are going to be my rates:
            5 days $85
            4 days $75
            3 days $60
            I charge whether here or not, vacation, holidays, sick days included. I have a maternity leave policy and a sick leave policy, I do not charge for my own vacation.

            My current rates on current families are:\
            5 days 2 kids $125
            4 days 2 kids $120
            5 days 1 kid $85
            5 days 1 kid $80
            5 days 2 kids $135

            I have not been good about raising rates on families I have had consistently for 3+ years. When their is a sibling that is born, I adjust my rates to current rates then. But find when kids stay and no additional siblings are born, I screw myself bad keeping the same rates for 3 to 5 years.


            • #7
              I do not accept part time children (unless they are willing to pay full time)

              I charge $140 per week until potty trained and then I offer a $10 discount. I hate children older than 2 in a diaper so I figured it was a good incentive!!

              For before/after school I charge $75 per week. for school aged care I also offer an average from September to August to pay the average per week. I go through the calendar and add up the total cost a family would pay me for a year including vacations, days off and half days. I then divide that total by 52 weeks. The parents pay that average so I get paid consistantly no matter what time of year. My parents LOVE it!

              Currently I offer 20% off the second child but I am thinking of discontinueing this. It is unfair to families with one child that they don't get a discount also. Then I saw another poster said she doesn't do it because what child would she give discounted care to. I liked that. I know times are tough on families, but hey, if they are tough on you imagine what it's like for me to have unsteady income.


              • #8
                Originally posted by gbcc View Post
                I do not accept part time children (unless they are willing to pay full time)

                I charge $140 per week until potty trained and then I offer a $10 discount. I hate children older than 2 in a diaper so I figured it was a good incentive!!

                For before/after school I charge $75 per week. for school aged care I also offer an average from September to August to pay the average per week. I go through the calendar and add up the total cost a family would pay me for a year including vacations, days off and half days. I then divide that total by 52 weeks. The parents pay that average so I get paid consistantly no matter what time of year. My parents LOVE it!

                Currently I offer 20% off the second child but I am thinking of discontinueing this. It is unfair to families with one child that they don't get a discount also. Then I saw another poster said she doesn't do it because what child would she give discounted care to. I liked that. I know times are tough on families, but hey, if they are tough on you imagine what it's like for me to have unsteady income.
                You are so correct here!!!


                • #9
                  In my area, the rates are from $70-100 per week. The daycare center across the street from me charges $50/week just for 2 hours of preschool in the morning. For full-time it's about $150/week. I'm not sure what they are doing over there, but through the town, I've heard people keep leaving. They also always have an ad in the paper.

                  I charge $18/day with a 3 day min. rate. I do not give discounts. Once the schedule has been set for the week, there is no reduction in the rate if they are not here. I do allow them one week's vacation at no charge. After that the 3 day min rate is required.


                  • #10
                    I currently charge 25/day over 2 and 27/day under 2. I have a minimum monthly charge of $250.00. Rates here range anywhere from 18/day to 40/day. There is a huge span. I do offer my families of multiple children a flat rate, where if they have an infant, it is still 25/day. Also, if they have a full pay period, i take 5% off. I charge 1/2 rate's for any missed days.

