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Urgent, Family Emergency How To Price When Its Family?

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  • Urgent, Family Emergency How To Price When Its Family?

    My husbands family is in a very serious situation which I don't care to go into detail about. Because of this emergency, I am now watching my niece for about a month full time, until the DC near them opens up.

    My MIL is the one who will be paying for the childcare and I am not sure how to price them. I have never cared for family as a rule, but this is an emergnecy and I have to help.

    Would you give discount? I feel bad for even taking my MIL money. She already does so much for my children and with the state of emergency that their family is in, I feel bad for even letting her pay me.

    Last edited by daycare; 06-27-2011, 03:34 PM.

  • #2
    If it was a dire emergency and you know there is for sure an end in sight, then I personally would not charge for my family. BUT this is only if you trust that they really need the help, will not take advantage of you and realize that this is for one month only. Don't feel bad if you don't want to do free though. Depending on what MIL's finances were, maybe 1/3 or 1/2 pay? I guess the situation is the reason why MIL is paying and not the parents. Make sure they know all the rules especially pick up and drop off but realistically, be prepared for them to push a lot of your rules. Thats usually how family are. Hope it works out though.


    • #3
      If I wasn't hurting for money, I wouldn't charge at all. But, if I really needed the money, I'd charge half rate.


      • #4
        Thanks so much for the responses

        yes I am certain that there is an end in sight for certain

        My MIL is extremely wealthy, but it's the principal not the fact that she can afford it.

        I am not worried about them pushing the rules, I will be the one picking up and dropping off the child and pretty much have that stuff under rap...

        I think that I will do half of the rate, that seems fair


        • #5
          Oh, I hope you can really make a difference in this little girl's life for the next month. You've been dying for the chance.

          What is your dh's opinion? Does he think you should charge?

          Me, I would either charge $0 or 1/2 what you normally do to cover her expenses.


          • #6
            I run an unlicensed home daycare and one of the kids is my nephew (my sisters baby) he is 8 months old and thier next one is coming in December and my sister will then be quiting her job. They will have a hard time financially when that happens so I told them dont pay me and just save your $ for the new little one. They are family so I wanted to help. But when he first started with me my husband was out of work so I HAD to have the $ so they paid me then. I knew it would hurt thier pride for me to do it for free so I told my BIL that he could strip and paint my shed for me in exchange for the child care. Its a win win. My husband quits getting nagged to do it, I get it done, and BIL keeps his pride


            • #7
              Originally posted by sharlan View Post
              Oh, I hope you can really make a difference in this little girl's life for the next month. You've been dying for the chance.

              What is your dh's opinion? Does he think you should charge?

              Me, I would either charge $0 or 1/2 what you normally do to cover her expenses.
              Sharlan, gosh good memory yes dying at the chance...I really have my work cut out for me as the child has ZERO verbal skills not able to communicate at all...age 4...

              My hubby says I need to charge, otherwise they may never leave....


              • #8
                I'd charge at least enough to cover food and transportation. I remember that situation as well and I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes!


                • #9
                  I personally would charge and after the month is up and they have done what they commited to (picking up on time, not coming when sick etc) then you could refund whatever you thought was fair. During the month I would treat them as a normal client so things don't get too troublesome.

                  I watch my SIL's two kids and charge my regular rate. They come 5 days a week 10 hours a day and use my services like anyone else. I charge for vacations and the like. They came to me (when I started) after paying another provider so they know the drill. I don't want the family part getting mixed up with the money and they both know that. I know they trust me with their kids and I trust their money as income ; ) .


                  • #10
                    Since it's family, I wouldn't charge them a penny. If it was long term (over 6 months), I would charge them half my normal rate.


                    • #11
                      For a temporary family emergency, I would not charge.

                      I would expect other family members to help pull some of the weight, though. Maybe pitch in some pull-up's, wipes, a few pounds of fresh fruit and a gallon or two of milk a week?

                      I would hate for ALL of her care expenses to fall on you. Especially since she would count into your numbers and cost you 1/6th of your pay, plus food.
                      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.

