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Ok, NOW I've Seen It All!

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  • Ok, NOW I've Seen It All!

    I have a parent who is trying to potty train her 16 month old girl. One day at pick up, she says the girl is signing "peepee", so she takes her to the bathroom, removes her diaper and shoes and stands her up in the bathroom sink. I say "whoa! What are you doing". "She is learning to pee in the sink at home". "Well we can't do that here, no way, that is a handwashing sink and for sanitary reasons, no, no sink peeing here." That was weeks ago. Today, as she is leaving, she goes in the bathroom with the girl. I am busy checking out another child. I open the bathroom door to tell her something and GIRL IS PEEING IN THE SINK! I stopped mid-sentence and just walked away. I was livid and I prefer not to address parents while livid. Omg! She quickly exits the building, I think she knew I was upset. How on earth do I handle this?!? She's been told no. Does she think that I meant that I won't do it but its ok if she (mom) does it? I am mortified. Just mortified. Stunned!!! The only thing I can think of is watch her like a hawk at check out time. She KNOWS how I feel, I made it clear the first time, crystal clear, so.....wwyd?

  • #2
    First of all, 16 mos is way too early to master control of her bladder.

    Why would she teach her to pee in the sink and not the toilet? I know urine is sterile, but I would be in there with the bleach spray anyways.


    • #3
      You have to call her, at home, now, tonight

      And clarify - "No one can pee in the sink ever - not with me, not with you, and I am so sorry I didn't make it clearer. I really thought you understood. "

      Then - offer alternatives - agree to learn the sign and take DCG to the potty chair or toilet...

      Charge a one time extra cleaning fee for this occasion tonight. (15.00?)

      Then tell her this is a termination warning because it violates x,y,z...

      But - commend her on the training efforts, and offer to come to a collaboration you CAN handle, or agree to disagree and end care.

      EC is so nice if it works.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sugar Magnolia View Post
        I have a parent who is trying to potty train her 16 month old girl. One day at pick up, she says the girl is signing "peepee", so she takes her to the bathroom, removes her diaper and shoes and stands her up in the bathroom sink. I say "whoa! What are you doing". "She is learning to pee in the sink at home". "Well we can't do that here, no way, that is a handwashing sink and for sanitary reasons, no, no sink peeing here." That was weeks ago. Today, as she is leaving, she goes in the bathroom with the girl. I am busy checking out another child. I open the bathroom door to tell her something and GIRL IS PEEING IN THE SINK! I stopped mid-sentence and just walked away. I was livid and I prefer not to address parents while livid. Omg! She quickly exits the building, I think she knew I was upset. How on earth do I handle this?!? She's been told no. Does she think that I meant that I won't do it but its ok if she (mom) does it? I am mortified. Just mortified. Stunned!!! The only thing I can think of is watch her like a hawk at check out time. She KNOWS how I feel, I made it clear the first time, crystal clear, so.....wwyd?
        WOW!!!!! That's one of the most ignorant things I've heard of in a loooong time! I would be livid too. I'm livid just reading it!!! She should not get away with you saying nothing.

        I think you need to TELL her you are livid. GROSS! Personally, I would honestly be tempted to term over it. She knew you said no and yet she did it anyway. Sooo disrespectful. And talk about unsanitary! If you had not walked in, I doubt very much she would have cleaned and sanitized the sink after. UGH!

        She needs to know that she was disrespectful of you, your home, and the safety of the other kids. AND she had already been told no!


        • #5
          I was so freaked out I cleaned the sink, the papertowel holder, the sink again, the soap bottle, the walls around the sink, the sink handles, the sink again, the step stool, the sink again. I mean, EWWWW! And yes, 16 months is too young.


          • #6
            Meeko- she DIDN'T clean the sink! She hi-tailed it! There was like dirt from where she took her shoes off when I went in there after she left. It did not look like she attempted to clean it! There's a bottle of sanitizer on a hook out of kids reach by the changing table!


            • #7
              [QUOTE=Sugar Magnolia;129418]Meeko- she DIDN'T clean the sink! She hi-tailed it! There was like dirt from where she took her shoes off when I went in there after she left. It did not look like she attempted to clean it! There's a bottle of sanitizer on a hook out of kids reach by the changing table![/QUOTE

              I seriously DONT get some of these parents. I would not DREAM of being so rude in another persons home.


              • #8
                That is INSANE!!! And even with sanitary issues aside, WHY on earth would anyone teach a child to pee in a sink and not a toilet??? I mean, eventually they are going to have to make the move to the toilet, no?
                I just don't get people. I don't think I would have had the restraint not to go ballistic on her. What is your plan for tomorrow or whenever she comes back??


                • #9
                  Meeko-well its not my home it a center, BUT it as A home (the cutest little historic home on the planet, but I digress)) and I own it, so yeah, you're right, it is kinda my home right? I wouldn't dream of terming, I absolutley adore the child, have not had one single other issue at all, not even remotely, and I really LIKE this mom! I guess that's why I am so floored! Heartbroken, really. Totally grossed out, but heartbroken.
                  Little Diamonds- you know, I'm not sure I need to say anything. I think by stopping mid sentence, jaw on floor, the look on my face said it all. She looked embarassed too. I will just supervise her with the child in the bathroom, but I seriously doubt she'll try it again. Does that make sense?


                  • #10
                    yes, it does make sense. I really hope she comes to you in full apology mode though. I don't think I could resist asking WHY on earth that is her method of training. That is just soooo gross!!!!!


                    • #11
                      honestly, its not as bad as it sounds

                      Urine is sterile in a healthy person.

                      Some cultures gargle with it.

                      The overall health risks including landfill use will be lowered with an early transition.

                      Elimination Communication is great, but probably not compatible with most daycare home settings. Its a really intimate thing to catch a pee, and thats why diapers were invented...

                      Mom is doing cloth, too, right? You have a tiny potty in the bathroom, right?

                      If she can sign to pee, she's ready to do it, but you and mom have to have a joint plan of action.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Sugar Magnolia View Post
                        I was so freaked out I cleaned the sink, the papertowel holder, the sink again, the soap bottle, the walls around the sink, the sink handles, the sink again, the step stool, the sink again. I mean, EWWWW! And yes, 16 months is too young.
                        ::::I can picture this::::

                        I would definitely say something to her, but I would handle it in a nice, but firm, way. i.e. - "Apparently there's been a little misunderstanding," yada, yada, yada. I'd address it so I wouldn't have to worry about her slipping in there again, and me not seeing it .

                        After reading a lot of your posts, it sounds like your daycare is pretty cool, too!


                        • #13
                          1. You can have a conference and tell her she is no longer allowed to use those restrooms. (Not easily enforced and probably not worth the drama )

                          2.You can go the route I had to go after mine were rinsing out cloth diapers/soiled clothing in our sinks AFTER our "teachers" followed the rules and bagged them to send home.

                          Post signs on the exterior doors of each restroom:

                          A. "Adult bathrooms are for Adult use only per safety regulation."

                          B. "Child restrooms are for use by children in rooms ****, *****, and ****." (add in room #'s equipped with pottys).

                          Then type up a sign to post inside the restroom.


                          We are held to very high sanitation standards and need parental assistance to adhere to them. This is necessary to be able to continue to have public restrooms available for your convenience.

                          Please do not allow any child to urinate/defecate in our hand washing sinks.

                          Please do not rinse out diapers/soiled linens in toilets or sinks. We we will provide you with an appropriate plastic bag for containment upon request.

                          Thank you so much for your help!!!

                          Signed, Grossed Out Director"
                          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                          • #14
                            I would have handed her the cleaner and told her to get busy. I have NEVER heard of starting a child off peeing in the sink! The lady's gone wonky!
                            How dare she!

                            And like one of the previous poster's said, she will have to transition to the potty anyway. Why create another step?

                            (I've never trained dogs on newspaper for the same reason.)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by LittleDiamonds View Post
                              yes, it does make sense. I really hope she comes to you in full apology mode though. I don't think I could resist asking WHY on earth that is her method of training. That is just soooo gross!!!!!
                              I put this child on the potty. She needs the little insert, but I place her on the potty at least once, sometimes twice a day. She had done one tiny tiny tinkle. I have seen her do the pee-pee sign (and I'm way into baby sign language) but it ALWAYS means "I am wet and need a change". Super. Awesome. She told me the first time why she did the sink thing, but I honestly tuned it out because it was silly, whatever it was. I was just bent on getting across the "no way peeing in the sink here" message across. Don't really care how or what she does at home. But no-pee-sink-at-school was totally communicated.

