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The Power of One

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  • The Power of One

    This is OT, but I posted it in the open section so unregistered members, casual lurkers and drop in readers can see that we, as providers, women, mothers, wives, sisters, friends and human beings could come together, no matter our faults or differences and be one.

    In light of the rather heated debates that have occurred on this forum, there seems to be a common thread for all; No matter who is right or wrong, no matter how strict or lax we are, we all seem to have a deep passion for what we do. Although we each do it for many different reasons, we all seem to do it for that one thing.

    Post ONE thing you have done in the last 7 days that required no money from you or paid to you that you did for another person, family, friend client or complete stranger.....just because.

    I'd like to see how long we can keep this thread going. PLEASE ABSOLUTELY NO NEGATIVELTY!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
    Ok, I am going to leave that up to you to enforce. Did you want to include a poll?


    • #3
      I noticed my neighbor hobbling around on crutches yesterday, so I mowed her yard for her after I mowed mine. I couldn't get the stupid weed eater started, though, so I didn't get the trimming done .


      • #4
        Originally posted by Michael View Post
        Ok, I am going to leave that up to you to enforce. Did you want to include a poll?
        I am thinking there are too many reasons since we are all so unique..::to do a poll and I'm just crossing my fingers that everyone will just be nice.


        • #5
          What a wonderful thread u have started! I can't wait to see all the kindness shared here! Great idea Blackcat!

          I packed some food from our pantry today and gave it to a family that had none. A friend of a friend. Does that still count money from me since I already had it in my storage?

          I have done this before for a client and a neighbor before as well but not recently.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MyAngels View Post
            I noticed my neighbor hobbling around on crutches yesterday, so I mowed her yard for her after I mowed mine. I couldn't get the stupid weed eater started, though, so I didn't get the trimming done .
            That's very kindhearted!!

            Can I share what someone else has done for me out of kindness?

            I gave a lawnmower away to they guy I sometimes hire to cut my grass. It had been sitting in my shed for 5 years untouched and not working. He said it was just a coil and wanted to give it back. I told him to keep it and he cut my grass today for free and 2 other times so far for free as a thank u. My yard costs $20 to cut normally so I was very grateful for that! Saved $60!! He was very kind as well! I know the person u helped must be overjoyed!! I know I sure was! great job!


            • #7
              I made dinner yesterday and brought it to friends with a new baby and 3 other kids. I prepared everything before we went and we just threw it on the bbq when we got there and ate it up. They enjoyed the company and the food without having to stress, clean their house for company, cook or go anywhere with 4 kids.


              • #8
                PS The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay is my favorite book of all time.


                • #9
                  I unloaded the elderly ladies cart that was behind me at the store. She was having trouble reaching bending over and reaching into her cart.


                  • #10
                    I participated in 3 fundraisers for local cancer patients.

                    I called and "checked in" on 8 local seniors this week.

                    I stocked freezers with soups/casseroles, bagged up some fresh fruit and had a nice visit with a couple seniors whose phone calls sounded "a bit off" to me.

                    I traded out oxygen cylinders and cleaned some tubing for one senior who had no weekend transportation.

                    I mailed "Thinking of you" encouragement cards to a few others.

                    They are "my peeps".
                    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                    • #11
                      one is a powerful number

                      It takes 1 to take a stand for or against something. Often others want to also take a stand but are afraid to be standing alone. They will stand with someone else and together they are greater than individually.
                      We should always speak out against injustice or wrong no matter who it is affecting and we should always stand up for those that cannot or are afraid to stand up for themselves. It's a much smaller world than you would think. Years later a kindness to some strangler or help to one can come back to you. There's a movie about paying it forward I think was the name. Doing something for someone else just because. No reward expected, just helping someone because. It is still all around us.

                      On edit: the other post here proves...what I said. It's all around us. You all are the proof.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Catherder View Post
                        I participated in 3 fundraisers for local cancer patients.

                        I called and "checked in" on 8 local seniors this week.

                        I stocked freezers with soups/casseroles, bagged up some fresh fruit and had a nice visit with a couple seniors whose phone calls sounded "a bit off" to me.

                        I traded out oxygen cylinders and cleaned some tubing for one senior who had no weekend transportation.

                        I mailed "Thinking of you" encouragement cards to a few others.

                        They are "my peeps".
                        Oh man I wish I could figure out a way for you to stock my freezers. I wouldn't share it with anyone either. I'd eat it all myself. ::


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                          Oh man I wish I could figure out a way for you to stock my freezers. I wouldn't share it with anyone either. I'd eat it all myself. ::
                          :::::: I am sure yours is already well stocked.

                          I bet you are the only person who cooks as often and as big as I do..

                          It does help to live near farmers markets, beef/chicken/venison processors.
                          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Catherder View Post
                            It does help to live near farmers markets, beef/chicken/venison processors.
                            Sure does. Wish you could get some buffalo there. You would really like it. It's uber beef. The broth is AMAZING.

                            We should swap freezers. You can have everything BUT the two whole phesants. I have to keep those for special special party for my one going off to Kindy. She loves herself some phesant slow cooked in portabella & ****ake mushrooms and cream of mushroom soup!!!!!!!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                              Sure does. Wish you could get some buffalo there. You would really like it. It's uber beef. The broth is AMAZING.

                              We should swap freezers. You can have everything BUT the two whole phesants. I have to keep those for special special party for my one going off to Kindy. She loves herself some phesant slow cooked in portabella & ****ake mushrooms and cream of mushroom soup!!!!!!!!

                              hee hee it bleeped out "shi it ake".

                              Granted, given that it's a mushroom, my personal opinion of it is "shi t" but that's 'cause I cannot stand mushrooms.

                              I do wish I had the time and counter-space to bulk cook and freeze as much as you guys do. Sadly though, with my recent influx of dietary restrictions, it's probably just as well. But I do wish I could at least do it for daycare. Make my days simpler. I'll be doing good to get to the blueberry (farm? orchard? patch?) and freeze a year's worth of fresh, perfectly ripe blueberries. And peaches...I hope I get peaches this year.
                              Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

