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How Many Providers Do Part-time Care?

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  • How Many Providers Do Part-time Care?

    If you do part-time care- do you charge daily, or fulltime price? How many days, hrs, etc. I have one child only come 2 days a week- I have had her now for a while and are in the next subdivision- I told them I normally only do part-time/ at least 3 days/week, but I was nice, because of being a neighbor, and said I would do it 2 days per week. I only charge a daily fee, which is a huge mistake!! I have also had in the past a one day/week, 2 or 3 days as well. It's really hard to do parttime care, and not getting paid much at all for it!!

  • #2
    We don't get paid much and it is also hard to fill in those other days to make up for a full time spot. My parents have 2 options. I tell them I only do part time care if they pay full time. If they are adament and I need a spot filled I will tell them I will do part time pay, but if the opportunity comes to fill it with full time I will have to let them go. The parents also have the option to refer someone who can fill in those extra days and then I divide it up accordingly. I have never had that happen though!


    • #3
      Originally posted by gbcc View Post
      We don't get paid much and it is also hard to fill in those other days to make up for a full time spot. My parents have 2 options. I tell them I only do part time care if they pay full time. If they are adament and I need a spot filled I will tell them I will do part time pay, but if the opportunity comes to fill it with full time I will have to let them go. The parents also have the option to refer someone who can fill in those extra days and then I divide it up accordingly. I have never had that happen though!
      So then if your parttime, let's say 2-3 days per week, pay for fulltime, do they come fulltime(5 days/wk.)


      • #4
        Well, I have one family that gives me their schedule one month in advance. They are either 3 or 4 days. The mom hates having to work and leave her baby so they never come extra days. The other family, the days vary so I know on Friday what 2/3 days they will be here. I do give them the option to come more days if they have a Dr's appt, shopping ect. but they must ask permission first in case I have a field trip or somthing planned.

        Now, if they choose to only pay part time rate and risk being replaced they pay $30 per day. My rates are $130 for 30 plus hours. So say they want to come 5 days, that would be 40 - 50 hours. They wouldn't pay the $130, they would pay the $30 times 5. That is just another way I try to encourage full time care.


        • #5
          I do part time. I charge daily.

          I know how hard it is to find child care if you work part time.

          Plus it's very hard in this area to get any children. I live in a small community but in todays paper there were about 7 ads for child care, which is a lot. I know I've talked to others and they don't have many children in their care right now.

          If I had to chance of having enough full time children I would most like not do part time, only because I'd make the most money on full time. (unless they were willing to pay full time rates)


          • #6
            I only have 2 part time kids. But I am full every day, and my part time DAILY rate is higher than what my full time WEEKLY rate is--so I actually make more money with a bunch of part timers than if I had 6 full time kids. I am blessed that the schedules all work out the way they do for all the families.


            • #7
              Originally posted by momofsix View Post
              I only have 2 part time kids. But I am full every day, and my part time DAILY rate is higher than what my full time WEEKLY rate is--so I actually make more money with a bunch of part timers than if I had 6 full time kids. I am blessed that the schedules all work out the way they do for all the families.
              Can I ask what you charge for parttimers? How much more than your fulltime? I have been thinking about doing this as well-maybe $5.00 a day more- just an idea anyways!!


              • #8
                You could always advertise that you have an opening for a part-time spot if the days are consistent every week. Yes it's difficult but it could help you out with the money you're missing out on. I charge a flat weekly rate and require a work schedule at least a week in advance for my part-timer. That way I can schedule drop-ins around her schedule easier. If I don't get her schedule in time I'll call her and tell her that I'll fill my slots and if she has to work then she'll have to find a sitter. I only had to do that twice in 2 years (near the beginning) and ever since then I don't have a problem.


                • #9
                  I do not offer Part time to new parents....

                  I only offer Full time for new enrollments. However, I have had a couple of times when a current parent wanted to come part time. I offer a reduction, but not really a part time rate.

                  $125= Full Time (4 or more days per week)Works out to $25 per day
                  $100= Part Time (3 or fewer days per week)Works out to $33 per day

                  Like I said it is more of a reduction, but it is the minimum my budget will allow for so that is what it is. Most decide to go ahead and stay full time. But I have had one that went part time for a few months and then switched back to full-time.


                  • #10
                    I charge $125 a week for full time. Full time is 21-50 hours.
                    Part time is $62.50 for 1-20 hours a week.
                    Drop in is $30 for 1-8 hours
                    I tell all clients that full time is preferred and will fill those spots if given the chance. F/P time spots are garuanteed but drop in is only if im available and want too.


                    • #11
                      I have one girl who comes part-time; two days a week. The only reason I accepted that was b/c her younger brother comes full-time everyday. She goes to an all-day preschool the other 3 days. I am okay with that b/c they pay me a set amount & if they call off sick I still get paid. I used to work outside of the home part-time so I know part-time is hard to find.


                      • #12
                        All of my children are part-timers, and all have set days, except one and I get her schedule on Sunday of every week (grrr, rant for another time ). I only charge my dck's on days they are with me. I guess that was one of the things that used to bug me about daycare, although being on this side of things, I now understand why they have to charge when your kids are not there.

                        SO, having said that, I understand why providers need to charge flat rates and for holidays/vacation. Makes perfect sense to me; I just choose not to do it for my situation.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by originalkat View Post
                          I only offer Full time for new enrollments. However, I have had a couple of times when a current parent wanted to come part time. I offer a reduction, but not really a part time rate.

                          $125= Full Time (4 or more days per week)Works out to $25 per day
                          $100= Part Time (3 or fewer days per week)Works out to $33 per day

                          Like I said it is more of a reduction, but it is the minimum my budget will allow for so that is what it is. Most decide to go ahead and stay full time. But I have had one that went part time for a few months and then switched back to full-time.
                          THis sounds very good!!!

