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Pissed Off Parent

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  • Pissed Off Parent

    my daughter is 9, attends kidz co at pantano/golflinks
    she returned home with bruises on her back from falling from a slide
    i was not notified and the "teacher" looked at it and said it's ok
    my daughter is now lying on the couch in pain with ice on her back

    what should and can be done?
    I've already called and left a pretty good sized voicemail demanding this 'new' teacher lose her job over this.

  • #2
    I wouldn't stop there.

    A 9 year old got a bruise while participating in a fun activity on a piece of playground equipment? The INHUMANITY!!!!

    I hope they boil that provider in oil. Or at least tar and feather her. She should be clapped in irons and put in a stockade out in front of the center so the other children can spit on her as they pass.


    • #3
      I can't tell you how many times my kids fall in a day and I check them over and say... "it's ok", give a kiss and a hug and we all carry on with our day. The bruise wasn't immidately apparent to her teacher. Though I think the teacher should have told you about it, one way or another... she has a bazillion things to do each day, many children to tend to in a day - and it likely slipped her mind.

      She will most definitely not lose her job for this. And you are absolutely WRONG for wanting her to lose her job based on this one severely minor incident.

      If you acted this over the top in front of your daughter, she's probably milking the attention from her her injury...


      • #4
        I think you need to remain calm and get all the information from the teacher and program director and take your daughter into the doctor if you are that concerned about a serious injury. The important thing right now is that you make sure your daughter is okay and you approach the issue in a mature way in order to get a resolution (this will be easier without getting overemotional)


        • #5
          got to the er or urgent care center

          before you post again. Getting online instead of getting medical attention is silly.

          A nine year old fell from how high? Get the whole story. Make sure SHE knows to get you on the phone if ANYTHING happens.

          The ER will get the story, document, and help you determine the right course of action.

          Broken ribs? Fractures? Never neglect an injury for the benefit of the doubt, always contact an MD. Better safe than sorry and you DIDN"T see what happened.


          • #6
            this is exactly why eventually playground equipment will be outlawed from childcare. eventually there will be no playgrounds because people can't accept that little darling just might get hurt. dd cracked her head open the first day of school. I didn't call for heads to roll, I took her in and got her put back together! Kids are kids! they will have no way of assessing risk if we don't let them experience low level risk as kids!

            btw- I do know proper capitalization. I am using hubs computer and the shift key only works with certain letters :confused:


            • #7
              Sorry this is bothering you so much.

              At nine I think any adult (day care provider or parent) would assume that if the child was hurt enough to require more or additional first add than offered they would speak up. That is most nine year old children would let you know when something is wrong.

              Now between that and the fact that it is very common for some injuries to get worse 2-24 hours after the event, there might not have been anything else that the center could have or should have done at the time.

              One time when I worked at a private school and child care center we had a middles school child fall off a swing and take herself to the office for an ice pack, where she was asked about what happened and if she needed anything else. The child said no. A report was sent home to mom. The next day mom came in very mad at "us" saying the child was in soo much pain she could not sleep. The mom was threatening to sue, saying "we" did not do enough for the child. The mom told the director she was taking the child to the doctor and then she would call a lawyer. The director asked the mom to please call and let us know what the doctor says. When the mom came to pick up her younger children, she apologized. The doctor had told her that their was nothing else "we" the center could have done for her that their was no way of knowing that her back was that bruised until several hours after the fact, and that the only treat that would have helped and not hurt was an ice pack.

              Any way I know you are frustrated and want to help your daughter. If she need to see a doctor then take her to a doctor. If she does not need to see a doctor then I think you might be making a mountain out of a mole hill.

              Now with all of that said you should not have heard about the fall from your daughter. BTW did you ask your daughter how long/soon before you picking her up the fall occurred.


              • #8
                To expect a provider to "report" each and every little thing that happens on the playground with a group of children is rediculous. You are a providers worst nightmare. Maybe you need to consider being a stay at home mommy so you can sit by her side 24/7.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mac60 View Post
                  To expect a provider to "report" each and every little thing that happens on the playground with a group of children is rediculous. You are a providers worst nightmare. Maybe you need to consider being a stay at home mommy so you can sit by her side 24/7.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
                    I found the " like " button !!!!!!


                    • #11
                      You'd probably wrap my 7 year old in bubble wrap if she was yours....bruises from head to toe.


                      • #12
                        I have seriously considered terming a family a couple years ago, as each and everytime that had anything from a mosquito bite to an unknown scratch I would be questioned. It got to be very old and very stressful. One day the mom walks in, she always gets into the face of her kids, now 3 and 4. One particular day she did this at pickup, she looks at me and says "What happened under his eye?", I looked at him and said "What?", I could see nothing while standing there looking at him, I had to get down on my knees and put my face to his before I could "see" what ever "it" was. There was a tiny mark/scratch/shadow, hell I don't know what it was......but is was not visible unless you put your face to his.....I decided at that time I was not going to put up with this crap. Kids are kids, will be kids, etc. To expect them to attend daycare with out getting a boo boo, a scratch, a scrape, etc is assinine and unrealistic, she finally stopped doing this to an extent, and they are still here. I started to pretty much ignore her comments and just say "who knows, they played outside today". Funny thing, the kids whose parents question every little thing, are usually the parents of the hellions.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by exorotika View Post
                          my daughter is 9, attends kidz co at pantano/golflinks
                          she returned home with bruises on her back from falling from a slide
                          i was not notified and the "teacher" looked at it and said it's ok
                          my daughter is now lying on the couch in pain with ice on her back

                          what should and can be done?
                          I've already called and left a pretty good sized voicemail demanding this 'new' teacher lose her job over this.
                          wouldn't it make more sense for your daughter to stop attending? rather than this person lose their job?

                          also, accidents happen. and if you handle it incorrectly, you are risking your daughters happiness. if this was a school teacher and you responded in this way, you are putting her in a position where the teacher will no longer like her, and you, and now her education would be at risk.

                          I understand as a parent you will defend your child. But honestly, I don't think demanding a termination for that "teacher" is even a reasonable request. If the teacher was the cause of the injuries then sure.


                          • #14
                            I know it’s hard to see your child in pain and being a mother we go into protection mode. However, I think that you need to calm down and go about this the right way.

                            First off, there are things that happen daily that just aren't preventable. Like when you trip over the door jam, fall when playing outside and so on.

                            If I were to try to get anyone fired from when my kids were growing up, the entire school would have to have been fired.
                            My daughter had her two teeth knocked out at recess; my son had his arm broken when he fell off the top of the slide. Bottom line is that kids will get hurt when they play no matter what you try to do to prevent it.

                            We have to allow for the kids to be kids and play. Of course I can't stop a child from jumping off the top of a play gym; all I can do is my best to tell them not to. No matter how many eyes are on a child, some children will push the limits and some will just accidentally fall. No one intends for it to happen and this is why it is called an accident.

                            You also have to accept that this is life’s lesson of natural consequences when a kid falls and gets hurt. Tough lesson to have to learn some times..

                            Unless you want your child in a bubble, I think you need to accept that children will fall, they will get a cut, bruise, bump, possible broken bones, scrapes and so on....

                            Unless an adult came over and pushed your child off of the play gym, I don't think its reason to lose their job.

                            If your daughter is in that much pain, I would take her to the doc to make sure that she did not fracture or break any bones... Sorry she's in pain...


                            • #15
                              You mean, the teacher allowed the children to go OUTSIDE? I'm assuming this was without a helmet and bubble wrap?

                              This makes me so mad too! No good can ever come from children playing outside! Especially on nonsense like slides.... what's next? Swings? Balls? OMG!

                              That is what's wrong with the world today... too many kids are going outside. They should be sitting on the couch with a game controller in their hands and eating oreos.

                              Sending the kids outside is just lazy. It's an excuse for the teachers to stand around and socialize and tell the kids "Go Play".


                              OK.. all sarcasm aside..... I hope she doesn't have any serious injuries. But, bruises, scrapes etc are normal parts of childhood. Kids who aren't allowed bruises should not be sent to group activities, and honestly should just be kept inside. My daughter heard "suck it up buttercup" a lot as a child. If it's bruises and scrapes, she'll be fine, and hopefully not do whatever she did to cause herself pain.

