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Naptime Question - Part Time Children

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  • Naptime Question - Part Time Children

    I'm a lurker who hasn't registered yet.

    Background info: I watch a set of twins part time for 4 hours a day (10am-2pm), 3 days a week. They just turned 12 months and my own DS is 16 months. I'm unlicensed because at this point I am only watch these twins and my son for 12 hours a week. Since I'm not licensed, I'm not sure that state mandated rest periods in daycare apply to me (I'm located in Iowa.)

    Before I first started watching the twins, I was told their schedule was to nap at 10 when they arrived. But as soon as they switched to my care, they suddenly napped for 15 minutes in the car on the way to my house and was told each day that they "no longer needed a nap" according to their mom. I advised her that I would have to lay them down for at least 15 minutes in their pnps to put my son down for nap in another room. And each day they always fell asleep in that allotted time. Today they returned from a 10 day vacation and I was informed that they were on a 2 nap/day schedule and no longer needed to nap at my house at all. I gently reminded her of my 15 minute rest time rule so I could lay my son down (who really does need a nap at that point.)

    I'm frustrated but don't know if I'm being unreasonable. The twins wake up around 8am every day, so they've only been up for 2 hours once they arrive at my house. They can't make it until 2pm without a nap each day, but the mom counts that 15 minute snooze in the car as one of their naps. I feel almost as if she's overwhelmed and wants them to nap on her time in the afternoon rather than mine. But in order to keep my son on his nap schedule, I have to lay them down anyway and I really do prefer that they rest at least 30 minutes. And my selfish reason is that I found out I was pregnant right after we signed the contract for care and I now really appreciate a little down time between chasing 3 toddlers around. Once this exhaustion point lets up, I might be a little more flexible...

    But my overall thought is that if they were in a regular daycare, they would be required to lay down for a nap if it takes place while they are at the daycare time wise.

    If you were in my position, would you just require a set nap time for these part time kids? I just think that this would stop her from giving me the run around about naps, but I don't know if I'm just being too much of a stickler or what. How would you go about taking care of it?


  • #2
    Honestly, I would stick by what you are doing. "I have to put them in their pnps for 15 minutes while I lay my son down. If they fall asleep, I'm not going to wake them as my policy is to never wake a sleeping baby." If they're able to fall asleep in only 15 minutes, they are really tired and NEED that nap. If mom asks that you get them up after a certain amount of time, tell her that you'll get them up when they wake on their own, or if they're still sleeping, you'll wake them up after (one hour, an hour and a half, whatever you are comfortable with).
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


    • #3
      funny how no one ever thinks that we need a break too. I have parents who want there children to have either no naps or one hour naps so they can put their kids to bed early so they don't have to deal with them, it makes me mad that they want a break after spending 3 hours with their kids but "I" can spend 10 hours with their kids and get no break, just doesn't make sense. So you put those kids to bed, get them up before mom comes and you'll be fine.


      • #4
        When you tell her, dont tell her that you need to do it beacuse of your CHILD....tell her that it's your policy that all children will rest/sleep at this time every day. If they fall asleep you will let them sleep until they wake naturally. If they don't sleep, you will get them up at *** time.

        If you dont have a written policy, I would take the time to write one up.


        • #5
          Originally posted by countrymom View Post
          funny how no one ever thinks that we need a break too. I have parents who want there children to have either no naps or one hour naps so they can put their kids to bed early so they don't have to deal with them, it makes me mad that they want a break after spending 3 hours with their kids but "I" can spend 10 hours with their kids and get no break, just doesn't make sense. So you put those kids to bed, get them up before mom comes and you'll be fine.
          LOVE THIS!!! I agree 100%. Easy for us to do all the parenting during the day so they only have to spend an hour or so with them in the eve.


          • #6
            If they are falling asleep on the way to your house they obviously need a morning nap!!

            If you don't have a written policy on naps I would write one up now. And like another poster said, don't make it about your kid - use the state's guidelines as your rules even if you are not licensed.


            • #7
              If a child doesn't need a nap, I don't even offer daycare.

              These children are a year old! They NEED a nap!

              I would tell mom that you will be laying them down after lunch each day (example 1230pm until pickup)


              You could go the YES, YES, YES route!

              Yes, Sure, if you don't think they need a nap, they can stay up...TRANSLATION...Lay them down anyway.

              WHAT'S 15 MINUTES ANYWAY?!?!?!?!?


              • #8
                she IS depending on you to do the wake periods and she get all the napping periods. That is exactly what is going on here and super, super common with parents. Do what works for you. It will be hard no matter what because at 3 days a week, you are fighting against what she does the other 4. You might consider finding one full time child and just terming the two part timers. Its usually easier to have a kid there all day every day then try and work around part timers. I know a lot of providers on this board don't even take part timers or only will if they are at daycare for a full day (versus random hours like these kids)


                • #9
                  It is in my contract nap time is 9-10-10:30 and 1:00-3:00, EVERYONE naps, period. At about 18 mos, I base the morning nap on the need of the child. If napping in the morning keeps them awake in the afternoon, I drop the morning nap. The 2hours afternoon is MUCH more important!


                  • #10
                    Any chance she's paying for a half day?


                    • #11
                      Every child. 2 hour nap. Every day. No exceptions. Never been a problem.


                      • #12
                        Napping isn't an option in my home daycare - this is discussed throughout my handbook, during the interview and again when parents try to explain to me that little Johnny no longer needs naps. All my kids nap 1-3 pm and all my kids under nap have a morning nap from 9-10 am.

                        I would just tell mom that the babies are napping on the way to your house, and napping again when you put them down to tend to your son - so obviously they NEED the sleep. Go on to let her know that you no longer care for children who don't need naps (be sure to have a FT back-up client, and new handbook/contract ready to go fro mom and future clients).


                        • #13
                          I am from Iowa as well.
                          Everyone naps here at my daycare. The only exception is school aged children. If they need 2 naps, they will receive 2 naps. When they are tired I lay them down.


                          • #14
                            Iowa does not have anything in their regs for HOME child care mandating naps. They DO of course for Centers.

                            The amount of parent complaints they get regarding FORCING a child to take a nap led them to put in their regs that Centers must offer a rest period. It even says in the regs that it is for a much needed rest for the staff.

                            They do NOT have that protection built in for home child care. They are happy to take the complaints for home day care but it costs them too much to do a Center inspection from the complaint.

                            During nap time, children are at varying degrees of resting. At a mid-point in the day, child care staff are often also in need of a break period to rejuvenate, attend to center maintenance or record keeping duties, etc. To accommodate staff’s needs for a break, to eat lunch, to participate in in-house staff development opportunities, to attend to other duties, the staff ratio in each room may be reduced to only one staff for a period not to exceed one hour. (Note: This does not mean that the nap time must be limited or capped at one hour.)


                            • #15
                              Everyone, thanks for your responses!

                              I will be definitely adding it to my policies. I'm just glad to know I'm not being unreasonable. At this point, I don't want to term the twins, simply because while part-time had it's challenges, it also gives me 2 full days a work week with my DS alone. I don't plan to get licensed or start with full time clients until after our next child (due in Jan) is at least 6 months old. So, while I advised the parents of the twins that my policies will be adjusted for full-time daycare once I started it, at this point, our policies are simply based on what we needed at this point. I didn't foresee a naptime issue, since when they signed up with me, they were napping upon arrival. Now I know better. At this point, I'll be sticking firm on the 15-20 minute rest period while I lay my son down and let them sleep once they are asleep. If there is a continued issue with it, I'll have them sign the new naptime policy.

                              I really do appreciate all of your help! And Nannyde, thanks for the info on in-home daycare policies for naptime here in Iowa. I worked in several local centers prior to staying at home with my son, so I am well aware of their policies. It sounds frustrating that in-home daycare doesn't get the same support.

                              You all seem like a very nice, helpful group. I'll register soon, as I'm sure I'll have many more questions as it comes time for me to start planning for full-time kids too. Thanks again!

