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Water at the Park?

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  • Water at the Park?

    With the summer heat, my kids are obviously getting thirsty at the parks. Some places have fountains and some do not.I'm worried about bringing water bottles for 2 reasons:
    -The logistics of having 6 water bottles everyday seems like a burden. I saw one daycare provider use a squirt bottle and squirt it in everyone's mouth. I have mixed feelings about that one...
    - I have potty trained 3-5 year olds and if they keep drinking and drinking I'm worried about accidents. I don't want them dehydrated but I don't want wet pants either-you know some kids will drink just because they can.

    Any suggestions about what you guys do?


  • #2
    I just do the individual water bottles for everyone. I put them in the bottom of a reusable grocery bag, add a little snack on top, towel or 2, extra diaper and wipes, sunscreen, first aid kit and we're off.


    • #3
      I would just toss the empty sports bottles in the bag and let the kids fill them from the fountain when available.

      When not available it falls on you to bring it...

      Wet diapers don't factor into it at all for me. Humans should have one cup of water for every hour outdoors in summer heat according to my absurdly monotonous OSHA training...::::
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        I have a 2 gallon Coleman cooler with a spigot and a pour spout. When we go to the park I just fill that with ice water, grab a stack of cups and a box of crackers (sippys & bottles for the toddlers/babies). We walk there, they get a drink. We play for about an hour, then we have 'morning snack' before the walk home; sit on a blanket and have a few crackers and all the water they want.

        There is also a porta potty, but we rarely use it; only in emergencies and after a quick cleaning with Clorox Wipes They use the potty before they leave my house and I don't let them drink the whole time they are there. If we have an accident, well, we have an accident. Not a big deal.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Catherder View Post
          I would just toss the empty sports bottles in the bag and let the kids fill them from the fountain when available.

          When not available it falls on you to bring it...

          Wet diapers don't factor into it at all for me. Humans should have one cup of water for every hour outdoors in summer heat according to my absurdly monotonous OSHA training...::::
          Mine are not wearing diapers...hence my concern.

          Hmm so they say every hour? We are usually outside about 45 minutes to an hour and then travel 5-10 minutes home. I know that's pushing the limit, but right now as soon as we come in we get a glass of water.


          • #6
            Originally posted by SunflowerMama View Post
            I just do the individual water bottles for everyone. I put them in the bottom of a reusable grocery bag, add a little snack on top, towel or 2, extra diaper and wipes, sunscreen, first aid kit and we're off.

            We use reusable water bottles too. Each child is has their own color and is responsible for filling it themselves. I keep 2 bottled waters in my bag just in case someone spills theirs. I usually make them carry them on the walk to the park mainly because it helps cut down on running


            • #7
              Originally posted by newtodaycare22 View Post
              Mine are not wearing diapers...hence my concern.
              Hmm so they say every hour? We are usually outside about 45 minutes to an hour and then travel 5-10 minutes home. I know that's pushing the limit, but right now as soon as we come in we get a glass of water.
              Oh, I forgot you don't have babies...::

              If they hydrate with water before leaving your house, are only out 45 minutes, then go home for a drink (electrolite based preferred, they said) and potty....that should be sufficient, IMHO.

              Obviously if the heat is ridiculous you would leave sooner....:::: We don't like it any more than they do....

              No worries!!
              - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


              • #8
                Each of my kids have assigned cups for the playground. I freeze water in them so it's frozen. They cant suck the all the water down as it takes a lil time for the ice to melt. This allows them a drink but not all at once and it stays cold that way as well. We usually come home with some water or even some ice left in the cups.

                When we go to the zoo or fieldtrips I have cute little containers that is a bottle and the bottom opens to hold a sandwich cut in 1/2 so each child has their own drink and own sammy on a strap. They stay in the cooler with the carrot sticks until snack/lunch time so they stay cold.


                • #9
                  As a parent would be very upset if my child was brought outside in the summer without water. If they go to the toilet before, they should be able to hold it until they get home. Kids can get dehydrated so fast running around in the summer heat, bring water along and if they have an accident, they have an accident.


                  • #10
                    I have 9 kids here and each has their own reusuable water bottle with a band of paper matching their indivual assigned colors. I tied string on each to make a loop/handle and then I have one of those big carabiners (called a mommy hook but I've seen them recently packaged by another name by a different manufacturer). I put all the bottles onto the big hook and just have to grab one thing in my hand and put our field trip backpack on my back and we're off. I have snacks, a few toys and books, extra diapers, wipes, ect plus 1st aid kit and emergency forms in the backpack.


                    • #11
                      As someone already mentioned we have a coleman cooler with a spigot and I fill with water and ice. I bring cups along and we drink as needed. Some days we have none and some days we drink it all. We are usually out including the walk to and from 1 hour sometimes 1.5 hours but only if it isn't too hot. I figure if someone has an accident then we deal with that. I have a bag with my emergency stuff, dipaers for the littles, and 1 change of shorts (black, stetchy material so could be boy or girl in 4/5t size I think) would fit anydaycare kid in an emergency until we could walk home and get changed.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Rachel View Post
                        As a parent would be very upset if my child was brought outside in the summer without water. If they go to the toilet before, they should be able to hold it until they get home. Kids can get dehydrated so fast running around in the summer heat, bring water along and if they have an accident, they have an accident.
                        What State are you from?
                        never heard of that city.. except in Israel


                        • #13
                          Each child here has a small backpack that I provide. They wear their backpacks to the park and inside is their water bottle, snack, a small towel to sit on and their bathing suit if needed. Those that need them carry their own diaper/pull up or change of underwear/shorts. I carry the wipes, first aid kit, sunscreen, contact cards and bottles/diapers for non-walkers. If we're going to be gone for several hours then I bring watever additional water (camping jug) and food we'll need. The kids can walk or sit on the bus with their backpacks on and they're so proud to be wearing them. It's cute to watch them .

                          P.S. Has anyone found an inexpensive water bottle that holds up to wear and tear AND does not leak? We've tried several styles over the last two year without luck. I need ones that have a sipper spout that you pul;l up to open or ones with a straw. The open mouth bottles are a recipe for disaster!

                          Currently using the one pictured below but they leak.

                          Have used These but the spouts all cracked within a month and the insides rusted before summer was over.
                          Attached Files
                          Doing what I love and loving what I do.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Rachel View Post
                            As a parent would be very upset if my child was brought outside in the summer without water. If they go to the toilet before, they should be able to hold it until they get home. Kids can get dehydrated so fast running around in the summer heat, bring water along and if they have an accident, they have an accident.
                            Agreed! Bring water - it's completely irresponsible not too! The "burden" of carrying aroung six water bottles is much less than the burden of a potentially fatal case of heatstroke.


                            • #15
                              I don't go anywhere without drinks for the kids.

                              We generally don't walk, but when we do, I take a stroller. I have several unopened Gatorade or Powerade bottles and a few snacks in the basket. Each of the kids has their own sippy cup or water bottle.

                              I keep a small plastic tote in the back of my van with tossable cups, unopened water bottles, Gatorade, small snacks like granola bars, baby wipes, and a couple pair of clean undies for the boys. That stays in my van all the time.

