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3 M Old Starting Soon, What To Expect With Group Of 2-3 Yr Olds

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  • 3 M Old Starting Soon, What To Expect With Group Of 2-3 Yr Olds

    Hi All,
    I currently have a group of 5 just turned 2 to just turned 3 yr olds. I am looking for advise of what I need to have and what problems I might encounter when the 3M old sister of one of the 2 yr olds starts. I got a swing, which is the only baby seat/toy allowed in CA. And I have plently baby toys from my own son as well as a pack and play for sleeping.

    Also when and how I should tell the parents of the other children. When I opened my childcare/preschool 1 yr ago, I advertised as a early preschool program. And when the mom of this boy and baby asked me about her infant attending I agreed because I was hoping to also have a another baby of my own around that time, and knew there would be an opening at that time. I had a miscarriage so that won't be the case for another 10 months at least. Also it seems that the older kids are leaving for larger preschools and all the new kids I get are younger. Anyway, I hoping the parents are upset about my accepting an infant and would appreciate any tips on introducing an infant into my program. Thanks!

  • #2
    Best piece of advice: the rule for the baby is "DON'T TOUCH THE BABY!" This should apply to the sibling as well as the rest of the children. It will keep the baby safe and healthier.

    I would also get something like a Superyard to define a very definite BABY SPACE so that babe can have floor time without as much danger of larger children landing on him.

    Get baby used to napping amidst the noise and chaos of your main daycare.

    That's all I've got so far...I've only been doing infant + 2 to 3 year olds for...three weeks? I think? Something like that?

    I'm so sorry about your miscarriage.
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


    • #3
      I'll definitely be watching this one for additional responses and advice.

      I'm doing the same thing Monday. Starting a 3 month old with all preschool age (3-5) dcks. I have infant toys and a superyard to seperate the baby and plan on maybe a little bouncer seat but that's it. It's been 4 years since I was caring for one that little (and that was my own twin girls ).

      I do a monthly newsletter and emailed the July one out last week. In it I announced the addition of the new baby to our group and gave a little welcome to his parents.

      I also emailed all my current parents to address any concerns they may have about the new baby. I included some benefits of mixed-age home settings and told them they could talk to me about any concerns. All said they were ok with it.

      Good luck adding the new one and sorry about your loss.


      • #4
        I just started a 6 month old amongst my 2-5yrs olds, luckily my own kids are home to help till I get use to it. I haven't had and infant in a long time. The first little while I would let things slide till you become adjusted to the infant, don't try to do a million things because it aint going to work. I told mom yesterday that I have baby on my schedual. She was letting him nap whenever he wanted which didn't work at all so I put him on my time and he slept for 2 hours in the afternoon when all the kids where sleeping, I even asked my sister and she said that kids that age sleep 3 times a day not a million cat naps during the day. He was a bit grouchy but it was nice once he went down. He also drank all his milk which he wasn't doing because his schedual was crazy.


        • #5
          This thread has answers to a few often asked infant questions as well as links to a few other threads that may be of interest.

          I have a 5 month old who refuses to sleep in a crib. She will fall asleep in a boppy or chair and so of course I move her directly to a crib and she screams bloody murder. She seriously has not slept all day. I know there are lots of threads about infants sleeping. Could someone help me find them?
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


          • #6
            I just started a 13 month old with kids 2,4,8, and 10. The week before I told all the kids that we were having a baby start and had everything set up for the 13 month old that week. I told them they were not allowed to ever touch the baby's crib, chair, or toys. Then I coached them on not touching the baby and surrendering to the baby should the baby get in their way. This first week has been great. The two year old is the hardest about not touching cause all she wants to do is give him hugs and back rubs and kisses. All of them have surrendered to him in one way or another and have asked for my help in getting toys back or getting him off them and such. I never officially announced to my current families though I'm sure all the kids let their parents know as I was teaching them don't touch and surrender.
            Celebrate! ::


            • #7
              I agree that the children should be taught that they are NEVER, EVER to touch/pick up baby. Make sure if you have to put baby down you have a spot that is safe (away from little hands and thrown objects...)
              I also agree that a playyard could be a good investiment.
              I invested in a good sling/baby carrier as I like to wear infants - it allows me to keep baby close and still attend to the other children (important because other parents do't want to feel their child is getting slighted because of someone else's baby...) Good luck!


              • #8
                I started a 3 month old with five 2-3 year olds (3 girls, 2 boys). I was worried but it is going great! The kids are great about not touching though I sit with them and let them read to her and show her toys. She is always in the same room as me if she isn't napping. I got lucky - she loves the big kids and is happy as long as she is sitting up and can see them. She even "sits" at the table so she can watch. Stops her crying almost every time.

                She naps during the big kids snack and crafts time (9-10am) then we all go outside where I feed her. She watches me make lunch, then watches the kids eat. After they go down to nap I feed her and she goes down to nap (different room because she has trouble putting herself back to sleep). The big kids wake up and eat snack, then she wakes up and gets her snack. Then back outside.

                She is my first one here and last one to go, so she gets one-on-one tummy time, cuddle time then. I feel so fortunate it has worked out. I'm not able to do as much with the other kids - organized activities have temporarily gone out the window.

                I love the change in dynamics she has brought. Best of luck. I hope things work well for you also.

