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I Think I Have to Let My New Family Go...

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  • I Think I Have to Let My New Family Go...

    So this is week 3 of my new family, 15 months and 3 1/2. They are here part time (3-4 days a week) until 7 or 8 in the evenings, sometimes 11pm.

    When they started it was under my understanding that the 11pm was only temp (that week) because she was filling in for someone else and was not something that happened often.

    She gave me the next two weeks schedule and 2 of the days are until 11pm. Which is not all that bad, but I have a 3 year old son too. Which is hard on him. 7 or 8 is not all that bad. DH doesn't get home until 6:00 so by the time we eat it's almost time for them to go. They nap in our bedroom, which means that DH can't go to bed, nor I until after they are gone. Not that I would go to bed while they are here. But DH needs too. I really didn't think that it would be 11:00 that much when she said it doesn't happen often. (that week she's scheduled 3 times until 11, I only have them 2 of those times)

    The 15 month old cries a lot! It was better this morning but after afternoon snack she started up again. I started doing what others posted on here about putting them in the other room in the play yard and letting them CIO. That helped some.

    But the problem is, is that the crying is not only wearing on me, but also on my son. My son does not care for this little girl, he says that he cries too much. The stress gets to me and him. He pushes her down all the time and won't let her touch any toy!

    I've been watching kids (normally just one or two) since he was about a year and a half. And he's always been pretty normal about sharing not sharing his toys, but this is the worst. He has no problem with the other two kids here playing with the toys.

    Last summer for two weeks I watched my cousins two children and the youngest about about the same as (15 months) and he was fine with her here. But she didn't cry. So I really think that is the problem.

    At what point do I need to say that this is not working out?

    I mean I need the money, but we're okay with out it. It's just nice having that money to pay pills off faster.

    (not that I would ask to leave over this but...)The 3 year old had a cold (mom said allergies) and sneezed like crazy today. Every time putting her hands up to her nose as she did it and snot would fly out around her hands. Then I would have her wipe her nose and hands and have her go wash. She is the slowest child in the world. I'm telling you 5 mins in the bathroom to wash her hands. First she would turn on the light, even though it's day light and you could see just fine. I told her not to turn it on anymore because she was just rubbing her germs right into my light switch. And then slowly turn the water on and then barely get her fingers in to the water. I have showed her I don't know how many times to get her whole hand in there to wash.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Persephone View Post
    So this is week 3 of my new family, 15 months and 3 1/2. They are here part time (3-4 days a week) until 7 or 8 in the evenings, sometimes 11pm.

    When they started it was under my understanding that the 11pm was only temp (that week) because she was filling in for someone else and was not something that happened often.

    She gave me the next two weeks schedule and 2 of the days are until 11pm. Which is not all that bad, but I have a 3 year old son too. Which is hard on him. 7 or 8 is not all that bad. DH doesn't get home until 6:00 so by the time we eat it's almost time for them to go. They nap in our bedroom, which means that DH can't go to bed, nor I until after they are gone. Not that I would go to bed while they are here. But DH needs too. I really didn't think that it would be 11:00 that much when she said it doesn't happen often. (that week she's scheduled 3 times until 11, I only have them 2 of those times)

    The 15 month old cries a lot! It was better this morning but after afternoon snack she started up again. I started doing what others posted on here about putting them in the other room in the play yard and letting them CIO. That helped some.

    But the problem is, is that the crying is not only wearing on me, but also on my son. My son does not care for this little girl, he says that he cries too much. The stress gets to me and him. He pushes her down all the time and won't let her touch any toy!

    I've been watching kids (normally just one or two) since he was about a year and a half. And he's always been pretty normal about sharing not sharing his toys, but this is the worst. He has no problem with the other two kids here playing with the toys.

    Last summer for two weeks I watched my cousins two children and the youngest about about the same as (15 months) and he was fine with her here. But she didn't cry. So I really think that is the problem.

    At what point do I need to say that this is not working out?

    I mean I need the money, but we're okay with out it. It's just nice having that money to pay pills off faster.

    (not that I would ask to leave over this but...)The 3 year old had a cold (mom said allergies) and sneezed like crazy today. Every time putting her hands up to her nose as she did it and snot would fly out around her hands. Then I would have her wipe her nose and hands and have her go wash. She is the slowest child in the world. I'm telling you 5 mins in the bathroom to wash her hands. First she would turn on the light, even though it's day light and you could see just fine. I told her not to turn it on anymore because she was just rubbing her germs right into my light switch. And then slowly turn the water on and then barely get her fingers in to the water. I have showed her I don't know how many times to get her whole hand in there to wash.
    I think that would be very tough to have DC kids late into the evening, especially if it cuts into your ability to go to bed! Not cool. I am sort of in the same situation; thinking about dropping my new family b/c I don't think I can handle it. We don't need the extra $$ although it will help us pay down bills. I wish you luck in making a decision. That drives me nuts about kids who can't/don't know how to wash their hands. I think I have also had to re-teach all my DC kids how to cough. I don't understand in this day & age people who still cough into their hands. Then I noticed my one DC mom do it & I had to hold my tongue not to call her out on it! She is an elementary teacher! She of all people should know better!


    • #3
      Ha, must be the full moon! I just told one family they have 2 weeks due to their boy's behavior....I couldn't take any more of him today.

      That is tough watching kids during family time. I won't do that because I have 4 of my own kids, would be impossible to settle them down with daycare kids here.

      I know what you mean when you say the crying wears on your own kids, same thing here...the boy I just let go would scream, yell out in anger, cry hysterically when in time out and my youngest daughter (age 4) would treat him a lot differently. His behavior wears on her and she wants nothing to do with him.

      I'm glad I decided to call it quits..I really do need the money, but everyone here needs their sanity worse.


      • #4
        Originally posted by My4SunshineGirlsNY View Post
        Ha, must be the full moon! I just told one family they have 2 weeks due to their boy's behavior....I couldn't take any more of him today.

        That is tough watching kids during family time. I won't do that because I have 4 of my own kids, would be impossible to settle them down with daycare kids here.

        I know what you mean when you say the crying wears on your own kids, same thing here...the boy I just let go would scream, yell out in anger, cry hysterically when in time out and my youngest daughter (age 4) would treat him a lot differently. His behavior wears on her and she wants nothing to do with him.

        I'm glad I decided to call it quits..I really do need the money, but everyone here needs their sanity worse.
        Once you do not have the child any longer, it will be a whole new world for everyone!!LOL!!

