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Assistance Payments Reimbursements to Parent/Guardians

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  • Assistance Payments Reimbursements to Parent/Guardians

    How do you handle your assistance payments from parents. Do you reimburse them after receiving pay? How do you handle co-pays? I posted a tax related question on the tax board to this but haven't gotten a response yet, but I am curious as to those who have state funded kids handle it.

    I have one mom who can pay/then be reimbursed but would prefer not to. She does have a copay that she has to be due to weekend care that she needs (an extra fee of mine)

    I have one mom, who if she goes on assistance who will have a weekly copay and I think could pay in advance, as shes paying now out of pocket and waiting for approval from the state.

    The other two children are foster care children (wards of the state). Foster mom is pushing to pay in advance and then reimbursing her every two weeks.

    My concern with reimbursement is that they think then all the money they have paid will be on a w-10 form which isnt correct and it makes it a pain in the butt for my accounting husband to track in accouting purpose's.
    Last edited by Michael; 07-06-2011, 09:12 PM.

  • #2
    Utah state pays in advance, so we don't need to pay the parents back at all. We check the state web site at the end of the month and it tells us how much will be available on the parents card on the 1st of the next month.

    On the first, we transfer the funds over the phone...directly to my bank account. Then the parent pays their co-pay according to what put in writing on their contract. Some pay on the first...some pay on their pay day etc.

    Nothing on the card? No care. No exceptions.


    • #3
      I gave some input in the taxes forum but you had more information here. I see what you mean now. I think having them pay then paying them back would be an accounting nightmare. I would just collect the copay and wait for the state check. This is what I've done since I started accepting vouchers.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Meeko60 View Post
        Utah state pays in advance, so we don't need to pay the parents back at all. We check the state web site at the end of the month and it tells us how much will be available on the parents card on the 1st of the next month.

        On the first, we transfer the funds over the phone...directly to my bank account. Then the parent pays their co-pay according to what put in writing on their contract. Some pay on the first...some pay on their pay day etc.

        Nothing on the card? No care. No exceptions.
        Michigan hasnt gotten their yet. I know other state aid assistance is on their "bridge card" that looks like a cc but isnt, runs on similar technology though. We are paid every two weeks, for only two weeks of care and its two weeks behind.

