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D/C Child Pocketing Toys

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  • D/C Child Pocketing Toys

    I have a 4 year old boy that loves the girls' toys more than the girls' in my care. He has been pocketing barbie accesories, play phones, misc items that he really does not need as he has an 8 year old sister whom has every toy and accessory I could possibly imagine. His parents don't seem to do much about it, although I don't know what goes on at home either. She does not make her child give the items to me, she brings them when she drops him off for the day and gives them to me. She has always done it herself. It's not that I'm stingy with the toys, it's the simple fact that he has lied to me about not having anything, not taking things home and I catch him with various items. I'm really frusterated. What do I do? Today after he was in my care for 30 minutes my husband could tell he had something in his pocket, and immediately the boy was coming up with every excuse he could think of why the acces. were in his pocket. It's going on too long and it's frusterating.

  • #2
    He needs to come to care with no pockets. Either sweats or shorts without pockets.

    If they can't manage it then go buy him one pair of something he can switch into every day he is at your house and have him switch back right before he leaves.


    • #3
      Either that or have him empty his pockets in front of Mom before he leaves each day.

      We had one that would smuggle things out to her bucket from time to time. She wasn't lacking for toys at home, quite the opposite.

      I don't know what makes them do that. Silly munchkins.


      • #4
        I agree with PP, check his pockets. I would do it a few times a day: before snack, before lunch, before nap, before snack again, and before pick up time. I would also warn him that it will not be tolerated and come up with some type of consequence. I have a no toys in the pocket rule b/c a dcg took a few of my toys home. Mom didn't think it was a big deal, but there's no reason for it. DCM should be making dcb hand them back to you, not doing it herself. She's not teaching him anything by doing it herself. I know, I'm preaching to the choir though I'm sure if you really get on him and constantly check his pockets, then he'll get over pocketing them.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Kaddidle Care View Post
          Either that or have him empty his pockets in front of Mom before he leaves each day.

          We had one that would smuggle things out to her bucket from time to time. She wasn't lacking for toys at home, quite the opposite.

          I don't know what makes them do that. Silly munchkins.
          Some kids want their pockets full
          some kids want the toy for themselves

          You just have to figure out which one it is.


          • #6
            Pocketing Toys

            Nannyde~~~I love the idea of no pockets etc....hes very picky about what he wears but I am pretty sure he has a pair of shorts he wears often that do not have pockets. But that didn't really stop him. I thought he was pretending like he had a broken arm, rolled up in the front of his shirt (his arm) until I saw something colorful had my daughters hot pink fake nails that he was taking home. It is Not okay. I tolerated it for a while and now I'm really seeing this going further!


            • #7
              Can you tell the parents if he keeps stealing (after you do some trial runs of checking pockets for a week, etc) that you will terminate?


              • #8
                Pocketing toys

                I could tell the parents that I will terminate after a set amount of time but I don't feel that it is that serious. It's only little things but he needs to learn that it is not okay to take from other people.


                • #9
                  Why would a DCK have access to artificial/play fingernails anyway?

                  I had the same issue with toys coming up missing. I started checking pockets during diaper changes and everytime, there was always something in there. I gradually eliminated all small toys...i.e. toys that would fit into a grasped hand. All my toys are in bins. About the only small toys I have left are blocks, matchbox cars, and mega bloks. The bin with the matchbox cars doesn't get taken back out after naptime. I have a clepto on my hands that's managed to lift about 6 of them already!

                  I close at 530pm. Kids start picking up toys at 5pm. I check all pockets right before departure.

