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Personal Phone Calls Past DC Hours

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  • Personal Phone Calls Past DC Hours

    So I had a parent who picked up their child over an hour late today. did not call to tell me until the actual time that the child was supposed to be picked up.

    So the DCM comes in and I am on the phone with my mom. I have not talked to her since I left for my vacation, but like is should matter. My mom and I hardly get to talk as it ism becuase she lives overseas....anyways

    the mom sent me a text about an hour ago asking me how often I am on the phone during DC. She said that she was bothered that all of my attention seemd to be focused on talking on the phone instead of watching her son...

    Her son and my son were sitting on the DC floor doing puzzles and I was sitting right there. PLUS DC ended over an hour ago......

    I have not responded to her yet, as I am not too sure what to say without going over the top. .

    what would you say to her?

  • #2
    "Your daycare provider clocked out an hour ago...he was on babysitter time..."


    • #3
      I would say, "well just put him in a center but be careful because if you pick up your son more than 30 minutes late they will call the police and social services to report you for child abandonment. " and give you a $40 late charge
      I'm not kidding, they will do it. The Long Beach day nursery has that policy.


      • #4
        My kids went to the yma in Newport beach and they had a similar policy


        • #5
          It looks like she was trying to shift the issue to you instead of her.

          She probably didn't like the fact that you were speaking in another language, maybe........

          Personally, I would let her get over it. My mother comes before all.


          • #6
            Did not think of that. Yes I was speaking a different language. Maybe she thought I was talking about her. Lol maybe I was hahah


            • #7
              Originally posted by rjskids View Post
              "Your daycare provider clocked out an hour ago...he was on babysitter time..."
              this.... and I'd tack on "the late fee for that hour is $30".


              • #8
                Originally posted by Michelle View Post
                I would say, "well just put him in a center but be careful because if you pick up your son more than 30 minutes late they will call the police and social services to report you for child abandonment. " and give you a $40 late charge
                I'm not kidding, they will do it. The Long Beach day nursery has that policy.
                I would tell her JUST THIS and the part about not being a provider anymore when you show up an hour late UNANNOUNCED!!! At that time the child becomes one of my brood and an "eye" is all they're getting from me. People have some nerve I tell ya....


                • #9
                  what did you charge her for being so late?!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
                    what did you charge her for being so late?!
                    Omg are u ready she has to pay me $65 late fee
                    Forgot to mention that part! Lol
                    She has to pay it in the morning.
                    I guess the way she sees it is that she's paying me that money I should be entertaining her son. I was supposed to be cooking dinner at a friends house but that didn't get to happen.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by rjskids View Post
                      "Your daycare provider clocked out an hour ago...he was on babysitter time..."
                      Originally posted by LittleDiamonds View Post
                      this.... and I'd tack on "the late fee for that hour is $30".
                      Both of these.

                      Glad to see she has a massive late fee to pay you. Yeesh...I have one family that's gotten awfully lazy about pick ups and calling and I'm getting annoyed that I don't have late fees in place for them (or the backbone to enforce them)
                      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                      • #12
                        I've never had the nerve to enforce the late fee...I have one parent that calls at least once a week to say that traffic is bad and she will be a few minutes late. This means I'm working 10-15 past my closing. It's usually not a big deal... just annoying! I applaud you for sticking it to her and would NEVER feel bad about being on a "personal call" after hours! She intruded on YOUR time!!!!!!! She's the one in the wrong!


                        • #13
                          It is absolutely NO BUSINESS of hers concerning who, when, or how long you talk on the phone during your day in your home at your business. And I probably would of told her that. What the hell is wrong with people.

                          I probably would of responded that "Not only is it none of your business who I talk with or when or how long I use my phone in my home at my business, but do you realize you were 1 hour late and now owe ***$$$ at morning drop off". And why do parents think they control us?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by daycare View Post
                            So I had a parent who picked up their child over an hour late today. did not call to tell me until the actual time that the child was supposed to be picked up.

                            So the DCM comes in and I am on the phone with my mom. I have not talked to her since I left for my vacation, but like is should matter. My mom and I hardly get to talk as it ism becuase she lives overseas....anyways

                            the mom sent me a text about an hour ago asking me how often I am on the phone during DC. She said that she was bothered that all of my attention seemd to be focused on talking on the phone instead of watching her son...

                            Her son and my son were sitting on the DC floor doing puzzles and I was sitting right there. PLUS DC ended over an hour ago......

                            I have not responded to her yet, as I am not too sure what to say without going over the top. .

                            what would you say to her?
                            Dear DCM,

                            Thank you so much for bringing up the phone call when I was caring for your child past dc hours yesterday. Whenever I have a child picked up late I always call my Mom in *** (name other country). It gives me something to do while I'm waiting for the parent to arrive that allows me to enjoy myself but still keep a watchful eye on the children whoose parents are late. I use the late fee money to cover the cost of the call. Even though I would prefer to just be off at the scheduled time off, it does work out well to have a time when I can AFFORD to make an intercountry call. Please remit the 65 dollar late fee so I can apply it to my phone bill immediately. Be advised that anytime a parent is late beyond fifteen minutes that I will be making an out of country call with the late fee monies I earn while the children are waiting to be picked up. If you would prefer I not be engrossed on the phone when your kids are in the home just make sure they are picked up at their scheduled time.


                            • #15
                              So rude. I tell all my parents that my hours end at 5pm. If they have pre-arranged to be late, or are late unexpectedly, then I will still watch their child, but I will be involved in other activites (cooking dinner, cleaning etc), my day ends at 5pm.

                              I would also tell her that you had plans, and had to cancel your plans because of her being late. I hate when parents think we just sit around with nothing better to do. My evenings are usually filled with doing the things that I cant do during the day.

                              And tell her what mac60 said, its none of her business who you talk to or for how long. ESPECIALLY after 5pm! If she has concerns about how well her child is cared for, and honestly dis-trusts you that much, then she needs to find other care. If she trusted you, then she wouldnt even be asking you that question.

