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Food Budget

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  • Food Budget

    What percentage of your daycare income do you spend on food? (approx.)


  • #2
    I spend about 20-25 dollars per week per kid doing a fully organic menu and organic milk, juice etc.

    I have about 25 hours per week in staff time in food access, storage, prep, clean up etc.

    The food program covers most of the cost of the food. I would guess that 25 percent of the salary for the kids is for the hard costs of food service NOT counting the cost of the food.


    • #3
      I spend about 25% of my gross weekly income on food and supplies for both the daycare (8 fulltime children) and my own family (2 adults and 2 children) including nights and weekends.

      I don't do a lot of organic since it's not very available here but I do cook mostly from scratch.


      • #4
        Thanks ladies! That's approx. what I have budgeted. This is my first full week, so we'll see how it goes


        • #5
          I work for a day care, my monthly budget is 500.00 bulk and 60.00 weekly for milk and fruit and veggies, for a total of 4,400 children a month, so that 16 cents per child a day, very very hard


          • #6
            What kind of childcare do you work at?
            Each day is a fresh start
            Never look back on regrets
            Live life to the fullest
            We only get one shot at this!!


            • #7
              This is going to sound terrible but I never really took the time to figure it out but what you guys are saying is about right. I dont do organic but a do try to cook as much from scratch as I can.


              • #8
                I never worked out the percentage, but I spend arond $200-250/w in summer feeding 10-11 kids and 2 adults. I do mostly organic(the limited availability here stinks with some produce), whole grain, and typically everything but bread is from scratch.

